Tuesday 21 March 2006

cars, docs and assorted bits



Well car is in for MOT which it will fail...The handbrake which was nice and tight after brakes getting fixed went all slack on sat :o(  ...One of the seatbelts is twisted and i can't get it untwisted...Think something is stuck in exhaust too LOL...Oh well will see what all is wrong later today...I had to take it along late after phoning and explaining i needed to go to G's school...Funny how the base blame ME if he forgets something...I did notice he had left some work at home but then thought can't have been due back today...It was and was due back in before 9.45am...So they phoned and demanded i get it out there...Am so fed up of that place not only do they try to rule every aspect of G's life but also mine...Am sure the head of the place also bad mouths M when talking about G to other professionals...And people wonder why i don't have a job <sigh> I did manage to get an appointment this afternoon for me with my GP...I will be mentioning K whilst amd in there too...Well she is part of my problem so it's not like am trying to be sneaky LOL.

We rushed down to edinburgh after the boys got home from school on fri...Didn't manage to leave until 4.30pm...Actually got out of the city about 4.50 by time we got diesel etc...How i didn't trigger any speed cameras i dunno...Well i did have M in passenger seat looking out for them <ggg> We eventually arrived at the uni about 7.10pm...Then we had to pack the car up with all the stuff she was leaving at my pals...The boys helped to carry that down to the car and get it in there...Then we left K to finish packing, clearing up and get ready to go out for the night...Went to my pals and unloaded the stuff...Said to pal right we're going to tesco i NEED a drink LOL...So we left my 2 with her lad and popped down there...The boys were all fine and her lad adores G <bless> ...We had a good natter and a few drinks, some laffs and some more drinks...I did manage to get up in the morning to go back over to the uni...We got the car packed and K handed in her keys on time...Such a pilaver for 4 weeks...Right pain having to clear everything out for such a short length of time...If she gets a flat and only has a week between moving out of halls at summer and moving into flat then friend said can leave piles at hers as just for a week...Either that or next time i am going to hire a van LOL

M took down his conference stuff to show to my friend...It was first time he let me see the DVD they made and it is really good...Very to the point and brilliant as done by kids with problems themselves...Not all of them have special needs/disability...Some english is 2nd language and other such stuff...The new additional support for learning act in scotland covers ANY TYPE of support needed...Wether it be because of disability, english as 2nd language, been in hospital long term ill, parents splitting up etc...Very good idea in my opinion...Anyways i will natter more about this later as i have to go get bits to put on nieces birthday card...She's 21 tomorrow and i want something pretty for it...She has her pressie from me and mum already...Well she chose it and knows what it is am not sure if she actually has it...Mum's back in hossy up north so don't know...Really better go or i'll be here all day LOL...I should have got K the appointment but i really need it myself and maybe he will advise me and make sure he see's her himself next week <fingers crossed>

toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

yup I came to this one via todays entry ,really didnt know you had posted yeterday ,I thought the alerts were sorted ,obviosly not! I hope the car is within your budget ,for its MOT,so now K is home again , or coming ,you might get a few things sorted out ,sorry your Mum is in the hospital ,you take care ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

hope you get good news on the car front soon...........
last time my friend Bill put his car in it failed.
Terminally failed.