Thursday 16 March 2006

Grown up wee man

My baby has just got home from school...He looks so grown up in his pinstripe jacket, shirt & tie that he looks like he just got in from work...Sniff i don't want my baby getting all grown up on me...He was also carrying a briefcase type bag which made him look even older...They got it at the conference he was at today...He was also given a ten pound gift card for wh smith for helping to organise it :o) We had panic stations this morning though...8.30 thought we hear the taxi and he looked out window but not his taxi...8.40 toot toot again so he went downstairs, came back up not his taxi...He started to get well agitated as the conference was due to start at 9.30 in the exhibition centre...So at 8.50 i phoned the school...My pal who works their answered and she said the taxi is running late today of all days...His escort had an appointment so was different escort...Well his escort got a call from taxi firm at 8.20 to say taxi had broken down they'd be late...She said different escort today not me...So eventually the replacement taxi went to pick up the other escort at 8.40...So at 9.15 and still no sign of a taxi i phoned school again...the stupid <deleteds> had picked up the other escort then dropped HER at school at 9.10 saying they had no address list to pick up the kids!!!!!!...By this time school had decided that the teacher accompanying the 6 kids going to the conference would just pick up the other lad from taxi and M on way to it...Only thing was she wasn't sure where either the other lad or us lived...So quick call to other lads house to tell them to tell teacher to pick up M on main street where we would wait...Which is what happened...What a pilaver and by time M was gone it was now 9.40...The school will be reporting the firm and they will get fined but as pal said that's all they can do...It's not M's taxi drivers fault but the firms fault...They have the kids addresses, it's not that difficult to tell a new driver where to go grrrrrrrr...He did enjoy the conference, he said he answered a couple of questions and that there was a rock band playing there LOL...He even ate the lunch provided!!!...Like i said my baby is getting all grown up now <sob>

I was sad and watched the commonwealth games this morning...Well both me and M were watching the swimming...Well done to the british swimmers so far who have got medals...Especially well done to the 2 Scottish swimmers who won Gold :o) ...The lad who won the 400m mens freestyle is actually from here, even though he has trained in australia for last 18 months...Can see him getting some kind of civil reception and celebration once they are finished and he's back in the city...I had an appointment with G at lunchtime but will leave that for another entry...It was with occupational therapist and was quite involved...I need a coffee as it's so cold again and am praying no snow as tomorrow we go down to edinburgh to take K home for easter...I will feel a bit happier once she is here...Actually one more thing...M had epilepsy when he was a toddler...At the time he couldn't say wether he felt like he wa going to have a seizure or not...Now i discovered Quantum Leap on ITV3 at 6pm mon-fri...I love that programme and the boys have decided they love it too...Tues episode was one where Sam leapt into a guy who was having electric shock treatment...M suddenly said he remembered having that...Said no you haven't...He said i remember having wires stuck on my head...12 years ago this month he had an EEG done to see if he had epilepsy...He was 2 at the time and this is what he was remembering...That kinda freaked me a wee bit...He then asked me if K was doing same as he did when he had a seizure...So i asked what he meant...He said i used to feel funny, then fall to ground and shake...I told him K is blacking out and falling because of that bu not shaking...He wants to help her in case she has same thing he used to have...He said i got medicine to help make me better...I know i have a few memories from when i was 2-3 years old and they were i guess traumatic experiences at the time...M has never ever spoken about this before and it's all be triggered by the programme and what's happening to K...He seems to be coping with it all far better than me...Anyway i NEED coffee LOL

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

That is amazing a programe should trigger of that memory ,K and M should continue this conversation when she gets home ....Your 'baby'sounds more like a dishy young hunk ....after a bad start he sounds as though he had a good day ,A new briefcase and a tenner voucher ,sounds good to me ,(who's your fav Irish author? )...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

awwww it's sweet that M is trying to help K :-)  Can't believe that taxi but at least he had a good time at the conference!!

Anonymous said...

Glad I checked here no alerts!
What a palaver!

Anonymous said...

I bet he's quite the young gentleman Caff, it's lovely of them to give him something for the hard work.  I saw a little of the swimming, I could never do the crawl, it looks so energetic.  The weight lifting got me, they were all women and so strong, I might manage two bags of sugar in each hand :)  Hope you're doing ok at K.  Have a good weekend. Rache