Monday 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas

Firstly a very Merry Christmas to everyone :o) Hope you all have a lovley day with family and friends...Me well i did drive up north yesterday and i did make it back home...K wanted me to phone NHS24 and get to out of hours GP last night but it was 10pm before we got home and i really didn't want to end up sitting and waiting up there mega late...I promised i would try and see GP today...So took M to respite then went to my GP...He was shocked i was able to drive...WHOOPS...He wrote a letter and ordered me to A&E to be Xrayed as he thought i had broken my clavicle...So took the car home via a friends and she took me up...It isn't broken :o) Not that it makes much difference as you can't plaster a broken shoulder LOL...They only x-rayed my shoulder as my hip which is in agony they reckon is just battered and bruised...My eye the same and they don't like x-raying the head unless absolutly necessary...GP said the bone round my eye socket will be bruised and swollen internally...It feels weird actually i just wanna close it all the time...Am on co-dydramol for the pain...I've hardly slept so i hope i do manage to sleep better tonight...I need to clean up the living room and the kitchen can wait until the morning...The kids have done a fair bit of dishes and stuff though :o) Oh and am banned from driving for a while :o(  Must admit i was driving with my seatbelt going under my armpit as it hurt too much on my shoulder LOL...K bought me some alcohol as part of my Christmas LOLOLOL...Won't be allowed that either...Fortunately we're having individual chicken breasts tomorrow which i stuff with cheese and wrap in bacon...Doesn't take long and easy to prepare...I bought frozen roast potatoes...Veg i bought pre-pepared kind today...Desserts are nice simple ones (mainly ice cream kinds)  So i'll be ok and not have to do too much and can rest a bit...Still not quite what i expected of Christmas day but hey ho.

The forms arrived from telly peeps this morning...So i phoned the education dept section i need to stamp it...They said on friday to come in today...Just as well i phoned first as none of the people who can do it were in...Ordered a letter from our GP as have to have one...Although the telly peeps said had to be with the LEA by 2nd jan if possible his won't be until the 3rd as that is when they reopen...We're not at the SECC this time, we're in one of the glasgow theatres...Am gonna buy train tickets as it will be easier and i've been told this particular theatre isn't far from the train station...It will either be cheaper or around same price as cost of diesel and parking...The televising dates are on the website...We will known on the 10th if he is through to actual LIVE shows straight away...Going to have a wee lie down.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Hope you recover soon flower xx

Anonymous said...

aw  poor you
hope you still have a lovely day ;)

Anonymous said...

tsk.. hope you're feeling better today, and having a good time - alcohol is a good anaesthetic :)

Lynne x

Anonymous said...

Hope you've taken it easy xx  Thank you very much for the e-card :o)  It was really sweet!!
