Friday 16 September 2005

swings, jumps and robbie

About the playground stuff at M's school...The slide rope tyre thing has been there for several years and so has the other wooden structure...The wheelchair able items are new...They did have swings suitable for physically disabled before but the kids had to be lifted out and sat into special seats...Now they can just be wheeled onto the swing :o) ...The wheelchairs can then be locked down for safety and the kids can have the pleasure of being swung through the air without any kerfuffle of being lifted around...It was either the single swing or the roundabout that i overheard someone say cost in region of £13000.00...There are 2 double swings elsewhere in the playground too...Now i know that specialist equipment costs more to produce BUT that seems to be a heck of a lot just for a slightly different design...Basically it is a flat bottom with locking clamps on it instead of a seat...Surely that can't cost several thousand pounds more to make!!!!...The rope in front is for any child in a wheelchair who has the ability to pull on it to make themselves swing.

M really enjoyed himself at athletics last night and wants to keep going :o) ...I say athletics basically they are learning how to do jumps etc indoors onto mats...What they started with last night was doing standing long jump type stuff...Then they were *jumping* over *hurdles*...The hurdles were just over a foot high padded plastic obstacles which they had to run and jump or skip over...But hey everyone has to start somewhere and i am trying to get him involved in more exercise...G was sick last night so he is off school and as K is away to edinburgh to a jobs fayre then i am not going to get to the gym...G is still asleep in bed and i doubt he will get to snowboarding tonight either :o( ...A friend sent me the new Robbie Williams single on wed evening when M was asleep...So being the nice mum that i am <koff> i put it on his MP3 player as a surprise...So i have a happy M just now and he is looking forward to robbies tour next year...Once we have confirmation when the dates are then i will buy the tickets via his website...I joined the bit he has on his website for his biggest fans so we get advance warning and they set aside tickets for gigs on there specific for you :o) ...Still have to try to be amongst the first to get some like but fingers crossed...Must clear big space on credit card for them and then start the rounds of trying to get him to meet M...I've been trying for years and not managed yet but i try...I swear they think am one of his weirdo stalkers LOL...Anyways better go see if there is any post for us and do some housework...Very chilly nip in the air today...TTFN xx


Anonymous said...

It's always the same for any adapted equipment, GooBoos walking stick cost £130 for goodness sake and that's just a short version of an adult one.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard Robbie's new one although I've been asked if I have a few times so I hope I catch it soon.  A cheeky fella but he can turn a tune and lyrics brilliantly.  It's very true of the high cost of 'special' equipment it's the special bit that makes it so, which is sad, this is why sponsors are so important. xxRache

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww sorry to hear G's not very well :-(  Hope he feels better soon!!  Fingers crossed that you get the Robbie tix when they come on sale!