Monday 6 March 2006




We got away :o) Flight was delayed for 25 mins so they said...Was a bit later than that though as they had broken seats on the plane so had to relocate some passengers...When we took off and got to altitude it was hard to tell what was snow and what was clouds LOL...We also flew down a very weird route to london...Went via perth and glasgow and west coast to then turn in to surrey i think and gatwick airport...I know we saw the english channel out of right side of the plane LOL...Was scary getting off the plane we were met by all these armed police with big huge guns and sniffer dogs LOL...Felt like saying we only came from scotland not south america or middle east...Was loads of notices up all over the airport about bird flu as well...Anyway we then hopped on a train into london and to hotel

I had a brill time, met some great friends and got very very very drunk <whoops>  Went on a trip on the river on the sat afternoon and on the london eye...That was well scary but i managed and am pleased i managed...I did go a bit green like LOL...the views from the top are amazing and it was a clear sunny day...I relaxed for first time in months and managed to forget i was feeling crappy and down...I really needed that break so am glad the weather didn't stop it from happening...The flight home went the conventional route up the east coast LOL...We flew over london and the view out of the plane was amazing...We even flew over the Eye so am sure some other tourist has a pic of my plane through the eye in their camera now LOL...Got home to more snow and freezing cold...Fortunately it has started to thaw today although my street and pavement are like an ice rink now and very dangerous...The schools are open though and i went back to bed to catch up on lost sleep this morning...The boys were really good for my friend who was looking after them...Mind you it is funny seeing an almost 16 year old, 6 feet tall lad complain about a 2½ and 1½ ganging up on him <ggg>

Thundersnow i was told was what we had on fri around 8am...I had gone to the shop for brekkie stuff...We'd had gentle snow falling but all of a sudden it stopped...Whole place was eerily silent then there was a flicker of what i thought was someones room light...Then this huge, very loud crack of thunder so realised it had been lightning...Then these massive hailstones started falling for a min and then the snow was back to gentle persistant stuff...It last a while and was amazing really...Even the light looked different

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Aww Caff it sounds wonderful.......totally jealous :)  Glad the boys settled with your friend.  You seem relaxed, thundersnow didn't deter you, I'm thinking nothing ever will. Have a really really good week. Rache

Anonymous said...

Oh Iam so pleased you had a good weekend ,We've done the London eye and river trip ,like you Im not keen on hights ,but also like you I managed and enjoyed it ,I loved the river ,with the commentater showing you ,and telling all the history along the Thames ............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Really glad you had a good weekend, we all need a break sometimes :)

Anonymous said...

it is really weird snow and thunder and I know what you mean by the strange silence and light.

Glad you had a good time ;))))

Anonymous said...

Caff sounds like you had a great weekend ~ glad the boys were OK with your friend ~ must have been lovely for you to have a break ~
Tuundersnow sounds awesome you described that so well ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

glad you had a good weekend :).............Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend away, would have done you good!!  The snow storms sound horrendous, has it all melted away yet?

Anonymous said...

Thundersnow sounds mad!!  Glad you had a really good weekend :)  You did deserve the break.