Wednesday 1 March 2006

Snow is falling


Well today is the first day of spring LOL...We are in the grip of arctic weather for the 2nd day running...Weather forecast for today has just been on tv and i had to laugh at snow showers!!!! for north scotland...Makes it sound like a light flurry of snow doesn't it...Well it ain't...Last night i had to go get something out of the boot of the car...I cleared 5 inches of snow off it before i could get in...I decided to clear the whole car and was perishing when i got back in...This morning there was another 3 inches of snow lying on the car...M's school was again closed but G's was open...His taxi took about 5 mins to get away from the door then another 5 mins to try and get out of the street...More than 220 schools are closed across aberdeen, aberdeenshire, highlands and shetland...I can tell you that at least 160 of them are in aberdeen and the shire...G's school was one of about only 10 open in the area...Needless to say he was NOT impressed...I phoned the school and spoke to the base...Said i have to go out this morning for about an hour so if they closed phone my mobile...Well 30 mins later she was back on the phone...Asked if i wanted G sent home as the weather was getting worse out there...He'd also had another scare in the taxi today with it slipping on the ungritted roads...So he's now home and back in bed LOL...Am gonna go out after lunch instead...I do not care what they say on the news our council have not put out gritters anywhere i know...I've spoken to people from all over the city and no-one has seen a gritter let alone any grit on the streets...Told his taxi driver if it is still this bad tomorrow then don't bother turning up as he won't be going in LOL   


I made pancakes last night...M wouldn't eat any though, saying he didn't eat homemade pancakes LOL...G gobbled them up so fast i had to tell him to leave some for me...The last lot of the mixture i threw in some cinnamon and made 2 big cinnamons ones for each of us...Think i prefer cinnamon scones although they were nice...YEsterday when i went to clear the bit of pavement outside the door to the block the workmen came and threw some sand down...I was polite and said thank you even though they put down far too much...I had to clear it again later and have cleared it again just now...The workmen aren't here today as it's too bad for them to be digging up road and laying a gaspipe...I'd rather be going to sainsburys but going to try sommerfield across from john lewis...Need something from john lewis and don't want to trudge round to sainsburys...Need yellow food colouring and orange flavouring as am going to be making turkish delight laters...Sorry i can't post any out this time it is for the weekend away...Off for a coffee again LOL

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Hope it melts a bit soon xx

Anonymous said...

no snow here just a bright blue sky!

Anonymous said...

Take some photos then, love snowy pics.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Caff sounds pretty bad weatherwise - hope it clears soon and if it don't hope those gritters get too work to make the roads safe...(you once gave me the recipe for turkish delight - I have lost it - please can I have it again)....We have snow but not as much as you 2 - 3 inches but that is too much for me...and today is the first day of spring - well you could have fooled

Anonymous said...

I'm glad G came home coz that's just not fair otherwise LOL ;-)  Hope you managed to get your shopping.  Hope you have a great weekend too xx

Anonymous said...

 I didnt think spring started until March 21st ,what ever its not very warm ,I hope you manage to get away for your weekend ,and that you have a lovely time.....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  I heard on the news something about a railway line in Scotland.  A snowdrift blocking the line I think.  It`s really Arctic conditions where you are, as for us we`ve just got the cold and for the moment snow flurries ( I like the word `flurries`, sounds all soft and!)  I`ll bet G wasn`t impressed at having to go to school when so many others could stay home in bed.  Alls well that ends well, at least he didn`t have to stay long! :o))

Sandra xxxx