Monday 23 January 2006

Manic monday

Grrrr between the phone, taking boys to footie, me going to WW, tea when back (late tea) then reading journals and phone again am much much later posting this than i wanted to be...Never mind am here now aren't you lucky ROFL...Oh and before we go on any further i only lost 1½ lbs <sigh>

Woke up and went and woke up G...He was such a grump he wouldn't even eat brekkie...I did nag him but that didn't work...I just think brekkie is essential on day of an exam...He went off out to the taxi grumping as well gawd knows why as he loves graphic communication which was todays prelim...At least he came home in a better mood LOL...So got 2nd mr grumpy out of bed at 8...Hmmm 2 well grumpy teenage boys on a monday morning are not FUN <sigh> Anyways he tootled off in his taxi to school and i checked what time my appointment was at today...Arrgghhhh, scream no time to wash my hair it was at 10am when i thought it was at 11am...I got there in time dressed in gym kit LOL...Well plenty time i thought WRONG took me almost 15 mins to find a car parking space grrrr...Not a good morning so far...She was also running late as she couldn't get rid of people off the phone LOL

So another productive appointment...She is now going to take photos of the boys (with my permission) and take blood (again with permission) and show the photos to her colleague...This will speed thinsg up a bit and do away with having to trot backwards and forwards to a clinic for now...After looking at G's medical file not only do they have the autism, henoich schoinleins purpura in common but a sensitivity to light!!!...Told her well thats news to me that M has any eye problems...His vision has always been 20/20 and in fact he used to be jealous that K&G wore glasses and he didn't...Even after K & me explaining but your eyes are good he was still miffed to say the least the daftie :o) So she is interested to see if any of their genes are what is causing all these similarities...Actually come to think of it although G's left eye is really bad he's never that i've been told had light sensitivity...I know they both have hypersensitive hearing but that's part of the autism and very common in autistics...Basically they can hear stuff that you and me can't...Like normal lightbulbs buzzing...When i found that out it really explained a lot as to why G hated going into certain shops even as a baby...This is why i have changed nearly all the lights in the flat to halogen or long life ones...They do not hear them so don't get irritated :o) I can only imagine it must be like dogs hearing stuff us regular humans can't...And i can only imagine how annoying and frustrating it must be to live in a world where you hear sounds like that all the time :o( Anyway i digress so back on topic :o) She is booking a room to see G in and do the pic and blood at same time...M she will do that at his school :o) ...I had to sign forms for M today so that she can do them as soon as...I gave permission for the results to go to K if i am unavailable...I also gave permission for them to store any blood sample that was left over and not used for testing...This will mean in future if they need to do more tests they won't have to take more...Also i gave permission for the results to be shared by family members if needs be...If they can find some genetic link then i don't mind what they do...She asked how the holidays went and how the boys coped with K going back to uni...Hopefully next year we will be used to it all and won't be so hard to deal with...this year is one of having to adjust to the changes and they've coped pretty darn well i think...I did tell her that i wonder if M has some ADHD along with the autism and she said it is very possible...So she's going to go look at him in school and see how he is...I really really like this woman...She LISTENS to you as a parent and doesn't put you down :o) She is of the opinion that although she's got the paper qualifications the parents know better as such because they're the ones living with them day in day out and having to cope :o) Oh and i found out why what happened last feb-april came about...The kids psychology, psychiatry and paediatric depts were merged...This is probably why the letter my gp sent went to psychology instead of psychiatry...I did say well i was in absolute dire straits at the time and in desperate need of help and ok now am seeing you but it is too late for what the initial referal was blame to her of course, some eejit somewhere who will more than likely blame it on a computer <sigh> I did bring up the subject of meds and said i really don't want him to be on ritalin...If he does have to try meds to calm him down i would prefer it was the epilepsy med he was on as a toddler...As i already know he has no side effects with it...She did say the only major problem with carbamazapine is it can affect their reading...Found that strange and told her so as M has been reading fluently since he was 3...Although we did get told if could slow him down which is why he ended up at the assessment centre/SEN nursery in first place...Hmmm maybe it affected other academic learning with him instead...No point in worrying just now until we see wether he is ADHD & ASD or not...She did say i was very laid back HAHAHAHA!!!! Moi laidback erm nooooooooooooo...What i do do is tend to hide the fears, frustration, tears and mini breakdowns from anyone cept my best mate and another pal with similar son...I am extremely good at putting on a *face* But yeah i guess i am pretty laidback in my attitude towards most of it all as am used to it all now

Eeeks now this is getting a very long entry and a wee bit more to say so erm bear with me please nicely with a cherry on top <ggg>  I went to the gym for first time in a month argh..Popped into asda for some bits n bobs then when i got back had to see bloke out the back and ended up nattering to him for ages...So didn't get in until 3.30pm and checked see if any phone calls...Hmmm one for K's moby so panic of course...Sent text asking 'why were you phoning, what's happened now'  God or Sir as he said he prefered being called but his friends called him <blank> IM'd me saying Hi from K...He told me what had happened so i ordered (hmmm bossy MIL suit me perhaps <gg>) him to put K's landline over to her bed...She fell last night in the union...Not the dizzy/blackout kind...She's not even sure what happened and neither is her fella...They think she either bumped against someone or tried to jump on someones back and fell on the stairs <OUCH>  So she now has a sore shoulder to go with the sore wrist...The first aider didn't send her to A&E this time but told her to go to medical centre today...Ahhh but you see my darling little miss accident prone ended up feeling very very sick and very very very sleepy not long after...Her fella bless him would not ler go to sleep until about 6am when she stopped feeling woozy and sick...Concussion for defo from those symptoms...She went and saw the nurse after i phoned at 5.30pm...Nurse checked her eyes and she's not concussed now but to take paracetamol and go back to the nurse tomorrow...I'd just like to state herethat when K was under 14 i was forever with her at kids casualty...Was funny how once she was 14 and would have to go to adult casualty she was never there LOL...No idea if last nights incident was anything to do with the dizzy/blackouts she says she wasn't but she can't remember anything...Sooner they get to the bottom of this the better for my sanity and of course for her...So wrist and shoulder what's next??? after all it comes in threes.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

been :)

Anonymous said...

well done on the weight loss, 1 and 1/2 pounds is good and well done on going back to the gym. I had no idea that people with autism are hearing sensitive, it must be awful for them hearing all the liitle annoying noises we block out. Hope they sort out what is wrong with K and why she has the dizzy episodes. :).....Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

My word girl, you have alot on your plate !thanks for explaining the light thing ,Iwish K's appointment would come round and they can get to the bottom of this ..........I think you did well to lose 1 1/2 lbs,you dont have alot of time to think of your self ,two teenage sons with the grump !vague memory !Keep up the good work............Jan xxxx

Anonymous said...

Wow - what an entry - I'm glad the lady listens to you instead of just assuming she knows best :-)  Sounds like your getting somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Well done on the weight loss, hope K is ok and seems there really is alot more to autism than those of us who don't have a child with the condition know about.

Jo xxx