Wednesday 12 December 2007

Nae happy


Am not a happy bunny...I managed to get an appointment with my GP yesterday and boy was it interesting...I did have the procedure done that i had read about it...I asked my GP and he showed me it written on the letter...I told him they told me naff all at the hospital...So i could have been bleeding for several days and not known that i had to see a GP straight away if i had been...They didn't warn me i could have pain on and off for a few weeks after...That seems to be every 2nd day...It's the backache that is cheesing me off because although i have had 'womens troubles' since i was 16 i've never had backache as such as part of it all...Mind you it's about the only bit i don't have as such LOL...My GP needless to say was NOT impressed...Then he started talking about the injections i need to have...He saw the look on my face and said 'so they didn't tell you that either then'...Nopes they said they were going to try some medication but not that it was by injection...I am TERRIFIED of needles....I know, i know it's woosy and silly but i know perfectly well where my fear of injections comes from...I fell in the bike sheds when i was 9 and cut my right knee right across and straight through to the bone...I was given a local anaesthetic injection for almost every stitch that was put in...And i had 10 stitches put in LOL...And that is where my needle phobia comes from...So i have to have an injection every month for the next six months...With a huge massive, thick needle directly into my womb...First one is on fri and i am dreading it...Why can't they just haul the whole lot out...I don't need those bits anymore so they are of no use so they could just get rid...Suppose at least am allowed anaesthetic cream so it isn't as sore being done...I've had one of these before 12 years ago when i had an operation...Had to have this 6 weeks before the op and it wasn't pleasant...SIX OF THEM!!!!!!! SCREAAAAAAAAMMMMMSSSSS...IF the hospital had actually explained it all to me i would have told them where they could go shove their needles LOL...Nae happy at all


I finally got around to putting up some Christmas decorations today...The ones i put up on the communal stairwell...I started that when the kids were little...First couple of years we had an old tree i had got off mum...Very old tree as it's older than me and made from tinsel and about 3 feet high...I actually got it off mum a couple of years previous to put up in my flat i rented before i bought this place...And i bought some cheap coloured lights...When we bought a big tree that small one went up in the window of what is now M's bedroom...But a few years ago i bought a small 3 foot one same as the bigger one...Mum bought all of us some coloured icicle shaped lights years back and when i decided we'd have white lights only on the tree i didn't know what to do with them...And then i hit on the bright idea of hanging them up above the cupboard on the stairs (old loo)...Gradually more and more goes out there now LOL...More old coloured lights as the small tree has white ones only now as well and old decorations that are still perfectly fine...Oh and the santa G made when he was either 3 or 4 at one of his nursery schools gets hung up on that landing as well...It is so cool and i've never seen any other school or group make it with kids...A hat shape is cut out of card and painted red with cotton wool along the bottom and a blob on the pointy bit...Then clear fishing line attached...Two of the bits of line have ping pong balls with black eyes painted on them...Longer bit of line between those two with a ping pong ball painted red for his nose...Then from the nose hangs another bit of line with card cut into a longish triangle covered in cotton wool for his beard...It's over a foot in length in total and looks so cool...So now i have those decorations up i better get the flat tidied and get the inside ones put up...Every year i keep promising i won't buy any more decorations as i have plenty LOLOLOL...Last week out shopping with my best friend i ended up buy more tinsel because i liked the colour and 2 more snowstorm things...All from poundland so i can be forgiven can't i????  2 years ago i bought a santa shaped snowstorm thingy that lights up and last year i bought the snowman shaped one and a regular one that also light up...So this year i bought a christmas tree shaped one that lights up and a small one with a snowman stood beside it that doesn't light up...I also bought in asda a month ago more lights...K was like why more lights, you have PLENTY lights...Erm well a small string of 20 on each of the 3 windows that face the street...Can't remember if it is 20 or 50 on the small tree...A set of 100 normal ones and a set of 100 twinkling ones on the main tree...Oh and there is the ones i bought in asda sale 2 years ago that never went on the tree last year...I put them up over what was the chimney breast and left them up permanent cos i like them...They're gem shaped...But i HAD to buy these new ones and you can never have too many lights on a tree can you <ggg>  They're from asda and are mini chandeliers...Really pretty and only 10 on the string...They have little droplets on them like a real chandelier and are ever so pretty when lit...If i had an actual fireplace with a mantlepiece i would have strung them across under the mantle...I did used to have a big round ball that light up and got hung up in the living room window...But a lot of the lights on the rope went bust and i haven't bothered to take off the whole rope and measure it to replace it...And no i haven't made my christmas cards yet <sigh> I know i need them finished by sunday to post...What i wanted to didn't quite work because the wire is too thick...And it is THIN wire but i need thinner and the place i buy from doesn't have in the colours i want...So am doing the bits minus wire...I don't have many to post...Uncles & Aunts, a couple of friends and some people from on here IF i manage to get all the addresses back that i need...Otherwise tough.


I did manage to work out how to use the file manager now but it's such a faff...Scottish for pain in bum LOL...Go into file manager, open the page of the pic i want to put on here, cut n paste the URL from the search bar, press Add Image button, go to URL button then finally paste the URL into that bit...PAH!!!!! pain in backside for defo now...G had his annual medical today at school...He gets one every year due to being special needs...So he's 6 feet tall according to them and 13 stone...He looks a lot lighter and nowhere near that weight...Both last year and this year the school doctor has been shocked at how much he weighs as he looks around 2 stone lighter...Whilst i was there i went through to the base and asked if they could send him home a cope of the sticky toffee pudding recipe he made in the base last month...As it is so delicious and he can make it at home for me and his sis HAHAHA...I have asked him several times to ask for it but he kept forgetting as per usual...M has really shocked me...Last night he handed me a letter from school...Which i needed to sign if i was going to attend the school Christmas service at one of the local Kirks...Now normally M BANS me from going to them but not this year...I was under pain of death to not go LOL...He is accompanying the music teacher on drums like he often does...But he is also reading on of the prayers and he is singing a solo...So i signed it saying yes i will be going along on monday afternoon :o) I am really looking forward to it...I got M an MP3 player...Not an Ipod but a much cheaper one...He didn't want a shuffle as he likes to see what is playing on the MP3 player and he didn't fancy an Ipod nano...4gb one which should hold around 1000 songs...I know it's a lot but hey that means he can have ALL the tunes he wants on one without having to chop and change them on a smaller one...And the 4gb version of the one i bought was only a fiver dearer than a 2mg and £7 dearer than 1gb version...Anyways enuff from me for now

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Oh needles
ach well hen you can get used to anything
sort of
poor you

Anonymous said...

Caff I am so sorry you have to face having that needle ~ Christmas decorations sound nice ~ Would love to hear M singing and playing the drums ~ I can imagine how proud you will be of him ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Poor Caff ,I am so sorry ,you have that to face on Friday ,hopefully it wont be as bad as you think ,well done getting your decorations up ,still have mine to do ! Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about needles ~ of course it's not wossy that you don't like them, there must be a huge percentage of the population who don't like them and your reasons are all very valid ;)  Bless M for wanting you to go to the concert.  Hope he gets on ok xx


Anonymous said...

((( hugs Caff for the hossy stuff ))) I like your snow domes :) Rache

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are facing this Caff.  Could you not ask for them to remove it all, after all it is your body and that would seem the lesser of two evils.