Tuesday 29 January 2008


Well he didn't get through yesterday...Not many did at all...It was also a very long day and quite frankly the organisation sucked big time...They had people there from 7.30am who weren't on until around 2pm...They had those under 18 there from 9am quite a few who were as young as 5 years old...And most of them weren't on until between 2 and 3pm...The holding area this time was a smaller room that was packed with not enough chairs and was extremely stuffy...And Simon was in a bad mood and buzzing people out before they had barely begun their act...He buzzed M out before he had finished the first line of what he was singing...Also it did very much smack of a rigged or fixed day...As we weren't in the audience as such i dunno how they were told to behave before filming started...But every time 1 judge buzzed the whole audience started shouting off, off, off...So the impression me and others got was they were told to do that...Having rather young kids taking part and making them hang about so long i would have thought must have broken some rules & regs regarding minors being involved in television...One of the other contestants friends or family said M didn't have that bad a voice...And it did sound ok in the venue...But i think what he does really isn't what they are looking for on BGT...Must say though he was rather clever without realising it...As soon as he had been buzzed by all of the judges M spoke out...Dunno if that was how it was supposed to work but he said 'oh well 3 buzzers that's the way it works'...Simon was the one who spoke when he came on and Simon replied to that...What he said was 'well it was nice to meet you M' and then M walked off the stage...Giving neither Piers nor Amanda time to say anything or Simon to be critical of his voice...LOLOLOL...Actually if Simon had been going to be critical he would have said so when he spoke back to M.

We did get to see Ant & Dec very close up...They came up to the holding area to interview some acts...And those acts were already picked out...Ok that kind of smacks of fix but i know that one of them at least wasn't put through...Anyway where they actually did those interviews was right beside where we were sitting...And OMG i knew they were short but not THAT short lol...Ant is the taller of the two of them and he's shorter than me and am 5'8½"...M had to have someone backstage and in the wings with him being under 18...He wanted K with him and not me...So they both got to speak to Ant & Dec and K is slightly shorter than me and said Dec came to about her shoulders...Probs not that short but i'd say regardless of what his official blurb says that he must be about 5'3"...Dec did say to K that Simon didn't give M a chance when he buzzed so quick...Now in the holding area everyone was talking to each other and asking stuff like what day had they auditioned on previously...One act who turned up later for the late afternoon/early evening auditions said this was their first time...They hadn't been to another audition for the show...Hmmmmm rather strange and i wasn't only person who thought so...Tell you if they are on the Live shows then something is definitely WRONG and yes i do remember the name of their act and what they look like...But at end of the day they only had 21 acts in the first session and 21 in the second session yesterday and they were only doing one day there...So out of the thousands that auditioned back in nov to get down to that stage was good...And he shouldn't be too despondant...I didn't agree with people having to be there so damned early...I know they interviewed every single act on camera and some more than once but even so there was no need for it...Even those who had stayed overnight were still up ridiculously early for something that was on in the afternoon.

The hotel was rather dodgy to say the least and we won't be staying there ever again...Taxis in Glasgow are a lot cheaper than here LOL...K made me take her shopping <sigh> Oh and reason it was difficult to find accomodation near the venue was because there was a huge massive trade fair on...Some were staying in same hotel as us and i got the card off the blokes who did packaging for jewellery...I've now fave placed their website as it's rather interesting and their prices look reasonable but i will need to compare with others...Shame i couldn't have a wander in to the trade fair but you needed to have a pass to get in LOL

Anyway he's not through but hey ho it was an experience...Not one i would care to repeat but still an experience...And it has put him off applying to X Factor :o)

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Shame he didn't seem to get a chance but at least it was an experience

Anonymous said...

A shame he did not get through Caff but there are thousands who apply.  I often wonder whether the show is a complete fix as I have wondered about other reality shows.  The waiting around is ridiculous but as you said, it was an experience albeit a not very good one.


Anonymous said...

an interesting time though and one you won't forget.

remember some of us are wee.....................

Anonymous said...

Well done for taking part ,what a great experiance ,you will view these programes ,through different eyes now ..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, What a shame M was listened to after his long wait, I hope he isn`t too downhearted. I think these shows have a clear idea of who they want in the final and only do all those auditions for appearances sake. I might be wrong of course but I doubt it.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Caff I am sorry M didn't get through ~ but hope he enjoyed the experience ~ I wonder sometimes if these things are "fixed"  ~  Ally x

Anonymous said...

It was an amazing achievement for M to get through the first stages, so he should still be really proud :)  Sounds like it was an horrifically long day, but it'll be something to tell the grandchildren, hehehhe

Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

It's a shame for M but he should proud of himself that he got that far.  From what your saying though it does sound very fixed and i expect M is better of out of it!!



Anonymous said...

Well he's a star in my eyes Caff and a braveheart for going for what he wanted to do :).......I haven't got that much gumption in me sooooo Well Done M :)  Hope the shoulder is behaving. Rache