Thursday 3 January 2008


Grrrrrrr after dragging M into town to get photos done and to then go and hand in to the education section all the letters, photos, copy of birth certificate and the form we get a call saying that the audition has been postponed...I said to the guy that i'd just handed all the stuff in but that it is now up to them to get it all changed...The theatre have just informed the tv company today there is a problem...It's not available for those 2 days next week...Considering that next weeks dates were mentioned on the original letter for the first audition then it's not been booked at short notice...So someone somewhere has cocked up...The theatre have not been cooperative according to blokey from telly company...He apologised and said a letter will be sent and the new date will be near the end of january...Flipping annoying as i have had to organise having my monthly injection early and i cancelled G's review meeting...Luckily i hadn't bought our train tickets yet...Ok it means i should be fine to drive by then although i still think i will take the train...Hope i haven't got to get more letters and fill in another form...M is rather cheesed off to put it mildly but he'll calm down am sure...Blokey did double check that we didn't have any specific requirments for his performance...I said well he's singing acapella so as long as there is a microphone...Guess they will have some from next week who would have had specific staging requirments...Wonder which divvy at the theatre went and double booked it and then didn't realise until today that they'd done so...Wouldn't wanna be in their shoes that's for sure...At least by then M's cough he has will have gone away...He NEVER gets anything going and he caught my cough and sniffle and won't take anything for it

I spoke to mum yesterday and she seemed fine...She's being started back on her diabetic medication tomorrow...And if her blood sugars are stable then she will be allowed home tomorrow...But my sisters would rather she is kept in until after they know she is stable again on the meds...Which i agree with...My older sister got such a hell of a fright on sun and then again on the mon that i don't want her going through that again...Me am so desperate to be able to drive up to see mum that i tried taking only 1 painkiller instead of 2 and 6 hours apart instead of 4 yesterday....BAD move as today i have barely been able to move my shoulder...My hip is a lot better though and well i thought i was better enough to cope with lower doseage...Will aim for next weekend now instead...I just want to see mum as even though i live like 70 miles away i still got a fright with what happened on sun and on mon.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

hm......know what you mean abuot being unable to go to see folk.........

Anonymous said...

So M is going to be on TV Caff?  It shows it`s ages since I last read your journal, I must catch up.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Caff I do hope you will be feeling better soon and can get to see you Mum ~ Sorry M's Audition has been postponed I hope they can get it all sorted out soon as I am looking forward to seeing him on TV :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

How annoying that the audition was cancelled ,I hope you feel better ,and can go and see your Mum soon ,I hope she is getting better too Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Am pleased your Mum is doing much better Caff, it's awful when you want to go see someone and there's a distance ((( hugs ))) sorry about M too, but the bright side is it'll give his cough chance to go away :) Rache

Anonymous said...

Caff take care of yourself and you'll be driving to your mums in no time xx  Sorry to hear about M's audition that's really bad organisation isn't it??
