Monday 31 December 2007

Happy New Year

Want to thank everyone who sent a Christmas card both by email and by royal mail...Very much appreciated by me and the kids :o)  I've not written much in here as it still hurts a lot to type at the mo...I took K out shopping on saturday as i had promised her that a few weeks back...She loves Primark and they don't have one either in Edinburgh or Livingstone...So me, K and my best pal went out on sat to the shops...This of course was a great concession on my part not because of my injuries but because i utterly loathe and hate shopping...Sorry girls for letting the side down but i do...We made sure we had plenty of stops to sit down and also we did stop to have lunch...What really narked me off was later in the day when i was on my own some inconsiderate idiotic young couple decided to knock me down...See i had stopped in my tracks to let an old gent coming in opposite direction through...The gap where we were wasn't big enough for two people to pass side by side...This couple pushing a big heavy pushchair were behind me...They shouted excuse me in an offhand manner at me...I said i was waiting for the gent to pass first so to just wait...They saw my arm in the sling and that i was limping along...Soon as the old gent passed through i went to move and this lot rammed into me with their pushchair knocking me over into a glass wall...They deliberately rammed me with it and didn't say sorry or anything...I shouted something at them and the bloke turned and gave me a torrent of abuse...By the time i joined up with K and my pal again i was barely able to move and i was in tears...They wanted me back up to A&E again but i refused...I was going to try and see my GP again today but i slept through my alarm...I'll be ok eventually but some people are just so inconsiderate and don't give a toss about anyone else...And what a charming example to show your toddler sat in a pushchair NOT.

At least K got new clothes and new undies...I bought more make up, new jacket, new bag and new shoes...The shoes don't fit just now but they will once i lose some of the weight i have put on...Ok am not one for shoes, boots or footwear in general but i do prefer wearing rather high heels if i can...And well these are probs far too young for me but sod it...Half metal stiletto heel, buckles and studs all over them LOL...My mum will loathe them, my sisters will say am too old for them, they're not Ks cup of tea but fine for me she said...And you know what i don't CARE what anyone thinks i love them...And it's donkeys years since i could say that about any pair of shoes i have bought...I have decided i will see about getting a T Shirt printed up for next week...And get a banner made as well...I'd love for M to get to the LIVE shows but if he doesn't at least he did try...And i've been rather fed up of professionals and others over the last year saying he has to be realistic...What do they mean by realistic????? WHY the heck can't he have dreams and ambitions like any regular teenager???? WHY the heck should so called professionals think that just because he is autistic that he has to settle for less than others???? Yes he's autistic and that comes with problems and stuff BUT it doesn't mean he's brain dead or thick or stupid....He's not interested in doing this to become rich and famous...He's doing it because he LOVES music and he can actually sing...When i expressed a bit of annoyance about work experience for him i was told you must be realistic...But why can't he get to try work experience in a place like local radio, local tv or local arts place like a regular pupil can...I don't see why he has to be shoved off to working in the school office or with the school janitor or in office or with janitor in one of the other education places here...Mind you with these auditions the school have been behind him 100%

Am doing nowt for hogmanay or new years day as such...I wish i was allowed to drive again so i could jump in car tomorrow and go visit mum...She was unwell on boxing day and has been unwell since...To the point where yesterday she had a hypo :o(  And today as ended up being taken into the small cottage hospital in the town near her :o(  So they can sort out her diabetic pills, her eating and her sickness and diahorrea...I feel so bad and guilty that i can't be up there...Hopefully by the weekend i may be able to drive again or we can get a train or bus...I bought a huge, massive book for my youngest nephew for his birthday but it will be far too heavy to post...It's one of those kind that are about 2 feet long by 1 foot wide...All about the cosmos and it was supposed to be £50 and i got it for £15...My older sisters birthday is later this week as well...I need to get the necklace and bracelet made for her that i want to do...That can be posted though...Right enough typing as am beginning to ache again...Got tons to do and feel too knackered to do any of it...Best pal took me to asda and sainsburys and the boys helped me put everything away...One load of washing is in and there are loads of dishes to be done...Will rope the boys in to help with that in a wee bit.

Have a guid hogmanay tonight...Lang may yer lum reek in 2008...However you celebrate have a lovely New Years Day tomorrow

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

You and your children deserve to have a really good year and I hope that it turns out that way for you.
It's such a shame that you're feeling so battered and I hope you'll feel a lot better really quickly - but think on, at least you weren't rodding out foul bunged drainpipes this afternoon like some of us were :O)

Anonymous said...

Hope 2008 is goxd for you xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Hogmanay  Caff and my 2008 be a great year for you.

Anonymous said...

i hate those buggers with prams...............they have battered mne several times!

Anonymous said...

Health and happiness to you in 2008 Caff, I hope it's a good one for you.  The shoes sound wow!

Thoughts for your Mum and I'll be thinking go Mikey go next week, all the best to him. Rache x

Anonymous said...

Wooooo! Go Cath!!!

Have smiled so much at your comments on M's dreams, and how right you are! WHY shouldn't he have dreams and hopes. One of our ladies who is autistic has started work in our local hospital, one of our others cooks far better meals than some of the staff and would love to be a cook one day. I totally agree, they should be allowed to dream the same as us so called *normal* folks. I have  as much chance of fulfilling some of mine as flying in the air but they are mine and nobody can take that away so why should anybody else not have the same.

Hope the aches and pains ease soon, happy new year to you, the boys and K xxxxx

Anonymous said...

How awful those people knocking you over like that grrrrrrrrr @ them.  You are totally right why shouldn't M do what everyone else does!!  I really hope he gets to the next round etc in the talent competition and I hope they show him on TV so I can root for him :o)
