Wednesday 28 September 2005

Hypothermia and football

Didn't go to bed last night as by the time i felt sleep i was only going to get about an hour n half sleep...Was scared i'd sleep in as we had to be up just before 5am...We walked down to the football ptiches as they are not far from our flat...The stars were gloriously clear in the sky and there was a beautiful crescent moon :o) ...Felt weird walking down the street with the boys in the dark with little traffic staring at the stars...When we got to the street we need to walk along to the pitches you could see the sky beginning to lighten on the horizon...I really wish i had taken a pic as it was really pretty...We all got on the bus and set off tired as up so early but looking forward to the day...Bus driver stopped at 24 hour tesco in dundee as he thought the cafe opened at 7am...WRONG it opened at 8am <sigh> ...He said he'd stop at the services at stirling so we could get a hot drink...Not long after stopping there he pranged the bus into the back of a car duh!!!!...On the bus i discovered G was he captain and that was why M had been upset on monday practise LOL...Today he decided that being the captains brother was almost as good LOL

The weather was fine when we got there and stayed fine for a while...Our group matches were over an hour late in starting as one team had withdrawn :o( ...IF they had known yesterday why the heck they didn't phone and let us know is plain daft...They knew we had about 140 miles to travel to get there...We could have left a bit later...Oh well doesn't matter now...Sadly the 2 other teams in our group were school teams who play on a regular weekly basis...This was our lots first EVER match and on a full size pitch...They tried but were clearly outplayed and lost both games 9-0...M took it so badly when he went on at half time during the 1st game he stormed off saying it was all his fault :o( ...By half time in our 1st game the wind had become bad and it was bitterly cold <shiver> ...As out group matches were so late in starting we were ages behind everyone else...We went and got the packed lunches provided for the teams...Glad i made plenty sandwiches for my 2 as they weren't great...It started to get so windy that one of the shelters blew over where we were all sat...Everyone was running away and adults were trying to grab the thing...One of the metal poles broke and struck one of our players brother in the ribs :o( ...hopefully he will be ok...G had strained his right calf in the 2nd half of the first game and had been carrying on playing regardless...Got the first aid kit and put an ice pack on it as well as getting some of them to put on their tracksuit bottoms...We had to wait a while and then we had another game to play...Well by this time it was freezing cold, pouring with rain and just horrible...The game was on the furthest away pitc with one of the refs from earlier...The words 'Go to specsavers' spring to mind...Talk about useless...There were several clear offside incidences in the other two games he blatently ignored...Yes i do understand the offside rule even though i can't explain it in words on here, so there, to any men reading <ggg> ...This team was more on par with our abilities :o) ...What i said about the ref well he got worse...He had a pitch invasion from us parents and our teams coaches LOL...He only went and tried to give a penalty to the other side who had done a handball!!!!!!...They were playing PALE BLUE, we were in BRIGHT RED...He did realise his mistake but only after he had set up the ball for the penalty and given both M & G a ticking off for having a go at him....Sheesh...By this time the wind and rain had become so bad we were all being soaked right through to the skin...I swear it started to hail too :o( ...I honestly have no idea why any of the players in either of the teams or us parents and coaches watching didn't get hypothermia...The match ended in 3-3 and they were so chuffed to have played well in that one and scored some goals :o) ...One of the coaches said G could have a clean DRY pair of shorts to go home in but there was none left...I asked the bus driver where asda was as i knew there was one close but he said he couldn't get in there...He did take G and another lad with asthma onto the bus to stand in front of the heater...I was fuming when we left as the asda was other side of the dual carriageway and there was an underpass to it...Whilst they were watching the awards ceremony i could have run over and got cheap 4 quid jeans for him, me and a friend and a cheap top for me too...At the award ceremony it was clear that it was all so biased towards the teams from around glasgow area...The coaches are going to try and set up some matches closer to home...Our team is made up of kids from ALL the different SEN schools and bases in the city...Anyway so much for those other teams being so good, they weren't all wearing shinguards and a lot ofthe goalies had same strip on as the rest of the team...The rules stated shinguards must be worn by all participants and proper footie boots pah!!!...So they got off with stuff i bet our lot wouldn't have...We all booed that ref when we saw him get into his car whilst our coach was leaving <ggg> ...The sports officer from the council had bought medals for them all to get for taking part in their first ever games which was really nice of her :o) ...I forgot to say i had left my jacket in the changing rooms and i stripped off the t shirt and sweatshirt i was wearing and just put it on to travel home with zipped up...When i say stripped i mean peeled they were so wet...Oh well if we are lucky enuff NOT to get a serious cold or chest infection from today then i will be glad...I did take pics of the boys in their brand new strips before they started and i'll post them at weekend i hope...At end of the day they decided they did enjoy it...Ok they got beaten twice 9-0 BUT some teams were beaten 14-0 and another 16-0 so they weren't the worst...It was an experience for them and they will learn from it...Just hope they get more chances to play proper games against other teams...That way they can improve...We didn't get home until after 7pm and i took the boys to macdonalds as i couldn' be bothered cooking...I wanted a nice long soak in a very hot bubble bath but eejit here forgot to set the heating to come on for before we got home duh!!!...Am tired now but don't feel sleepy but i am going to bed soon as 7am tomorrow awaits.......Toodle pip from a shivering wreck LOL take care xx



Anonymous said...

To say you had an uncomfortable day would be an understatement  ,the lentghs we go to to support our kids is amazing,good on ya  Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the boys certainly did gain some experience :-)  You've got a lot more stamina than me to sit there in the rain!!