Saturday 10 September 2005


Shock and horror i remembered to take a camera to the bbq so will have pics soon...I took some of the boys but i also took pics of some of the special play equipment they have in the school grounds...Also took pics of G snowboarding last night...He missed skiing this morning as his legs were too sore...He did bang the snowboard mega hard against his left knee last night...He also woke up at around 4am with really bad cramps in his right leg...He does like the snowboarding but he is less than impressed that he can get hurt more easily doing it LOL

Today it was dull but the bbq went ahead regardless and thankfully it didn't rain...They had a magician doing entertainment in the school hall...M was up helping him one of the tricks and i got pics of that :o) ...Won some wine from the bottle stall so K is getting that for taking to uni...I don't do wine often, never really found one i actually like...They were advised to bring something like that with them to break the ice with their new found friends <ggg> ...Won a teddy with wings from soft toy stall so she is getting that too...We won 2 raffle prizes but M got really upset...He didn't win the prize he wanted which was some daft trophy thing that was mens toiletries...Think it had bubble bath in it...I spoke to the teacher who is organising the trip to the lake district next june...M will be getting a place as what she did was send out 4 letters to the 4 eldest pupils in his class...That way then no-one would be upset at not getting to go LOL...Very wise woman she is :o) ...We wil be allowed to pay up the £215 cost <phew> ...With K going away to uni i couldn't afford to pay it all in one go just now...It was a good afternoon apart from M getting upset over the raffle...His best friend from school has been picked to play augustus gloop in his drama groups production of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory so we will be going to see it...Tomorrow we are all going to visit my best mate in her new house...Will use up rest of the camera there and get pics of K with friends 2 wee ones for her to take with her...She's said she wants lots of pics to take away to put on her wall <bless> ...We better start packing her stuff next week so we know we haven't missed anything...Everyone keeps telling me to just go to Ikea once we are down there and buy crockery etc from there...Problem is i doubt M or G will want to wander round there full stop...Shopping is a nightmare at best of times for me let alone taking 2 ASD teenagers in tow...They hate crowds and noise and certain kinds of lighting make them go off the wall...Toodle pip for now xx


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics from the bbq!!  Well done for winning the prizes :-)

Anonymous said...

Its good when you win isnt it ?Look forward to the pics  Jan xx

Anonymous said...

So pleased he can go, Ikea might not be too bad, not as bad as a supermarket anyway xx