Monday 5 September 2005

chilled out and relaxed

Went to weightwatchers tonight for first time since week before my op and am pleased i only put on 1 n half lbs...Not bad considering i have been in hossy and not eaten that much since i got out...Am still experimenting with what i can and cannot eat now...So far i seem to be living on fresh fruit and steak LOLOL...I found one of the asda's here sells organic meat and cheaper than the non organic...I kid you not the fillet steak was almost £2 cheaper and tasted lot nicer too :o) ...I have a date in for my checkup at the consultant's clinic and i will prove him wrong with saying i would put on weight as i will be back on track from now on...I didn't go to the gym today as my scar in belly button is slightly inflammed <sigh> I was going to go for just a swim but i am worried about picking up an infection...I may just go down and walk on the treadmill for a bit...I won't be tempted into running on it as i don't do running full stop unless it's for a bus ROFL

Eldest lad was sent home ill from school this morning but he insisted on going to footie training with his brother tonight...Good news from there is they are putting a team down to the scottish disability sports U-16 tournament...Youngest has changed his mind now and wants to go too which means i can go and cheer them on :o) ...They are also going to Blair Drummond safari park as a one off special trip with their saturday fun club in oct...Youngest is terrified of animals but likes the look of it!!!!...I haven't been there since i was about 9 or 10 LOL...It will have changed loads over the last 30 years <ggg> Eldest lad told me his work experience company wanted him to stay which was brill news...Not that he was going to get to stay but still good news in that he coped so well :o) ...His snowboarding and skiing lessons went well at the weekend with no tumbles this week HURRAH!!!...Daughter has now started the obligatory countdown to going to uni...I am getting very nervy and sad now about her leaving home to go there...I know she will cope fine and make plenty friends...Nothing can be as bad as the bullying she got at school...At least you'd hope by the age they are at uni they won't bully someone because they have disabled brothers (fingers crossed)...She is off to a party in edinburgh on wed as she already has friends who live there...The penalties i have to pay for a weekend away LOL

My weekend away was brilliant fun and it was good to see a lot of friends again...Sadly i couldn't do the full eat, drink and be merry lark...Well i did the drink on friday and my body took great offence...So no alcohol for a few more weeks yet LOL...The eat i was careful about but i did do the merry to the best i could...Am sure they think am mad as a hatter <gggg> It was great to recharge the batteries especially after my op and to relax and not worry over anything for a couple of days...A little time out does everyone the world of good in my book :o) Toodle pip for now tc xx


Anonymous said...

Missus, if I catch you overdoing it |I'm going to come up there and sit on you ;)

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you can't exercise yet hopefully your swelling will go down soon.  That's great about the boys and their activities :-)