Friday 18 January 2008

OMG the womans ill

I managed to drive last night around the block to the wee coop...I wanted money and it was piddling down with rain and i felt ok...However driving 6½ miles to G's school and same back wasn't ok...Boy do i ache like heck...The seatbelt hurts, looking over my shoulder to check for traffic hurts, going over speed bumps still hurts regardless of being in the car...But NOT being able to drive hurts too and i wanna be able to drive again properly...My shoulder is swollen up again but not as bad as it was...<sigh> i NEED to drive to glasgow a week on mon...I forgot my purse as well which meant no asda and no papermill...Tomorrow i will drive not quite so far and build it up but looks like could be train to glasgow.

Anyways reason i was driving is that it was G's review today...It's been so late this year that i doubt he will get a 2nd one as they are usually in march LOL...As this was a postponed one from the original postponement (sp) then it was only the head of the school, the careers woman and MrsP head of his base...Well OMG knock me down with a feather she has got to be ill...She didn't have ANYTHING 'bad' to say for once...Yups you read that correctly NOTHING bad to say at all...No moans, nowt...Am in shock as you can tell <g> ...In fact check this bit out

'G is an absolute star both socially and academically. He is so well mannered and kind. He thinks of others and their feelings. His reports from Bankhead are glowing and it is interesting to note that they talk about his social ability.'

Honestly she must be having a funny turn moment or something...No complaints about his hair or his clothes...She COMPLIMENTED them!!!!!!...She said he's much smarter now and his hair is a lot better...MrT the head teacher did kind of raise his eyebrows at that comment from her...Probs because he full well knows same as everyone else that his hair is same as it has been for the last 3 or 4 years and that his clothes are the same as well LOLOLOL...Well not the exact same clothes but same style...Indie/rock, tidy/scruffy kind of thing...Am sure you know what i mean...Wonder if this means he can get off with wearing his holey kneed jeans again <g> MrsP had said she could just do his review by letter rather than a meeting but i insisted on a meeting...And am glad i did as the careers woman spoke a lot about university and gave me a pile of info about help for disabled students...Nothing that i didn't already know as such but a bit more clearly written than on the Direct Gov website...The direct gov website is general info and really pertains to students in england and not in scotland as such...So i also now know the name of the disability support women who G will be under...And she is contacting him next week to organise him going in to get a personalised tour...So he can be introduced to the lecturers he may get...That he knows what is what and where is where in the engineering block...And someone from the National Autistic Society will be meeting him as well...Ok he hasn't got a place yet but it is good to know that transition is already being implemented with a view to him getting a place...They did speak about him possibly doing the access course over the summer...Not because he needs to academically but to get him used to uni and so he can orientate himself...But after a call to uni today that isn't going to happen....A) because it's on a different campus and B) because the tour and regular liaising with the disability support we feel will be enough...G joined us for the latter part of the review...Well i say latter we actually stayed talking longer because we had kinda finished...The careers woman wanted to know what he had applied for and at what level...She hoped he had applied for the MEng rather than the BEng as he is well capable academically of doing the Masters...And it is the MEng he's applied for :o)  My main concern still is that he manages to make friends...They've already had one lad move on to uni from the base so MrsP should be able to advise on what equipment he may need that will be covered by the disabled student grant...Basically it is a grant and isn't means tested that is paid once during the course...Usually at the beginning but can be at other times if the disability starts whilst you are on the course...Equipment they need to help with their disability so they can do the course...Now any equipment they would need like any other student would...some of the bumph the careers woman gave me needs updating...There is stuff about travel and you can get help towards travel costs that pertain to your disability...In Scotland every student can claim back some of their travel expenses anyway...And in Scotland the free bus travel for OAP's anddisabled is already Scotland wide...And there is also a taxi card scheme for those that the bus isn't any good...So travel costs could be and should be moot here...Now this is an interesting one that many won't agree with...If you are a student and have a disability then you can claim either income support or incapactiy benefit over the long summer holidays...And housing benefit as well...You can claim income support or incapacity during term time but it will be affect by student loan if you are eligible for one...There are specific criteria for being eligible for the above if you are a disabled student...Some with a specific learning disability like dyslexia wouldn't get the above...As they are unlikely to get DLA of any kind and the other qualifying criteria...I'd rather G was in a part time summer job though...There was other stuff dicussed during and after the meeting but all in all it went really well :o) ...He's at a friend tonight straight after school so won't be home until later and am like ARRGGHHHH...As there are 3 letters sat here from the uni for him...Now i don't know if the letter he got from them during the christmas holidays was an acknowledgement for one of the courses only or for all 3...Ok am nosey and want to know if they are that he has an interview or an offer without an interview...Or they could be something else instead LOL.

No post from BGT yet and am now getting concerned...We don't know what time his slot is and we really need to know that...I tried phoning all 4 of the contact numbers but no replies so i presume they are out on the road in Manchester filming...One did say she is back in the office on monday so i will try first thing...Can't book a train without the time...Right painkiller time or is it anti inflammatory eeks.

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, I`m sorry to hear that your shoulder is swollen again, I think you`re right and you should drive short distances and gradually build on that.  Perhaps Mrs.P has undergone a major character change...a bump on the head! ;o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Get that kettle on the hob and steam those letters open woman!  <g>

Anonymous said...

Caff whatever has happened to Mrs P ~ (Has she had a brain transplant)
hope your shoulder soon gets better and you can drive without any pain ~ Allyx

Anonymous said...

So glad the meeting went well :o)  Sounds like a nightmare to understand all the benefits's a good job you know what you are talking about and are getting help if you need it xx


Anonymous said...

What a glowing report you must feel so proud .love Jan xx