Sunday 11 September 2005


The first pic is of my two handsome boys :o) ...On the right is G my 15 year old and on the left is M my 14 year old...The second pic is of my daughter K looking all sultry LOL...She took this pic on her camera phone...I think it looks like it has been taken with a soft focus lens on.

We went round to my best friends this afternoon and stayed there for hours...Her new house is lovely and the living room is huge...They also have a long garden on 3 different levels...The garden will need a lot of work as it is really overgrown...I took lots of pics round there of her 2 toddlers and so did my daughter :o) ...We took round K's old rocking horse...She got it for her birthday when she was 1 so it is now 17 years old LOL and still going strong...Her two loved it which was good :o) ...Before in her flat she didn't have room for it...It was a nice afternoon and both my boys loved the house...There was lots of space for them to feel comfy in...My friend has also said now that she has the house with all the space that if i need to go away for a weekend anytime now my K won't be here to look after them they can go stay with her :o) ...I used up all my film too so will put them in tomorrow to get developed and put on disc so i can have them on the computer...Will put pics taken at the BBQ and of G snowboarding on here...Shame i can't send the pics of my kids to their father but he has not given them an email address for 3 years now :o( ...Am off to have some food now as am starving and i also need to rest a bit...Toodle pip for now tc xxx


Anonymous said...

Your children look lovely!!  Thanks for sharing the pics - the house sounds lovely, your friends are very lucky.

Anonymous said...

The kids look great, their father doesn't know what he is missing out on and will regret it later

Anonymous said...

You have two handsome sons and a very beautiful daughter Caff. xxRache