Friday, 30 September 2005

Lappy fixed :o)

Gonna try actual arial see what happens <ggg> ...Anyways i was on the phone to K about her student account earlier as she hadn't replied to my message...WOOHOO!!! her lappy is fixed...When i say fixed it's working...It was NEVER technically broken LOL...Now bearing in mind that one of the uni technicians looked at it last sunday...Some computing students looked at it...It was a CHEMISTRY student who fixed it...On the underside 2 screws had come loose and gone awol...This meant that the HD etc wasn't sitting as they should do...So push the base back into position, put in new screws and HEY PRESTO lappy works PMSL...All that worry and hassle for nowt <sheesh> ...G also passed level 3 & 4 at snowboarding tonight :o) ...He doesn't want to go back to do any higher levels yet so that's fine by me...HE's now signed off to go on the the nursery, dendix and alpine slopes on his own for both skiing and snowboarding...So he can go down to some of the public sessions and just have FUN.....Toodle pip xx


LOL i give up i swear that entry showed in arial...Right here's the link to the trust as promised...Looks like a brilliant place and it is in the Lake District which is a fair journey from up here in north east scotland...

Me and the boys are off to Blair Drummond Safari park tomorrow for the day...Fingers crossed the weather at least stays dry...We have to be at M's school for 8.50am...Can leave the car safe there for the day :o) ...It's a one off trip with their saturday fun club and should be good...Am surprised M wants to go being scared of so many animals as he is but he is very excited...Will take plenty pics there and post them hopefully on sunday...Will get the ones from K's uni, the boys footie and tomorrows all at same time...I know a digital camera would be better but i like having the actual photos too...Maybe once i have a good quality printer for myself i'll think about printing my own off...Link to the park....

Toodle pip have a good weekend tc xx

fibbing phone companys LOL

Lets try VERDANA see if it shows up right <ggg> I fell back asleep after the boys went to school and my older sis woke me up when she phoned LOL...Just as well i had several things to do today...Not least of which was telling OneTel where they could go shove the account i opened with them...A couple of weeks ago had 2 salesmen on my doorstep and what the explained to me sounded pretty good deal...I found out they fibbed big time though...They told me they were the ONLY company who could now provided line rental as well as BT...RUBBISH...They also said they would take over ALL the services i had from BT without me having to do anything...RUBBISH...So i phoned today and got India and the woman really found my accent and what i was trying to explain difficult...Eventually she said they would call me back...Told her sorry i am going out and i am out this evening and all day tomorrow...Got put onto a senior customer services person quick smart <ggg> ...So now i have it cancelled HURRAH...She begged me to try them for a month and i said no way...Got offered free services for a month and still said no...I told her i don't trust them as i was lied to in the first place...She apologised and said the salesmen should never have said what they did...I currently pay my calls through Talk Talk and have found they can also take over my line rental in a few weeks time and at a cheaper rate :o) ...So then i phoned BT and told them not to cut me off next week LOL...See BT were going to cut my line off from them from the 6th oct YET OneTell weren't taking it over until 29th oct...Pray tell what was i supposed to do between those dates...Sheesh...Anyways it's sorted for now and i will consider the Talk Talk package.

Went into town and paid the bill that was due and also had to get that particular bank to remove charges they had put on my account yet again...This all stemmed from them putting charges on LAST month that they shouldn't have...It was supposed to have been sorted properly back then but obviously wasn't...Luckily i got to speak to someone who knows me from old branch and she got it all fixed :o) ...Went into branch of a different bank that K opened her student account with...They didn't tell her that her bank card was being sent to the branch and NOT here...So i have arranged for them to send it on to the branch on campus so she can just pick it up...Phoned her and left a message telling her the account is now operational and to go into the branch on campus and she can withdraw money there if needs be...They will also be able to give her the details she needs to send to SAAS so her next loan and bursary payments can go into that account...What a kerfuffle but hopefully it's sorted too...M came home with a payment book for his trip next june...Luckily it can be paid up from now until next may rather that all in one go :o) ...Also have the first of many forms to fill in giving consent for him to go...I'm not sure if i posted link to where they are going in a previous entry but i'll add it in a mo once i've finished this one LOL...He's really excited about going :o)

When in town i went and picked up info on post graduate in social work...RGU has an open day next week so i will pop along so i can actually talk to someone from the dept...I don't have the type of degree they look for but i do have a degree...I also have an awful lot of years of experience with disabilities and social work from that...Unlike most post graduate courses this one is 2 years can also do an extra year (well 3 months) to turn it into an MSc...There is such a lack of social workers that is an area in which finding a job is not going to be that hard...I really need to investigate the financial side and see if i can afford to do it...Also i need to know how it will affect K's position...I should find out at the open day or from phoning the woman who's number i got given...Am gonna feel daft at this open day where it will be full of 16/17/18 year olds and me this old wifey looking around <ggg>

G has last snowboarding lesson of this session tonight...Need to drop off things K wants down with her friend...They could have taken her TV with them but she has decided she doesn't want it there!!!...Uni doesn't have sky in their rooms bets that's why ROFL...In her new found group of friends there is her, another girl and the rest are all boys...None of the boys have bothered stocking up with food yet TSK...This other girl is feeding them...I told K look i don't mind if you want to cook for them BUT they have to provide some food for you to cook...Or if they don't then THEY buy ALL drinks when you go out together...She's found that one of the girls on the bottom floor of her section is doing the exact same course as her so they are going to get together :o) ...HEr lappy isn't fixed yet...They did try with an XP boot disc but although it booted up XP it then blue screened :o( ...My XP disc (full version) will be no good as it is XP home edition and it's XP Pro that is on her happy...Told her to toddle over to the IT dept and get them to help her...They should be able to fix it up...Told her if they charge you let me know and i will reimburse her...Going to get the link to Bendrigg and post it on here so you can see what it looks like...ttfn xx

Thursday, 29 September 2005

Thurs morning gibberish

See my font still insists in showing as arial TUT...My alerts for comments have gone too for some odd reason...Both the boys are off school today...M was sick so didn't go and G was sent home feeling sick...Wether it was the exertions from yesterday and the manky weather or the macdonalds i dunno...Maybe it's a mix of the two...M has athletics tonight and just claimed he is fit to go...K had post today so i phoned her and woke her up at 11.30am!!!!...She had nothing on this morning so took advantage to have a long lie in...It was a letter saying she hadn't got the job she went for a couple of weeks back :o( ...At least they wrote to say so which is better than most companies these days...I can't find my XP disc will have to gut the living room tomorrow looking for it...I have ALL the discs for this computer in a box together and it's not in there!!! Goodness knows where it can be...Unless it got left in the shop when it went in for repair back at the end of june...If i can't find it then i'll pop round tomorrow and ask them...She got a boot disc but needs full version apparently...Told her to ask the IT dept today as they should have one...I can give her the code for mine as i do have that...I chucked the boys new jackets in the wash last night with their tracksuits and i want to hang them out...Keeps looking like it is going to rain at any moment though...They'll take forever to dry inside <sigh> Will tumble dry M's tracksuit as he will need it tonight...K asked me to give the boys a massive big hug from her and to tell them she loves and misses them...We love and miss her too, will take a bit to get used to her being away...Am sure she thought she wouldn't get homesick but she is and texts are not getting through to her at times...Off to the tumble drier because the heavens just opened...Toodle pip xx

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Hypothermia and football

Didn't go to bed last night as by the time i felt sleep i was only going to get about an hour n half sleep...Was scared i'd sleep in as we had to be up just before 5am...We walked down to the football ptiches as they are not far from our flat...The stars were gloriously clear in the sky and there was a beautiful crescent moon :o) ...Felt weird walking down the street with the boys in the dark with little traffic staring at the stars...When we got to the street we need to walk along to the pitches you could see the sky beginning to lighten on the horizon...I really wish i had taken a pic as it was really pretty...We all got on the bus and set off tired as up so early but looking forward to the day...Bus driver stopped at 24 hour tesco in dundee as he thought the cafe opened at 7am...WRONG it opened at 8am <sigh> ...He said he'd stop at the services at stirling so we could get a hot drink...Not long after stopping there he pranged the bus into the back of a car duh!!!!...On the bus i discovered G was he captain and that was why M had been upset on monday practise LOL...Today he decided that being the captains brother was almost as good LOL

The weather was fine when we got there and stayed fine for a while...Our group matches were over an hour late in starting as one team had withdrawn :o( ...IF they had known yesterday why the heck they didn't phone and let us know is plain daft...They knew we had about 140 miles to travel to get there...We could have left a bit later...Oh well doesn't matter now...Sadly the 2 other teams in our group were school teams who play on a regular weekly basis...This was our lots first EVER match and on a full size pitch...They tried but were clearly outplayed and lost both games 9-0...M took it so badly when he went on at half time during the 1st game he stormed off saying it was all his fault :o( ...By half time in our 1st game the wind had become bad and it was bitterly cold <shiver> ...As out group matches were so late in starting we were ages behind everyone else...We went and got the packed lunches provided for the teams...Glad i made plenty sandwiches for my 2 as they weren't great...It started to get so windy that one of the shelters blew over where we were all sat...Everyone was running away and adults were trying to grab the thing...One of the metal poles broke and struck one of our players brother in the ribs :o( ...hopefully he will be ok...G had strained his right calf in the 2nd half of the first game and had been carrying on playing regardless...Got the first aid kit and put an ice pack on it as well as getting some of them to put on their tracksuit bottoms...We had to wait a while and then we had another game to play...Well by this time it was freezing cold, pouring with rain and just horrible...The game was on the furthest away pitc with one of the refs from earlier...The words 'Go to specsavers' spring to mind...Talk about useless...There were several clear offside incidences in the other two games he blatently ignored...Yes i do understand the offside rule even though i can't explain it in words on here, so there, to any men reading <ggg> ...This team was more on par with our abilities :o) ...What i said about the ref well he got worse...He had a pitch invasion from us parents and our teams coaches LOL...He only went and tried to give a penalty to the other side who had done a handball!!!!!!...They were playing PALE BLUE, we were in BRIGHT RED...He did realise his mistake but only after he had set up the ball for the penalty and given both M & G a ticking off for having a go at him....Sheesh...By this time the wind and rain had become so bad we were all being soaked right through to the skin...I swear it started to hail too :o( ...I honestly have no idea why any of the players in either of the teams or us parents and coaches watching didn't get hypothermia...The match ended in 3-3 and they were so chuffed to have played well in that one and scored some goals :o) ...One of the coaches said G could have a clean DRY pair of shorts to go home in but there was none left...I asked the bus driver where asda was as i knew there was one close but he said he couldn't get in there...He did take G and another lad with asthma onto the bus to stand in front of the heater...I was fuming when we left as the asda was other side of the dual carriageway and there was an underpass to it...Whilst they were watching the awards ceremony i could have run over and got cheap 4 quid jeans for him, me and a friend and a cheap top for me too...At the award ceremony it was clear that it was all so biased towards the teams from around glasgow area...The coaches are going to try and set up some matches closer to home...Our team is made up of kids from ALL the different SEN schools and bases in the city...Anyway so much for those other teams being so good, they weren't all wearing shinguards and a lot ofthe goalies had same strip on as the rest of the team...The rules stated shinguards must be worn by all participants and proper footie boots pah!!!...So they got off with stuff i bet our lot wouldn't have...We all booed that ref when we saw him get into his car whilst our coach was leaving <ggg> ...The sports officer from the council had bought medals for them all to get for taking part in their first ever games which was really nice of her :o) ...I forgot to say i had left my jacket in the changing rooms and i stripped off the t shirt and sweatshirt i was wearing and just put it on to travel home with zipped up...When i say stripped i mean peeled they were so wet...Oh well if we are lucky enuff NOT to get a serious cold or chest infection from today then i will be glad...I did take pics of the boys in their brand new strips before they started and i'll post them at weekend i hope...At end of the day they decided they did enjoy it...Ok they got beaten twice 9-0 BUT some teams were beaten 14-0 and another 16-0 so they weren't the worst...It was an experience for them and they will learn from it...Just hope they get more chances to play proper games against other teams...That way they can improve...We didn't get home until after 7pm and i took the boys to macdonalds as i couldn' be bothered cooking...I wanted a nice long soak in a very hot bubble bath but eejit here forgot to set the heating to come on for before we got home duh!!!...Am tired now but don't feel sleepy but i am going to bed soon as 7am tomorrow awaits.......Toodle pip from a shivering wreck LOL take care xx


Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Sunny tues

I was alarm call again this morning LOL...She's promised to see if anyone knows how to get hers to actually work....We know how to set the time for the alarm just not how to get it to go off...I'll have to gut her bedroom and look for the instructions...Yes she does use her mobile but she is too used to the sound of it now...Am normally up at 7am on a weekday anyways so i didn't mind so much today...She said she hadn't met or spoken to any of the 4 she shares a kitchen with yet although she has spoken to the students who share the other kitchen...Her lappy can get fixed and she doesn't need my XP disc as they have managed to find one...The resnet wasn't working in their floor from sat afternoon till yesterday and a technician came to fix it and she asked him LOL...We should have updated her anti virus before she went down i guess...She can get various discs to replace anything that has been lost off others she has made friends with...I'll copy my stuff anyways to put down with her friend...Maybe that is *dodgy* but it's in the family LOL...After registration today they were going into town for a wander...Even though she hasn't got her bursary money yet she said she still has plenty to tide her over...She doesn't drink and i told her not to join in a kitty if she's out but to say she'd buy her own...If you don't drink then you always end up worse off if you contribute to a kitty i have found...I did take some pics on saturday but need to finish off the camera...Will be taking pics tomorrow at footie tournament so should have them by end of week to post here.

Went to JJB's to buy M's shinguards and came out with more long footie socks and a jacket for M & G...The jackets are warm cosy winter ones and were £25 instead of £50...If the weather in Hamilton tomorrow is like it was here yesterday they will need them on top of their tracksuits...We leave the football pitches at 6am tomorrow YIKES...Luckily for us they are 5 mins walk away <phew> ...Bought plenty yesterday for food & drink for the day...One of their coaches took them along red aberdeen footall club T-shirts yesterday to wear for travelling in...Will look nice them all being similar...When they get there they will get handed strips to wear that they hand back once they have finished all the games...There is going to be entertainment there to fill in time, like a coaching corner, beat the goalie, bouncy castles etc...Should be a good day just hope they can win at least one of their games...Went down to AFC today and got them season ticket books...They are free for disabled and they also have a book to go with each of theirs for a carer accompanying them :o) ...Restricted to a certain stand but that doesn't matter...As it's a season ticket then that means they can go to any of the big home games too...Don't think i'd be popular going to a rangers game and cheering them on though ROFL...Will be an early night tonite having to be up at 5am...Maybe be better having a snooze in the evening then me just not bothering to go to bed will see laters LOL...It's very sunny but very windy here today just want sun tomorrow down south so i'll put an order in for that with Stuart <g> ........Toodle pip for now xx

Monday, 26 September 2005

human alarm LOL

Well K may have left home but muggins here had to give her an alarm call this morning LOL...She texted at some silly hour asking me to make sure she was up for 8.30am LOL...Now normally i wouldn't mind but today is local monday holiday up here so no school means long lie...She does have an alarm clock but she *lost* the instructions and we can't fathom out how to actually get it to work...Maybe i'll buy another one this week and send it down with her friend on fri...I need to text K and get her friends phone number as i have lost the house number...I did go back to sleep after i woke her up...They have induction today and tomorrow they have matriculation...The boys have footie training from 3-5 and i need to clean footie boots...I chucked them in cupboard on stairs last mon and didn't get round to cleaning them LOL...Not on grass today so they will need cleaned or i wouldn't bother LOL...Still haven't got shin guards for M so need to pop in to JJB's and buy some on way to the pitches...It's dull and windy and looks like it might rain...Will go shopping in asda next door to the pitches and am gonna ignore housework today...Have to get stuck in to it tomorrow though...Especially K's room, living room and kitchen...Toodle pip for now xx

Sunday, 25 September 2005


Well Heriot-Watt uni is set in the most beautiful surroundings...It's like in a forest full of trees that few have been cut down to build on...So all the buildings, roads, car parks etc are surrounded by all these trees...It's very tranquil and calm even yesterday when there was hundreds of parents milling around dropping off their children...So much so that M now wants to go there...(I know he can't as he's not capable of going to uni but that's how peaceful it is)...It's just off the edinburgh bypass but there is a direct bus into the city that only costs them a £1...As it's campus based they have a doctors, dentist, shops, bank, launderette etc on site :o) ...So we found it relatively easily kinda LOL...I drove right up to where she needed to pick up her keys and dropped her there and went down to her building to get a space to get her gear out...We didn't have enuff room for everything <sigh> so a return trip may be called for in a couple of weeks LOL...Her telly and dvd player are still here and am sure she's forgotten loads of stuff...Her pal is going on fri for the weekend so she can take her new bank card down and her sheepskin jacket and coat.

Her room is on the top floor of her halls...There's a corridor with 2 rooms either side then a kitchen...Next to her kitchen is another kitchen then another 2 rooms either side...Opposite the kitchens is their toilets and showers...En-suite cost too much money and she wasn't bothered about sharing...I just hope they all take turns in cleaning both the kitchens and the loos/showers LOL...Kitchen is ok size with a table and 4 chairs in it but badly layed out i think...They all have a lockable cupboard each but they are teensy...They have a huge fridge and a huge freezer too...More than a shelf each in both...Got her labels to label her food with just in case...Tiny cupboards don't have enuff room for all the food i bought in asda LOL...You can't even get a packet of brekkie cereal in it...There are big cupboards in the kitchen but they have the hoover, ironing board, iron etc etc in them...In her room she has her own sink with a big cupboard under it so all her kitchen utensils, pans, crockery etc are in there...The window in her room is pretty, all the top floor room windows are arched...Plenty room under her bed for her cases...Not only is there a padded headboard but down the side of the bed is padded on the wall too...Makes it a comfy place to sit for friends when they pop in :o) ...Plenty hanging space in the wardrobe and shelving in it too...Big cupboard on top of wardrobe...Pin board cover whole of the wall the bed is on LOL...The desk is same size as her bed...4 huge drawers at either side one of which locks...Loads of book shelving above the desk...She also has a phone in her room...Calls within campus are free so nice she can phone her friends in other halls...She can if she wants pay £25 a month and be able to use it to make outside calls...They get a telephone number bit like a mobile one so people can call her on it...Nice to know i can ring her...Her halls are right beside the medical centre and the student union is right behind them ROFL...There is a communal TV lounge on her floor for her block within the halls...Also they have a big lockable cupboard on their floor for luggage etc...They store their bulky stuff there when they get kicked out over the easter holidays

I said before that she had been talking to some other freshers already over the net and she's met some of them already :o) ...Her room was full of people when we dropped in today and they seem like a really nice bunch...Am so glad she has made friends already as she had major problems with that at school <sigh> ...Guess who had the room party last nite ROFL...Out of the people she met online she is the only one in her halls and well it is right beside the student union LOL...Also i guess some of the others lived in same building so had someone to walk back to rooms with...Think they were walking back in daylight today <ggg> Like mother, like daughter LOL...I used to organise really good house parties when i was still with my ex...All our friends at the time said we threw the best ones...Funny when he left his parties weren't as good <ggg> ...She texted me earlier and she's been told how to fix her lappy and it won't be hard to do...She will need an XP disc though...Texted her back and told her if she can't find someone with one on campus to let me know ASAP and i can send one down

I left home myself at same age to come here to go to art school...So i didn't think i would be that bad about her leaving...WRONG i am but hey ho i'll settle and get used to it...Be worse when she is 3rd year of her course anyways...Her course is Foreign Languages and Teaching of English to None Speakers of the English Language...It's 4 years long and in 3rd year she has to spend it abroad in a country that speaks the language she is majoring in...So she will be off to somewhere that speaks spanish...Spanish and German are the languages she is doing although she may pick up another one there.

Me and the boys stayed with a friend from online last nite and it was good :o) ...The bits and bobs K needed that i forgot to get in asda i got in tescos today...I still forgot toothpaste and soap...We forgot to pack both and forgot in asda too LOL...Oh well she can spend some money on that...Won't cost as much as food LOL...No idea what all of the freshers week events she wants to go to except the school disco on tues...Jo O'Meara from S-club is going to be at it...The blonde one from the group who could actually sing unlike the pretty one who got the record deal ROFL...Anyways she seems settled although she was very very huggy when we left and neither her nor me cried so i think we did well...Gonna go now and watch more Red Dwarf on telly......toodle pip tc xxx

Just a quickie

Well that's K off to uni now...Am a bit teary, sad but happy and excited for her all at the same time...Me and the boys stayed overnite with a friend so we saw her today too...I managed NOT to cry in front of her :o) ...the worst bit was driving back into city where we live this evening...Felt weird and strange knowing she won't be around now...Will do a proper entry about it later tonite or tomorrow when i feel more relaxed...We do have one problem though her lappy has gone wonky :o( ...Apparently it has picked up a virus from the uni ethernet already and claims it has no operating system :o( ...Hopefully someone down there can fix it and i am going to send down my XP disc for her to see if that helps...Boys are being narky it is a huge change for them i better go sort them out...Toodle pip tc xx

Friday, 23 September 2005


Well after a day running around like crazy am shattered...Got the printer and she set it up and it's working fine :o) ...Bought a printer/scanner/copier to save her dosh on paying uni for photocopying...I bought 2 stick things one 128mb one which is equivalent to 88 floppies and one 256mb one which is equivalent to 160 floppies...The smaller one is for her to keep her youth parliament stuff on and the other one for uni stuff...After getting back from snowboarding i made turkish delight and will cut it up and roll it in icing sugar in the morning...Not sure if the mint one has worked right as am tired and really can't be bothered...I've smoked like a chimney all day which isn't like me :o(

G enjoyed the birthday party and enjoyed going to his friends after...His friend wasn't happy he had to leave early but snowboarding was beckoning...He really enjoyed snowboarding tonite as he managed NOT to hurt himself at all :o) ...Whilst waiting for him i went into the big asda and bought myself one of the Tickled Pink tops and 2 pairs of the socks...I wanted the Tickled Pink bag charm but that asda hadn't any left...So on way home from snowboarding we took a detour down the to the beach asda and i got one there...Bought K a skirt she had been eyeing up but didn't need LOL...The boys gave her it for going away with...I've managed to persuade M to stay overnite tomorrow with an online friend who lives just outside edinburgh :o) ...Will be good not to have to drive home same day

The flat is covered in boxes, bags and cases...Where she has so much crap from i dunno...Why she needs so much of it with her i dunno LOL...In reply to Sandra's comment on previous post i tried to do and was good at it for a while...Being on benefits i won't be able to pay off in full for a while now as K needed so much things for going away with <sigh> ...Would like to say a very big THANK YOU to everyones comments about my ex-eejit...His behaviour towards his children has changed a lot over the last 2 years and it sickens me to be honest...Right am off until sun...Everyone have a good weekend and toodle pip tc xx


Just phoned credit card people and my limit has been put up...I don't like doing it BUT i would prefer to buy her printer etc on my card as you get more protection if something goes wrong with it...Makes me glad computers didn't exist as such when i went to art school didn't have so much expense LOL

Loads to do <sigh>

Got loads to do today...Have to go out and buy gelatine then make turkish delight...Have to go buy a pen drive for K as nice computer shop has 256mg ones for only £20...Have to go fill car up with diesel for trip tomorrow...Have to phone credit card people see if they will be nice and up my limit for me LOL...K still has loads to pack but claims to have packed all the clothes she wants with her just now...Why then am i still washing clothes she wants to take away!!!...Oh yes and buy the printer too

Late on wed evening i was on the phone to mum and had a teensy shock...My scar on belly button had been sore at the end since sat but not really sore just annoying sore...On tues it looked like there was a spot there and i was annoyed...Whilst on phone to mum it got stabby sore and itchy and i rubbed it...Next i know there is what looked like a wiggly worm coming out LOL...So told mum i have to go phone NHS24 <shudder> as one of my inside stitches is coming out...NHS24 said to go to practise nurse in the morning and meanwhile put a dressing or plaster on it...Managed to find a dressing so put that on and at 8.30am on thurs i managed to get through on phone to surgery...So i went and saw the nurse and she pulled it out further and cut end closest to scar to go back inside...So even though they tell you inside dissolving stitches dissolve within 3 weeks they don't LOL...Anyways i am leaving the dressing on for now as we have a long drive tomorrow...

M came home from school with the most delicious gingerbread cakes he had made in home economics so bang goes the WW points for this week <ggg> ...He really enjoyed his athletics again last night :o) ...K was taken out for a going away lunch by the young carers project workers yesterday and they gave her a pressie...Last night she had a *meeting* of the youth action committee and they took her out to megabowl...They gave her a good luck card and a buddha!!!...The buddha was revenge for her organising a pink fluffy unicorn for the YAC leaders 37th birthday last year...HE did laff at the time and promised he'd get his own back...The buddha actually is rather nice so it kinda backfired ROFL...She's had loads of good luck cards and pressies from people so she's very lucky.

The boys are actually both worried about their father being in Houston now the more they hear about Rita :o(  ...G has a birthday party to go to this afternoon so have to go get a card for that...Glad am writing this as i had forgotten duh...Can do the other shopping whilst he's there...He's going to a friends after the party but i need to pick him up early from there to go snowboarding...Tonight i think will be very emotional here with it being K's last nite here before going to uni...I better go now and get organised LOL...Many thanks to Sara for the tag :o) ...toodle pip tc xx

Thief LOL

Decided to nick this off another journal and fill it in as i am putting off going out to do more shopping <YUK> and take my mind off K leaving tomorrow.

Bold all those that you ever were guilty of doing. When you are done, add one thing that is true about yourself to the end, then post the list to your journal.

I’ve run away from home.
I listen to political music.Billy Bragg in my youth and Greendays american idiot is political and a great album

I collect comic books.
I shut others out when I’m sad.I know i shouldn't but am getting better

I open up to others easily.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I watch the news.
I own over 5 rap CDs.
I own an ipod. Not an i-pod but i do have an MP3 player
I own something from Hot Topic
I love Disney movies.
I am a sucker for hair/eyes. Dreamy eyes are essential in a man <G>
I don’t kill bugs.

I curse regularly.
I have “x”s in my screen name.
I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a real conversation.
I love Spam.
I bake well.  
I would wear pajamas to school.
I own something from Abercrombie.
I have a job.
I love Martha Stewart.
I am in love with someone.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.

I am self conscious. I have this in spades i am really insecure and shy although most don't believe me
I like to laugh.
I smoke a pack a day.
of 10
I loved Go Ask Alice.
I have cough drops when I’m not sick.
I can’t swallow pills.
I have many scars. Visible and none visible a broken heart can heal eventually though

I’ve been out of this country. I've been to england <ggg> wales once it was shut <g> switzerland, florida, amsterdam (with art school) and greece

I believe in ghosts.

I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I love chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I am comfortable with being me. .
I play computer games/video games when I’m bored.

Gotten lost in the city. In strange ones yes
Saw a shooting star.
I have had two serious surgical procedures.
Gone out in public in my pajamas.

I have kissed a stranger.
Hugged a stranger.

Been in a fist fight with the same sex.In my youth at school and boy did i get a telling off from my folks
Been arrested.
Laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose.

Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.Am nice i ask people what floor they want when they come in if am in there first
Made out in an elevator.
Sworn at my parents.My mum hates swearing but she forgives me when i have said stuff about how my ex treats the kids
Kicked a guy where it hurts. Hey if it saves some bloke going to try and rape you then too right i have
Been skydiving. I want to do this but need to lose more weight first
Been bungee jumping.
Broken a bone. my right arm when i was 2 so mum has told me
Played spin the bottle.
Gotten stitches.

Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
Bitten someone.
Been to Niagara Falls.
Gotten the chicken pox.

Crashed into a car.
Been to Asia.
Ridden in a taxi.
Been fired.

Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. haven't we all 

Stole something from my job.

Gone on a blind date.
Had a crush on a teacher/coach.

Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Been to Europe.
Slept with a co-worker.

Been married.
Gotten divorced.

Saw someone dying.

Driven over 400 miles in one day.
Been to Canada.
Been on a plane.
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
loads of times and i dress up
Thrown up in a bar.
Eaten Sushi.
Been snowboarding.
Been skiing. not since i was 11.
Been ice skating.

Met someone in person from the internet.
Been to a car show.
Gone to college.Well Art School
Done hard drugs.
Taken painkillers.
Met a celebrity.
I like playing practical jokes.
Once swore Disco would never die.
Seen a ghost. The flat i live in just now used to be haunted we had 2 ghosts one horrid one and one nice one and i saw the nice ghost one night when i was in on my own...When my dad died i didn't see him but the moment he died i felt his presence with me in my bedroom half a mile from the hospital he died in. I knew he was dead when i woke up and felt him with me in my room and that he felt better not being in so much pain anymore
Attended a professional sporting event.
Attended a live rock concert.

PS: forgot to add something true about myself

Am a good listener and a good friend or so i get told

Wednesday, 21 September 2005

Angry Angry Angry

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR if only you could reach out over the phone and strangle someone i would have at tea time today...Here's the reason why:-

The phone rang so being right beside it i answered and said hello like you do...Voice on other end said hiyas and how are you...Well i about died of shock and said am fine do you want to speak to K...Voice said yes please...The voice being my ex hubby...Now that is the first time since a year n half after he walked out that he has asked how i am!!!!...Anyways K gets on the phone...Well this inconsiderate cossable words pillock only went and changed address a MONTH ago and didn't tell his kids...He also changed phone number and didn't tell them...He had FORGOTTEN she was moving to uni this weekend...Bearing in mind the last time that K can remember him phoning was back at end of may for M's birthday that's hardly a surprise :o( ...K had texted his brother last night telling him 'You may want to remind dad that i am moving on sat'...So guess why he phoned cos his brother reminded him :o( ...EX cossable eejit then told K he remembered his freshers week at uni!!!!!! His freshers week was like 20 years ago yet he can't remember to phone his kids grrrrrrr...He then asked if we were stopping by his mums on way down to edinburgh because if we were we could give her anything we wanted taking over to him...She is going over there end of next week...Like yeah right the kids want to send him stuff...Sorry it's too early to buy christmas pressie and they don't buy anything that much to bother having hand delivered...He didn't ask to speak to the boys :o( ...He did give K his new address, phone number and an email addy...They haven't had an email addy from him for 3 years...He claimed he didn't know that LOL...If he didn't know that then why the last time he deigned to phone did he ask K to email recent pics to her uncle so he could forward them on <sigh> ...K came off the phone and called him everything under the sun and quite frankly i don't blame her...What i want to say about him i can't as my journal would get closed as i would lose my account so use your imagination <ggg> ...Oh he did say for them not worry about him with this new hurricane projected to hit houston as his area was going to be safe and he wasn't being evacuated...Forgive me please if quite frankly i don't care if he was safe or not...the rest of Houston i would deeply hope were safely out of it's destructive path and i don't wish anyone to get hurt at all...I did say i wouldn't wish the pain i suffered from my gall bladder all summer on my worst enemy or even my ex hubby...Today after that call i changed my mind he could have that pain 2000fold now...Sorry am not normally vindictive but i detest the way he treats his children...Rant over sweet dreams to anyone still up and reading this

downsides past & present

A journal friend is having her journal featured this week on the US side of AOL...The journal in question is Saras Days which i have a link to on the right :o) ...She also has an autistic son and is using this week to raise awareness of autism and explaining how they went through diagnosis...A lot of what she has written both this week and in the past i feel affinity for...I know that most who read my journal read Saras too but if you don't have a looksy as she writes so well and she's also very witty...Her entry from yesterday i very much have empathy with and decided to write a bit about my own experience of same thing today.

Going out both in the past and also the present can turn into a complete and utter nightmare time...As i have said often autism is so jekyll and hyde and no-one can understand it unless they live with it on a daily basis...Neither of my sons particularly like going out in crowds so shopping can be mega difficult...When they were toddlers and in G's case a baby then it was easier as i left them at home with their dad and went out on my own...G as a baby used to scream the roof down when we went into certain shops...At the time i found it very embarrasing and used to just dump whatever i was intending to buy and leave the place...After a while i noticed it was in the same shops and came to the conclusion the lighting was affecting him in them...So unless he was asleep i avoided them like the plague...It was particularly hard as it was always in shops that sold baby/toddler clothing...Also once his M was born having a double pushchair and a 3 year old in tow was bad enough to go shopping with let alone this screaming monster as G seemed to be at the time...I have since found out that he is particularly sensitive to certain types of lighting...I didn't know this for definite until he was 13 and he had filled in a worksheet at his base...It is not so much the actual beams coming from the light but the bulbs...He can hear them buzzing and he hears them really loud...I always knew that M had hypersensitive hearing but not G until he did this worksheet...I now know that halogen lighting he doesn't hear the bulb and i have replaced most of the lights in the flat to halogen ones.

By the time G was capable of walking enough not to be in the pushchair i thought i knew all the places in town to avoid...I didn't want to have to drag him by the hand out of places...G was already diagnosed by then but M wasn't...The places G couldn't go into i knew but then M started having screaming fits in other places <sigh> ...M had by this time developed epilepsy (since grown out of it) and his screaming tantrums had no rhyme nor reason...His chopped and changed everytime we were out...He would throw himself down on the ground and bang his head of the pavement or floor for what felt like hours...Sometimes they would last for seconds sometimes 45 minutes...As they got older and M was also diagnosed autistic it became more stressful...Both myself and my daughter had already lost some so called friends because of this...General public would stare and whisper at us...K bless her even when she was only about 6 or 7 would go up to people and say 'Don't you know i is rude to stare didn't your parents teach you manners' ...Or she would say 'My brothers are autistic what is your problem' ...I never once told her off for being cheeky as she had a very valid point and i was proud of her...One thing i learnt pretty quick when my sons were small was to develop an very thick skin...I have *lost it* with people in the past and still do but i do try to keep it to a minimum...One particular time that sticks very much in my memories is when the boys were about 7& 8 or maybe 8 & 9...I know i was a single parent by this time...My mum had come in and we were out shopping in town and going for lunch too...We had gone into M&S and M went totally of the rails...People were staring and i was trying desperately to keep a hold of him so i could take him outside to calm down...One couple were *whispering* a lot but loud enough for me to actually hear what was being said...So i got my mum to hold his hand and i marched right up to them...I did shout but tried to stay calm through my tears...I explained he was autistic and that he was not some brat who needed a good skelp on his backside...I said smacking him would only escalate it as he had no comprehension of why he would be getting a smack...Consequence one extremely embarrased couple who muttered an apology and left the area.

G did improve to point where he seemed to cope okies...He's always been more introverted than M...I did notice though that if we were out and it was getting crowded if you took his hand he was rigid and shaky...M has always been more vocal so it is easier to spot his fears...M still throws his wobblys and the most recent one was on sunday...As readers know they have this footie tournament next wednesday...They are required to wear football boots and shin pads for it...After respite we went down to JJB's to buy boots and shin pads...M lost the plot in the first JJB's we went into...He started banging his head off the shelves as G was trying on a pair...They didn't have any costing less than £50 for M and i wasn't about to pay that much for football boots...By the time G had tried his on and i was going to buy them M had decided to run off...G ran after him but luckily for me he had stopped at the top of the stairs and sat down screaming...He still has the road sense of a 5 year old and at 6 feet tall and 14 stone i can't restrain him so it can be a worry...Certain things he can be like a toddler in a mans body...I explained to the shop assistants not to go up to him and why and was best to just leave him alone...I have been called allsorts in the past like uncaring mother etc for taking that kind of action...Really it is the best thing to do as trying to comfort him just makes things worse...Left to calm down by himself has always been the best course of action...We did go to the other JJB's and i left the boys in the car and went in on my own and managed to get boots for M...On monday he happily put them on and was pleased with them.

I am not saying that every child or teenager anyone sees in the street/shop/playpark has the problems my sons do but do stop and think if possible...It's NOT an excuse for their behaviour and i do tell them off but in a way they can understand...Autism is not a visible disability and like any disability that isn't physical so people can see it then it can be doubly hard for parents/carers to deal with...We have never had what most would call a *normal* family life and my marriage broke up because of it...But we haven't had a *bad* life we just do things different...I will miss K like crazy when she leaves home for uni at the weekend BUT i have always encouraged her to leave home to do that...I want her to start having a *normal* life for herself away from her brothers and how life has been over the last 13 years for her...For Sara and her family and myself there are an awful lot of us around now and awareness of how it can be for both the person with the condition and their families is needed...I now have cards that i can give to people but i haven't as yet used them as i prefer to say myself...Am used to it now but those cards i could have been doing with 13 years ago when i was still new to it and vulnerable...Am rambling on way too much now so am gonna shut up LOL...Just one last thing G is very much aware of how he can be which is why he found having to talk in front of his whole class so stressful...With his aspergers he likes everything to be just right and it wasn't......toodle pip xx

Tuesday, 20 September 2005


Tuts and tsks at journal font the fairy wings one and todays one both went all ARIAL when they appeared on my journal...Am sure there is a font pixie changing my font between me typing, pressing send and then my entry appearing ROFL...Think from now on i will try a different font every time i make an entry <ggg>  I TYPED this in comic sans grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Distress and other stuff

I had to phone G's base today as yesterday he was extremely distressed when he got home from school...He'd forgotten his home school book so i couldn't write a note in there...He had to do a talk in english...Now that alone was news to me...I got told today that he had said he would practise it at home on me!!!!...IF he remembered to take his home/school book back here more often then maybe i would know these things...Disorganisation is an aspergers trait he has in spades and it does frustrate me a lot...Not that i am that great at being organised myself LOL...Anyway this talk...He had missed it last week due to being off sick...The english teacher had arranged it that he wouldn't have to talk in front of the whole class...Well yesterday she mucked that up BIG TIME...She asked him to do his talk there and then and the whole class was there...Well that totally freaked him out and he just couldn't do it at all...He was so embarrassed about it all :o( ...Embarrassment is an emotion he has never really displayed before but is starting to be affected by it a lot just now...The english teacher came down to the base and apologised to him and explained it was HER fault and not his at all...I think he is slightly over it today but am not sure...He felt so bad that he couldn't eat his tea last night :o( ...He is off out to a friends for the evening so could be why he is a happy chappie today.

At footie last night BOTH the boys were happy and used their new footie boots...M found it easier to play in them actually which is a bonus :o) ...They were much more chilled last night too which is good...I don't think M likes playing indoors because it is too noisy and they were inside last tues because of rain...They are so looking forward to the tournament next wed now...The only downside is we have to be at the football pitches for 6.30AM eeekks.

Went to the gym this morning and then went and met my sis...The flat my cousins son has bought is really spacious and fairly central too...Didn't see my neice as she had induction all day at uni...She's in again tomorrow but i don't think she is moving in to the flat properly until the weekend...Off to take in washing then go visit my bestest friend :o) ...National Autism Awareness day is this saturday btw so am using my ribbon siggy tags all week :o) ...Toodle pip take care xx


Monday, 19 September 2005

Fairy wings LOL

Well i've spoken about them often enough so here's a pic...K with her new rainbow coloured fairy wings...She's bonkers i tell you <gg> ...No comments from the back seats of like mother like daughter thank you ROFL

Oh i stayed the same again tonight at weightwatchers <sigh> ...That's 2 weeks on the trot i've stayed the same but i guess it's better than putting on loads of weight that the consultant said i would do <shrug>


Silly puter decided it would go wonky again on sat lunchtime...Am sure G is getting paranoid about stuff like this as always seems to be after he's been online...So took it to the shop as it wouldn't boot up properly and man there thought might be my keyboard...They didn't have time to look at it on sat so not long got it back today...The CMOS battery had died, whatever that is...They put in a new one and didn't charge me for it :o) ...When i was there i asked how much an ethernet cable cost and the man gave me a short one for free out of a big binful of cables they had behind the dek :o)

So no computer meant we did loads over the weekend WRONG lol...G didn't make it to snowboarding on fri with having been sick and not to skiing on sat either...He did go to the fun club on sat afternoon though...The boys were both at respite playscheme yesterday so i went to the gym after dropping them off...When i got back K was no-where to be seen...Finally when she deigned to answer her phone she was in town with a friend...I had thought we could go get some more bits and bobs but was not to be...Her friend bought her a new set of fairy wings...They are rainbow coloured and covered in glitter and pretty...I still fail to see what the attraction of fairy wings has to an almost 18 year old but she's a teensy bit mad <ggg> Her visit to edinburgh on fri was to try and get a job in premier travel inn...They will phone her this week telling her if she has been successful or not...Fingers crossed.

On sat we watched the X factor and had a good giggle at it...The rest of the stuff on TV on sat was utter rubbish...After i picked up the boys yesterday we went and bought football boots and long socks...I tried to get another set of shin pads but all the JJB sports shops were sold out of the size M needs <sigh> ...M hasn't tried on his football boots yer but i can return them if they don't fit him...I've been to the gym every day since last wed and feel a lot better for it :o)

Today M had a very sore throat so was off school but he came shopping with me and K after i had got back from the gym...Ended up in poundland buying lots of stationery etc for K to go to uni with :o) ...They didn't have her cutlery left so we got some elsewhere...I think all she needs now is the printer...We are going to asda once we drop her stuff off in her room so anything *missing* can be bought there...Am getting more worried and a bit teary about her going now as sat is approaching fast...My older sister is in same boat as my niece is moving here to the city to do 2 years at uni to turn her HND into a degree...They will be through tomorrow so meeting up with them...We have loads of photos for K to make a montage with to hang up on her wall...M & G want one of the photos put up in their bedroom once she has gone <bless> ...Time to go get the boys ready for footie in the rain and me to weightwatchers <gulp> ...Wonder if my font will stay as comic sans this time or reset itself ROFL...........Toodle pip take care xx

Friday, 16 September 2005

swings, jumps and robbie

About the playground stuff at M's school...The slide rope tyre thing has been there for several years and so has the other wooden structure...The wheelchair able items are new...They did have swings suitable for physically disabled before but the kids had to be lifted out and sat into special seats...Now they can just be wheeled onto the swing :o) ...The wheelchairs can then be locked down for safety and the kids can have the pleasure of being swung through the air without any kerfuffle of being lifted around...It was either the single swing or the roundabout that i overheard someone say cost in region of £13000.00...There are 2 double swings elsewhere in the playground too...Now i know that specialist equipment costs more to produce BUT that seems to be a heck of a lot just for a slightly different design...Basically it is a flat bottom with locking clamps on it instead of a seat...Surely that can't cost several thousand pounds more to make!!!!...The rope in front is for any child in a wheelchair who has the ability to pull on it to make themselves swing.

M really enjoyed himself at athletics last night and wants to keep going :o) ...I say athletics basically they are learning how to do jumps etc indoors onto mats...What they started with last night was doing standing long jump type stuff...Then they were *jumping* over *hurdles*...The hurdles were just over a foot high padded plastic obstacles which they had to run and jump or skip over...But hey everyone has to start somewhere and i am trying to get him involved in more exercise...G was sick last night so he is off school and as K is away to edinburgh to a jobs fayre then i am not going to get to the gym...G is still asleep in bed and i doubt he will get to snowboarding tonight either :o( ...A friend sent me the new Robbie Williams single on wed evening when M was asleep...So being the nice mum that i am <koff> i put it on his MP3 player as a surprise...So i have a happy M just now and he is looking forward to robbies tour next year...Once we have confirmation when the dates are then i will buy the tickets via his website...I joined the bit he has on his website for his biggest fans so we get advance warning and they set aside tickets for gigs on there specific for you :o) ...Still have to try to be amongst the first to get some like but fingers crossed...Must clear big space on credit card for them and then start the rounds of trying to get him to meet M...I've been trying for years and not managed yet but i try...I swear they think am one of his weirdo stalkers LOL...Anyways better go see if there is any post for us and do some housework...Very chilly nip in the air today...TTFN xx

Thursday, 15 September 2005

thurs bits

Cheers Stuart am back to normal size again :o) ...Now this i am definitely writing in comic sans font as i ALWAYS do but i bet it shows up as arial or some other one yet again...But hey ho my journal can be weird just like me <ggg> ...Been back to the gym again today and did 10 mins each on treadmill and bike then 10 lengths of the pool...I must admit i almost gave up on doing 10 mins on the bike but i lasted the distance...So far fingers crossed i have had no adverse after effects...K went to the royal bank of scotland to open her student account with them...She got £100 from them for opening it :o) ...According to her that will see her through freshers week...According to me that will be money to buy books with <ggg> ...My mum gave her money already to buy stuff she needed but she's kept that to tide her over till she gets her bursary cheque...She doesn't know but i have already set aside some money to give her for freshers week...So see the £100 can be used for essentials like books...She still hasn't been given a book list so we have no idea what she needs to get yet...Lloyds TSB weren't giving anything for a student account but she is still going to keep that one open even though she won't be using it.

I got good news by text this morning from an old friend from online...She is going to be a granny and is over the moon about it :o) ...I really should be going to make some tea but i can't be bothered LOL...M starts his athletics tonight and is really looking forward to it...I just pray the rain stays away whilst he is thereas it has been on and off all day...One of the coaches also does his footie training so that will be good as he already knows what M can be like...Both the footie training and the athletics training is for kids with disabilities/special needs...The council got a lot of money from the Big Lottery Fund for sports stuff at the beginning of the year and it is good to see they are putting some of it into sports for kids like my sons :o) ....Did a huge shop at asda when down at the gym so i guess i better go cook something LOL...K's hair does look better outside in natural light...You can see the blue sheen to it and actually her hair to me looks navy blue ROFL...Toodle pip and take care xx

Pics from school BBQ

Here's pics taken at the bbq at M's school last saturday...Some are pics of M with the magician they had as entertainment...He got a creme egg for taking part which he gave to me because he doesn't like them LOL...The magician was a bit on the cheesey side <ggg> but all the kids really enjoyed his show :o) ...Pic no7 is of the death slide thing at his school...They swing over from side to side on a tyre hanging by a strong wire between the two wooden support bits...Lots of the dads there wanted to have a go on it LOL...Pic 8 is of one of the new wheelchair swings they have at his school now...Pic 9 is some more of the playthings they have there...Pic 10 is of the new wheelchair roundabout they have installed...Pic 11 is one taken of G when he was away with his school in june.

The new special wheelchair stuff at his school were purchased with money raised by friends of his school and a very large donation by BP...They also put in better paths within the playground and are currently raising more money to build a large conservatory out the back of the school...The specialist wheelchair equipment costs an absolute fortune to buy

Pics of snowboarding

Some pics of G at his snowboarding...The ones on the nursery slope and on the alpine slope look far away sorry...I was using a cheap throwaway camera to take them with

Wednesday, 14 September 2005


Well her hair is supposed to be black with a blue tinge to it...Looks black to me LOL...Maybe the blue will appear later <fingers crossed>...My hands despite wearing gloves now look like i spilt a bottle of ink on them...We'll take a pic in different light tomorrow and see what it is like then.

I watched the channel 5 programme about 7/7...Tough to watch with survivors and relatives of people who died speaking on it...There were a lot of unsung heroes that day including Paul Dadge and they all deserve recognition of some kind to honour what they did to help...To find out that a passenger just 3 feet from one of the bombers survived is miraculous

Just wondering if anything is going wonky with journals tonight or if it's just me as per usual...Not only have some of my font sizes changed but the actual font itself has changed!!!!...Now i know how i could have possibly changed the view of the font size and have tried that out LOL...BUT the font itself erm that one i dunno...I always use comic sans on my journal and now i seem to have a mix...Gonna go sleep on it...Toodle pip take care xx

Back to the gym :o)

HURRAH i made it to the gym today :o) ...I feel soooooooooo much better for having been there...I asked one of the instructors for guidance though...She's a trainee nurse so was the best one to ask LOL...Basically no rowing machine for a bit <G> 2 of the weight machines i use are out too and no sit ups...Once my belly button scarred bit feels fine again then i can go back to those bits...So i did my 5 mins warm up on the treadmill (i always walk on it NEVER run) 6 of the weight machines then my swim...I did go back to the lowest weight possible on the machines and i only did 10 lengths...I tried to swim slow so i could do more but i almost sank ROFL.

Bought hair dye for K so am off to put that in for her after i do this entry...Cosmic blue!!!!...It's a black with blue tinge to it...She really needs her hair cut too will make an appointment for next week before she leaves...Went into JJB shop before going into gym to price football boots for the boys...They have £10 off ALL footie boots just now but also i spied some pairs that were only £10...Need to get the boys down there to try them on...Bought one set of shin guards for them to try on and will get other set when i take them to try on the boots.

K has been to open a new student bank account with a different bank to the one she is with just now...She decided to open one with the bank that is on the campus.  So she has an appointment tomorrow to fill in all the forms...M starts athletics tomorrow night and is very excited about that...All i seem to do is chauffeur them around LOL...The only evening i will be free from chauffeuring is a wed and it is staying that way LOL...I better go and chuck this hair dye in K's hair as she has a meeting later and wants it done before then...Toodle pip take care xx

Monday, 12 September 2005

Busy Busy

Well we had a busy afternoon today...I had intended going to the gym once the boys had left for school but ended up going back to sleep as i had a splitting headache...K woke me up later as she knew i needed to go to the bank then we were going shopping...As i have stated loads of times i loathe and detest shopping but today was different...We were going out to buy stuff for K going to uni...I had fallen way behind with all the prep with being in hospital and this is the first time i have really felt up to going trailing around doing a mass shop.

Everyone had been telling me to just go to Ikea when we got down to edinburgh but i wanted to make sure we had it all before we go...I really didn't want to end up trailing around edinburgh with the boys buying essentials...So we popped down to the huge asda and got loads of stuff...Got a kitchen starter pack which has frying pan, sharp knives, bottle opener, corkscrew, cheese grater, salt & pepper, erm lots of things that are useful and some am sure she will not need LOL...It was only £15...Looked at the savers pan set and decided it was yuk and bought the stainless steel set of 3 which was only a couple of quid dearer at just over £9...Got a dinner set that is really groovy (i want one too) for a tenner instead of £15...Got a set of coloured glasses, chopping board, clothes pegs, clothes line...She wanted to just use some thick string <sheesh> I actually wanted to get a clothes horse so we compromised LOL...I know they have a laundrette to use but tumble drying costs money LOL...Her friends she already knows tie some thick string across their room...Plastic coated clothes line won't mark her clothes i told her...Also got a holdall on wheel that is same blue as her suitcase for a tenner...And lastly but more importantly in her eyes we got a laptop bag for £15...It is one for a notebook lappy but her one looks tiny and lost in it LOL...It also looks just as good as the ones that cost £35+ in the likes of comet, PC world etc...We have still to get the printer but that will have to wait until next week...One good thing i found out from her today is she has insurance...She told me i already said i had letter about insurance in my pack...I said i know but you didn't say it was contents insurance for your room...Nice that it is included in the cost of the fees for her halls as is her internet access...I know a lot of universities don't include stuff like that and you have to pay extra on top...The fees for Heirot Watt are about average for a scottish uni too...She has seen cutlery she likes and WOOHOO it is in poundland LOL...Also on way home we went into TKMaxx so i could buy these cool trainers for myself that i saw yesterday...Nike Air Max ones supposedly originally £79 for £16.99...K liked them too and as she is going away and we won't be wearing the same thing i got us both a pair :o) Toodle pip and tc xxx

7 Things

7 Things I plan to do before I die:

1) See my kids happy and successful 2) To have grandkids 3) To see australia and new zealand 4) To learn to ride a motorbike 5) To go watch a F1 race live 6) To find myself a new bloke LOL 7) To win the lottery and see my family & friends comfortable and set up proper respite care for kids/young adults with autism/aspergers where i live 

7 Things I can do:

1) Drive a car 2) Swim 3) Crochet 4) Be a good mum <ggg> 5) Be a good friend and shoulder to cry on 6) Take proper photographs 7) Embroider 


7 Things I can't do:

1) Snowboard or ski 2) Run 3) Ride a horse 4) Cook very well LOL 5) Keep my gob shut when something really annoys me 6) Act my age <ggg> 7) Ride a motorbike
7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex:

1) Personality 2) Eyes 3) Nice bum 4) To make me laff 5) Get on well with my kids 6) Try to understand autism/aspergers (essential) 7) Must be tall

7 Things I say most often:

1) Be quiet please 2) Tidy your room NOW 3) Whatever 4) How many points is in this 5) Can i actually get towatch something on the telly 6) Do your homework 7) Suppose so

7 Celebrity Crushes:

1) Mel Gibson 2) Keanu Reeves 3) Johnny Depp 4) Billie Joe Armstrong 5) Matt Bellamy 6) Simon Cowell 7) Robert Downey jnr

Sunday, 11 September 2005


The first pic is of my two handsome boys :o) ...On the right is G my 15 year old and on the left is M my 14 year old...The second pic is of my daughter K looking all sultry LOL...She took this pic on her camera phone...I think it looks like it has been taken with a soft focus lens on.

We went round to my best friends this afternoon and stayed there for hours...Her new house is lovely and the living room is huge...They also have a long garden on 3 different levels...The garden will need a lot of work as it is really overgrown...I took lots of pics round there of her 2 toddlers and so did my daughter :o) ...We took round K's old rocking horse...She got it for her birthday when she was 1 so it is now 17 years old LOL and still going strong...Her two loved it which was good :o) ...Before in her flat she didn't have room for it...It was a nice afternoon and both my boys loved the house...There was lots of space for them to feel comfy in...My friend has also said now that she has the house with all the space that if i need to go away for a weekend anytime now my K won't be here to look after them they can go stay with her :o) ...I used up all my film too so will put them in tomorrow to get developed and put on disc so i can have them on the computer...Will put pics taken at the BBQ and of G snowboarding on here...Shame i can't send the pics of my kids to their father but he has not given them an email address for 3 years now :o( ...Am off to have some food now as am starving and i also need to rest a bit...Toodle pip for now tc xxx

Saturday, 10 September 2005


Shock and horror i remembered to take a camera to the bbq so will have pics soon...I took some of the boys but i also took pics of some of the special play equipment they have in the school grounds...Also took pics of G snowboarding last night...He missed skiing this morning as his legs were too sore...He did bang the snowboard mega hard against his left knee last night...He also woke up at around 4am with really bad cramps in his right leg...He does like the snowboarding but he is less than impressed that he can get hurt more easily doing it LOL

Today it was dull but the bbq went ahead regardless and thankfully it didn't rain...They had a magician doing entertainment in the school hall...M was up helping him one of the tricks and i got pics of that :o) ...Won some wine from the bottle stall so K is getting that for taking to uni...I don't do wine often, never really found one i actually like...They were advised to bring something like that with them to break the ice with their new found friends <ggg> ...Won a teddy with wings from soft toy stall so she is getting that too...We won 2 raffle prizes but M got really upset...He didn't win the prize he wanted which was some daft trophy thing that was mens toiletries...Think it had bubble bath in it...I spoke to the teacher who is organising the trip to the lake district next june...M will be getting a place as what she did was send out 4 letters to the 4 eldest pupils in his class...That way then no-one would be upset at not getting to go LOL...Very wise woman she is :o) ...We wil be allowed to pay up the £215 cost <phew> ...With K going away to uni i couldn't afford to pay it all in one go just now...It was a good afternoon apart from M getting upset over the raffle...His best friend from school has been picked to play augustus gloop in his drama groups production of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory so we will be going to see it...Tomorrow we are all going to visit my best mate in her new house...Will use up rest of the camera there and get pics of K with friends 2 wee ones for her to take with her...She's said she wants lots of pics to take away to put on her wall <bless> ...We better start packing her stuff next week so we know we haven't missed anything...Everyone keeps telling me to just go to Ikea once we are down there and buy crockery etc from there...Problem is i doubt M or G will want to wander round there full stop...Shopping is a nightmare at best of times for me let alone taking 2 ASD teenagers in tow...They hate crowds and noise and certain kinds of lighting make them go off the wall...Toodle pip for now xx

Friday, 9 September 2005

Special Delivery

I took this from a message board i read and wanted to put it in here :o)

Once upon a time, three angels were busily working in the miracle factory.
They were responsible for wrapping up all the little miracles and sending them
on their way. Normally they wrapped each one in bright, sturdy paper with big,
shiny ribbons. They stamped it with a delivery date and away it would go to
the parents who eagerly awaited its arrival. Things usually ran pretty smoothly.
One day, however, down the conveyer belt came a little miracle that made the
angels pause. "Oh my," said the first angel "this one's
uhm...well...different." "Yes, he is unique" said the second angel. "Well I think he is quite
special," said the first angel "but I don't think he will quite fit our standard
wrapping procedures." And the second angel added, "And we know he's special, but
will everyone else?" "Not a problem," said the third angel "obliviously a
special miracle deserves extra special wrapping; and of course we'll send him off
with our most heartfelt blessings. Then everyone will see how special he is."
"What a wonderful idea!" replied the others. So they searched the shelves high
and low for their finest paper, and their most delicate ribbons.
When they were done, they stood back and admired their work. "Beautiful!" th
ay all agreed. "Now for our blessings," said the third angel "for it is time
for him to go." "I will bless him with innocence and happiness," said the first
angel. "And I will bless him with strength to face the many challenges that
lie ahead" said the second angel. "And I will bless him with an inner beauty
that will shine on all who look upon him" said the third angel. Before sending
him off the third angel, who was very wise, gently tucked a note inside.

And it said:

Dear Parents,
Today you have received a very special gift.
It may not be what you were expecting,
And you may be disappointed, angry and hurt.
But please know that he comes with many blessings,
And, while there may be pain, he will bring you much joy
He will take you in a very difficult journey,
But you will meet many wonderful people.
He will teach you patience and understanding
And make you reach deep inside yourselves
to find a source of strength and faith you never knew you had.
He will enrich your lives,
And will touch the hearts of all who meet him.
He may be fragile,
But he has great inner strength.
So please handle him with care,
Give him lots of attention,
Shower him with hugs and kisses,
Love him with all your heart,
And he will blossom before your eyes.
His spirit will shine like the brightest star for all to see,
And you will know that you are truly blessed.

So true in every word and no matter what happens i love both my sons unconditionally even though their autism/aspergers can get to me big time occasionally...They are who they are as is everyone and disability whouldn't be a barrier or block or a blindspot for people...Sadly it is and it is only extremely slowly that stuff is being broken down but i have lots of hope for the future :o) I am NOT any kind of special parent it is my children who are special and i include my daughter in that statement...I feel blessed to have been given them all :o)

This and that

In the words of Victor Meldrew 'I don't believe it' LOL...Yesterday in the post i got a letter from local health board...Nothing uncommon there as i often get ones for the boys from speech therapy etc...So i opened it up thinking yet another speech therapist had left...How wrong was i LOL the letter was a DATE for the ultrasound scan i had been refered for way back 2nd week of july...There was a number to phone to arrange a time in NOVEMBER...So i phoned them up AGAIN...I had phoned about 3 hours before i was rushed into hospital to chase it up and again when i came home from hospital to cancel the scan...The 2nd time i left a message saying i no longer required the appointment and why...Well the bloke that answered the phone was not the brightest spark in the box...He asked my name and why i wished to cancel it...I told him because i had the operation 3 weeks ago...He said really and where did you have it done then...So i politely informed him i had done here at the local hospital...So then he hummed and said 'ARE YOU SURE THEY TOOK IT OUT' ...Well words failed me at that point and i just muttered yes so he said thank you i will cancel it and hung up...I so felt like saying to him 'no am not sure i only have 4 scars on my belly for fun'...Makes you wonder where they get these people at times.

M came home from school yesterday with a letter about going away on a trip...Usually it is room 8 that go every 2nd year but they have 4 extra places for next june so they were being offered to older kids in his class...Fingers crossed he gets a place as i think more than 4 will want to go...The place they are going to is run by the Bendrigg Trust and is in the Lake District...It is specifically for physical disabilities and learning difficulties...They have a website  I haven't looked at it myself yet as we got a leaflet about the place home to read.

G went back to school yesterday :o) He handed in the form from work experience and the head of the base was really pleased with it...G also overheard her telling the other staff that it was an EXCELLENT report :o) We must be doing something wrong this year as so far she has been complimentary about him all the time <ggg> He has snowboarding tonight so i will see his guidance teacher there as he teaches skiing on a fri evening...Will ask him what he thinks of it then :o)

K had a great time at her party down in edinburgh and now i am getting nervous about her moving to uni...Can't believe my baby is all grown up now and leaving home...Ok she will be home in holidays and hopefully for the odd weekend...Just wonder if my mum and dad felt like this about me leaving home to go to art school.

Went into town today to be outside the registrars when my friend was going in to get married this morning...She looked gorgeous and was very nervous...When they came out she said he had pulled a face as she went to say her vows and all she could do was giggle from there on <ggg> Her sons care worker is going to stay with him overnight today so her and her now hubby can go away to a posh hotel for the night :o) I made her a card in her favourite pink colour and took some pics...Have loads to write about my best friends new house that i saw for first time eysterday but will do that laters...Got a new siggy so trying it out :o) ...Toodle pip for now and tc xx

Wednesday, 7 September 2005


Decided from now on daughter is being refered to as K, eldest lad as G and youngest as M...Will make me less confused if that is possible <ggg> ...G is going back to school tomorrow as he feels well enuff and he is being annoying...Definitely a sign they are on the mend when they get annoying again LOL...K went off to edinburgh at lunchtime for a party and will be back home tomorrow...I asked her to do the hoovering before she left but she hasn't and i forgot to remind her <sigh>...I can do some housework again i just find it hard to lift and push the hoover, lift the kettle when water in it or anything heavy...Would ask one of the boys but they are rubbish at it...I still haven't managed along to the gym yet...Never thought i would get addicted to the place but i did and i miss it big time...Later i need to go look out something to send with M to his school for a raffle price for sat...Sat is the schools annual BBQ/open day...Praying the weather stays good...If i remember i will get a camera and take some pics...I have a friend who is getting married on fri and will be taking pics of her then <ggg>...Small wedding just her, her fella, her son and his 2 kids at the registrars...Told her i am going to stand outside the building and watch them going in then come out and take pics cos am nice like that :o) If i remember to take pics on sat then i will post some here but don't hold your breath as i am very forgetfull in my old age <ggg>  Toodle pip for now xx

Monday, 5 September 2005

Eldest lad

Yups another entry so soon LOL...When i was saying night to the boys i noticed a big brown envelope sat on top of telly in their room...It was addressed to the person who was in charge of the place eldest did work experience in...It had the report on eldest inside so i demanded to see it <ggg> ...He's such a daftie as it wasn't bad in fact quite the opposite...Everything listed he did properly :o) ...Under any other comments you wish to make the person from the company wrote bit below

G is a very pleasant young man who has fitted in to our team well and worked hard.  He has completed various tasks succesfully including building computer systems. All in all a very likeable lad who deserves to do well in the future

Am really really chuffed to bits about it and very proud of how well he coped...It is so hard to believe he is the same kid as he was when younger...Am not saying that everyone with an ASD can come on as much as he has but it does show they don't deserve to be written off and can do well...Gone all teary now so toodle pip again xx

chilled out and relaxed

Went to weightwatchers tonight for first time since week before my op and am pleased i only put on 1 n half lbs...Not bad considering i have been in hossy and not eaten that much since i got out...Am still experimenting with what i can and cannot eat now...So far i seem to be living on fresh fruit and steak LOLOL...I found one of the asda's here sells organic meat and cheaper than the non organic...I kid you not the fillet steak was almost £2 cheaper and tasted lot nicer too :o) ...I have a date in for my checkup at the consultant's clinic and i will prove him wrong with saying i would put on weight as i will be back on track from now on...I didn't go to the gym today as my scar in belly button is slightly inflammed <sigh> I was going to go for just a swim but i am worried about picking up an infection...I may just go down and walk on the treadmill for a bit...I won't be tempted into running on it as i don't do running full stop unless it's for a bus ROFL

Eldest lad was sent home ill from school this morning but he insisted on going to footie training with his brother tonight...Good news from there is they are putting a team down to the scottish disability sports U-16 tournament...Youngest has changed his mind now and wants to go too which means i can go and cheer them on :o) ...They are also going to Blair Drummond safari park as a one off special trip with their saturday fun club in oct...Youngest is terrified of animals but likes the look of it!!!!...I haven't been there since i was about 9 or 10 LOL...It will have changed loads over the last 30 years <ggg> Eldest lad told me his work experience company wanted him to stay which was brill news...Not that he was going to get to stay but still good news in that he coped so well :o) ...His snowboarding and skiing lessons went well at the weekend with no tumbles this week HURRAH!!!...Daughter has now started the obligatory countdown to going to uni...I am getting very nervy and sad now about her leaving home to go there...I know she will cope fine and make plenty friends...Nothing can be as bad as the bullying she got at school...At least you'd hope by the age they are at uni they won't bully someone because they have disabled brothers (fingers crossed)...She is off to a party in edinburgh on wed as she already has friends who live there...The penalties i have to pay for a weekend away LOL

My weekend away was brilliant fun and it was good to see a lot of friends again...Sadly i couldn't do the full eat, drink and be merry lark...Well i did the drink on friday and my body took great offence...So no alcohol for a few more weeks yet LOL...The eat i was careful about but i did do the merry to the best i could...Am sure they think am mad as a hatter <gggg> It was great to recharge the batteries especially after my op and to relax and not worry over anything for a couple of days...A little time out does everyone the world of good in my book :o) Toodle pip for now tc xx

Friday, 2 September 2005

Friday bits

I was sad to see that the actor Michael Sheard has died of cancer :o(  For those of a certain age he will be best remembered for playing Mr Bronsan in the tv series Grange Hill...He also played hitler on several occassions and Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back...I met him one at a star trek convention where we had several star wars actors along too...He was an extremely witty man who took great joy in mixing with the people along at the convention...One memory that still remains with me is at some silly time in the morning we wanted to get him upstairs to a party...One of the other actors turned to me and asked me to go down and fetch him...Reason being was i had on a low cut top and apparently that was guaranteed to get him out of the bar LOL...So RIP Mr Sheard there will be a lot of people who will miss you.

Am away for the weekend and in a rush to get ready as per usual...Made my infamous turkish delight last night and have just finished cutting it up and rolling it in the icing sugar/cornflour mix...It's mega messy but kinda fun to pull this jelly gloop covered in oil out of the tin <ggg> ...Still have to go out and change a top, pay money into the bank to cover a bill, get my pointy toed stilettoe boots heeled and oh yeah i still need to pack...To everyone out there have a brill weekend and will see you next week :o)  Toodle pip and take care xx