Sunday 16 April 2006

Thurs - Sun



We didn't go up north until friday...Mum phoned just as i was about to waken the terrible trio up on thurs to say she'd been up all night sick...So i said we'll leave it until tomorrow then...So thurs we didn't do much but K did go out shopping with one of her friends and as her student loan and bursary money was in her account she bought the boots that were in the sale...Fifty quid sale price!!!! i dread to think how much they cost before they were in the sale...She also had a carrier bag full of stuff from primark but as they don't have one in edinburgh suppose that's all right...Her money anyways and as long as she has enuff to do her the term.


So fri we drove up north but we didn't leave early as both my sisters were working on fri...We went in past the ice cream shop before we went to mums <ggg> We did take her one up too...The kids mainly watched telly and i sat for ages nattering to mum...My neice came over and she sat nattering for ages too...I got to see what i had bought her for her 21st along with mum LOL...I nipped back down to the shops and not a happy bunny...Handbrake refused to work properly so i had to find somewhere flat to park the car then walk back up to the shop...Was big sis who served me so she said she'd pop in after she finished...Actually she came over and had her meal with us :o) Steak pie with yummy soggy pastry...I'd be happy eating all the pastry if it's soggy and not bothering with the beef LOL...Mum couldn't eat all hers and didn't look right...Me and sis reminded her she it was time for one of her meds...After tea we said cheerio to them and went over to visit little sis and her lot...Bit miffed that her eldest daughters card hadn't arrived at all...So got to cancel that cheque on tues...Just as well i put a cheque in and not cash :o(  After a while sis took us up to see their building site...Their garage is HUGE...She said it's big enuff for 2 cars but looks to me like it could hold at least 3 even though they only have 1 car...Sis is so fed up living in the house they're currently renting and really wants in to the house they are building...Hopefully july it will be finished enough to be hapitable...They'll have nice views across the land and sea and on a clear day will see right up to lossiemouth :o) We didn't get back here until after 10.30pm which was later than i wanted really.


Yesterday we got up at least an hour later than expected basically because i was capput from the long drive on fri...Got the car packed and us loaded in to take K back down to uni...We left around the time i was hoping to arrive there LOL...But that's her back and she didn't take everything back that she'd taken home...Just as well as hardly any room in car for it all...Her key to the main door for the halls broke in half for no reason...She managed to lock her keys into her room within 3 hours of being back...Honestly K and keys ain't a good combination LOL...We went to my friends and picked up stuff she'd left there and left the boys there and went back via asda...Stayed the night at my friends and came home today...Am shattered with all the driving.


The boys have had the one easter egg that they got from me and i've eaten part of the one K bought me...My mum gave me money to put towards their school trips away instead of an egg...My oldest niece's 4th birthday fell at easter time and she had about 14 eggs given as birthday pressies that year...That was the day she was rushed to docs after her party and then rushed into hospital and diagnosed insulin dependant diabetic...Since then none of my family give eggs to each other...Mum always gave her granddaughters a different kind of egg...K has one that is a crystal trinket box amongst other ornament type ones...But last few years she's just given them all money instead...Am glad anyway as i think easter is becoming too commericalised and all these companies are trying to turn it into another over commercial event like christmas...I loved going to roll my eggs and decorating hard boiled ones...Now that seems to happen less and less and the true meaning is becoming lost :o(  We used to have competitions at brownies and girl guides for egg decorating...I always won every year not bragging about it just so happened i was always the winner...They started to make it that there would be more than one winner to give the others a chance...My 2 favourites that i remember were one from each...The one i remember well from being in the brownies i must have been around 9 at the time...I got a small box and decorated it like a brick wall...Then my egg i had dyed dark brown with onion skins, drew a crack on it's head and a bandage across it's face...It was humty dumpty sat on his wall LOL...One i remember best from being in the girl guides i decorated as a gypsy...Again i dyed it in a batch of others with onion skins...I glued hair onto it, made a scarf to go over the hair...I used gold foil to make big gypsy hoop earrings...Made a blouse to go on top half and a skirt to go over the egg cup it sat in...I had every little fine detail on all the eggs i ever decorated as i did with anything remotely art orientated as a child...When mine were little we did dye eggs and go out to roll them but gradually we stopped going...They won't eat eggs and the boys really hated going out anywhere to roll an egg...Well they hated going out where there would be crowds of people full stop...Of course now they're teenagers they're too old to go anywhere like that with mum in tow LOL...Anyway i must go and see what we will have for tea and go shopping for myself at asda up here...Hope everyone had a lovely easter sunday and aren't too sick with too much chocolate

Toodle pip tc



Anonymous said...

Got a wireless doofer for this one, I never buy Easter eggs for any of mine, aren't I orrible

Anonymous said...

A wireless alert..for today ,I got nothing for this lovely long newsy entry and I missed it ,only found whilst reading todays one ,its not good enough ,I'm going to write to Joe .............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

wireless alert for this, sounds like you had a busy time, happy easter............Jules xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have had a good time.Like the bit about you winning the egg decorating.And I am glad K got her boots.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that Easter is too commercialised, my boys only got one egg each off me this year, only one of my sons has eaten his and it's Monday now!  Me however, I haven't stopped eating chocs....xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had a busy few days and I hope the cars alright and doesn't need to go to the garage again.  I have to agree with you about Easter.  I personally would rather have money or something like than chocolate :-)