Thursday 15 September 2005

thurs bits

Cheers Stuart am back to normal size again :o) ...Now this i am definitely writing in comic sans font as i ALWAYS do but i bet it shows up as arial or some other one yet again...But hey ho my journal can be weird just like me <ggg> ...Been back to the gym again today and did 10 mins each on treadmill and bike then 10 lengths of the pool...I must admit i almost gave up on doing 10 mins on the bike but i lasted the distance...So far fingers crossed i have had no adverse after effects...K went to the royal bank of scotland to open her student account with them...She got £100 from them for opening it :o) ...According to her that will see her through freshers week...According to me that will be money to buy books with <ggg> ...My mum gave her money already to buy stuff she needed but she's kept that to tide her over till she gets her bursary cheque...She doesn't know but i have already set aside some money to give her for freshers week...So see the £100 can be used for essentials like books...She still hasn't been given a book list so we have no idea what she needs to get yet...Lloyds TSB weren't giving anything for a student account but she is still going to keep that one open even though she won't be using it.

I got good news by text this morning from an old friend from online...She is going to be a granny and is over the moon about it :o) ...I really should be going to make some tea but i can't be bothered LOL...M starts his athletics tonight and is really looking forward to it...I just pray the rain stays away whilst he is thereas it has been on and off all day...One of the coaches also does his footie training so that will be good as he already knows what M can be like...Both the footie training and the athletics training is for kids with disabilities/special needs...The council got a lot of money from the Big Lottery Fund for sports stuff at the beginning of the year and it is good to see they are putting some of it into sports for kids like my sons :o) ....Did a huge shop at asda when down at the gym so i guess i better go cook something LOL...K's hair does look better outside in natural light...You can see the blue sheen to it and actually her hair to me looks navy blue ROFL...Toodle pip and take care xx


Anonymous said...

comic sans serif is how it comes out here.

Anonymous said...

This one has actually stayed comic sans stuart but the previous 3 were written in it yet show as arial...I did think possibly because they have pics on them yet others without pics are the same...oh well <SHRUG> am weird and so is my computer <ggg>

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great, I know all that stuff is expensive it helps a great deal if the school can get a sponser in the act, so well done BP.  The snowboarding I would like to try but it would be more 'belly boarding' cos that's where I'd end up or the local A and E lolol. xxRache

Anonymous said...

Good for you!  Wish I could be as disciplined.  Totally pigged out tonight hence still up at midnight cos too full to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Normal size lol, does that mean you don't tower over me now <gg>

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your doing well at the gym - keep it up :-)  She definitely got a better deal at the bank.  Can't believe she's not been told about the books she'll need - surely she's going soon??!!