Friday 13 January 2006

2 down 3 to go and more doctors LOL

Now for the sensible entry of the day although my kids would tell you i don't do sensible (cheeky so n so's)  G didn't find his english prelim as hard as he was expecting :o) Last night he went to bed fine and wasn't up and down all night like a yoyo so obviously wasn't stressed about todays...He had geography today and said it went fine :o) So that's 2 down and 3 to go...Maths is on mon and the other 2 aren't until the following week...ARGH almost a week of him off school legitamately (sp?) Wonder if he fancies doing some decoarting hehehe.

Went into town on way to M's school to pick up the photo from the local paper...£8 for a 8" x 6" photo is rather expensive...At least i think that's the size i ordered LOL...So it's in a frame now and set up for all to see...Was going to his school for his medical...The school nurse was off sick so just me and the school doctor...She wanted to speak to me before she saw him...Got all the usual questions like is he healthy, is he on any meds etc...So that was all put down as ok :o)  Then she asked how he was being at home for the last few months...Told her he is beginning to settle back down again <phew> although still has some set too's with his brother LOL...I remember being a right nasty horrid evil cow to my younger sis at their age...I do think their autism does exacerbate the usual teenage sibling fights though...She then asked how i had got on with the psychologist...I told her great and she happens to be one of the BEST professionals i have seen in the last 14 years :o) Told her she is now investigating both the boys and comparing their medical histories...She got M through and weighed him, heighted him and checked him over...He's fine apart from being overweight...I knew that anyways...I had to sign a consent form thing about sharing info with other parties involved in M's care...I have no problem with that and now that all scottish authorities are on the same system then they can share via computer and it's much easier :o) I also found out that his review next month is his future needs review grrrr...I had wondered if he was going to get one but the letter about his review didn't state it was future needs...So careers representative has to be there and also social work...Hmmm i still don't have a named social worker...Asked my friend who works in the school office which social worker it would be...I do NOT want someone who hasn't met ME or M to represent him...I tried to phone head of disabilities team when i got home but he was out and not coming back in today...So i need to phone him on monday and ask who it will be...I am hoping it can be same one who did G's review last year as she already knows us...If not then he better get whoever it is to come round for a visit quick smart as the review is next month...I have a lot of appointments already lined up so they will have to accomodate me instead me accomodating them...Don't see why i should have to rearrange stuff because someone didn't inform me correctly...Maybe that comes across as being a bit stroppy but i have found that taking no nonsense from any dept in dealing with either of the boys has always worked in the past...In the main this has never led to me being fobbed off by professionals and 95% of the time i get my way...I once had this awful social worker who as soon as she left my house i phoned to complain about...I didn;t see her again LOL...The only other time i had someone try to fob me off and make out i was a crap parent was that clinical psych in 2004-2005...Maybe i don't actually come across as stroppy rather that i know what am talking about (even when i fudge it) so they don't think they can get away with stuff...Who knows i just know what works for us :o)

Tomorrow we are going to see K...Whoops i forgot to go buy another charger for her mobile...It's not turned up at all and only place we can think of it being is in my ex BIL's car...Will phone him laters to ask if he can go looksy...I'll nip out quick and buy one before we leave anyways...Her new bank card arrived yesterday which was good timing...G got his national insurance card through this week...He opened the letter and put it to the side LOL...He's had his national insurance number since he was 3 and M has had his since he was 4 LOL...They get it issued to them when they get DLA if they are under 16...The number is their reference number for the DLA...So it's not such a big deal for them getting the card...Have a lovely weekend all :o)

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

NO alert agasin I looked you up ,Iwould have been mad if I'd missed this one its so full of info ,I know what I read but can't comment on it all ,Ithink your right to complain if your not satisfied you sound well informed ,and should'nt be fobbed of by some one who thinks they know your family better than you ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Caff didn't get an alert on this one either....Ally