Monday 17 April 2006

Reply to comments kinda

Ok from everyones comments dry mouth and throat seem to be a common side effect for anti depressants...No-one told me <pout> and it doesn't mention that on the blurb they put in the packet with the pills <sigh> At least i know now thanks to everyone on here :o) Still i think these particular ones have taken it to extremes LOL...The one that really irritates me the most is the weight gain...Ok it says in the blurb that you will most likely have some weight gain...Well more than half a stone in 3 weeks is to me a tad more than likely and a silly amount of weight gain...I feel bloated, yukky, disgusted and am supposed to be feeling better!!!!  Naaaaaaa don't think so...I worked damn hard to lose the weight i did lose and was in frame of mind to go and lose the other 5 stone i need to lose...Can't if am having to fight against meds as well as my liking for naughty foods now can i...One of K's friends is on anti depressants and they've got a side effect of losing weight...Now that type i could handle no problem <ggg>  Mind you it's silly for her as she's been put on them as she was bulimic DUH...Anyways no more whinging will see what my lovely gp says tomorrow...Oh i have started my private journal...Started it on a totally different screenname mainly because it's a name i don't really want too many people knowing...So far it's very very boring LOL...I have approached it in manner the psychiatrist is using...Start at the very beginning of their lives, in other words what my pregnancy with each of them was like and go from there...Am not so sure that there would be enough to write a book LOL...Am also going to go back through this journal and copy off specific entries as they are specific to the boys and part of the never ending struggle i guess...Not so sure struggle is the right word, battle, fight, banging head of a brick wall maybe but by me not them...Right more liquid and some toast and more listening to M's dulcet tones singing along to his hero <ggg>  Thank goodness M is actually quiet a good singer

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Glad you got some reassurance over the side effects.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with any type of medication-the side effects! For most drugs prescribed there is usually another to counteract some side effect or other.  I know I have to learn all about them!!  Hope it all settles down soon for you.  I have had the same problem with weight gain from a form of contraception that I have - not for the contraception but for the benefits to my gynaecological problems.  I find it frustrating but soon remember how awful I felt a little slimmer and in chronic pain.  It's a trade off I suppose and I just have to work harder at keeping the weight off - I'm failing miserably sadly! Take care xx

Anonymous said...

Caff I actually got an Alert on this one ~ "Hooray" I'm glad that the side affects are normal ~ but the weight gain isn't good ~ Hope the Doctor can help perhaps give you some of those that make you lose weight ~ now that would be nice ~ I think it is a good idea to write about the boys your pregnancy ~ their birth ~ from your angle should make good reading and maybe it would help others understand the problems you face day to day ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

My sister in law got the weight gain on one type but there are ones that don't have that as a side effect so when you see the doc ask for a different type that are less likely to make you put on weight, would be a shame after all the hard work you put in

Anonymous said...

Its always reasuring to hear other peple get the side effects you do !you dont need the weight gain ,I'm sure the GPwill be helpful on that issue,enjoy your toast and drink and the singing lol ....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hope your GP gives you something that suits you better m'dear.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,   I hope your doctor can prescribe something that doesn`t give you rotten side effects.  I had to take some tablets once that gave me a terrible dry mouth but thankfully that subsided.  It must be so annoying gaining weight though. :o(

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope everything will go alright at the GP's :-)  Good luck with the private journal xx

Anonymous said...

I hope he can find one that's better for u Caff.  Chewing creates stomach fluids thinking you're about to eat.  The health shops do a kind of lozenger, fruit things, that keep the mouth moist but don't get those juices flowing.  It's worth taking a trip to one of these places.......have a look around.  When your feeling better you'll lose any excess weight cos I know your an avid gym person.

The private journals a good thing.......sounding boards always am, it's amazing how you can gather insight to your own good luck. Rache

Anonymous said...

the new journal is a good idea, sometimes you just need to get things out, and writing them in a journal is good, even if nobody will read it. I hope your GP sorts your tabs out, I know how hard you worked to lose weight. Take care xxxxxxx.....Jules xx