Wednesday 22 March 2006


The pic is of me when i was away...My fake nails were chainmail and they were so cool <ggg> My hair is actually purple now but doesn't look it in that pic :o(  Looks more wine than purple and it's not even a red based purple but a blue based one...Never mind my hair is cool too <ggg>  Am also ever so slightly tiddly in the pic LOL

Well i went to see my GP...I really wish K could have come with me but the time i got given for appointment someone had to be at home for the boys getting in from school...I did talk about her and she knows that and was ok about it...I had to because she is part of my problem...So my ever so nice and luffly doctor said i do have several signs of mild depression...Basically i went in and said right i can't cope anymore i have had enuff...Said i had too much on with the boys all at same time ie: meetings etc...And told him about K...He asked how long i have been like this and saaid since mid to end jan...I also said i had hoped my weekend break would be enuff to pick me up but it wasn't...He asked if i had enjoyed my weekend and i said yes i did although i did drink a teensy bit too much <ggg>  He laffed and said that was alright...He also said it was significant that i had enjoyed my break...My can't be bothered doing anything, lack of sleep, sleeping too much, being a narky old bag and feeling like crap has now got me on mild anti depressants...He had said there was 2 routes to go down...Route 1 going for counselling and route 2 the pills...I can talk to people and have been so counselling really wasn't best option...Maybe am not as bad as i thought i was as some things he asked am not anywhere like that...I guess if i had ignored and left it then i would have got to that stage...I did say i think i've done not too bad managing without anything for last 14 years...He agreed with that :o) ...So am on these low doseage pills for the next 7 days and then i go onto a higher dose...They have really knocked me for 6 today though...I did manage to waken up for long enuff to get G out of bed...Didn't for M but his taxi waited for him :o) That is first time i have cried in front of my doctor except when i have been in physical pain

On to K now...My GP is horrified and disgusted with her treatment...He agreed it is completely unprofessional to call a patient weird just because you can't find the problem...From my description of what is happening to her and what he remembered from her notes from 2 years ago he doesn't think she should have been refered to neurology...He said it sounds more like she should have been refered to cardiac...According to him it sounds like heart arrhythmia...Which is common enuff in someone her age...That can be fixed with either meds or a small pacemaker being fitted...He also said it is my worries about K that have tipped me over the edge...That is most likely true...Usually a break does help me and i do wish i could have some more often but i can't due to lack of funds and overnite respite places...He said that our practice would have had her on 24 hours blood pressure and heart monitor...And would have refered her as being needed seen urgently...I asked should i take her in to see him or just to take her to A&E...As he would refer her up there anyway then just to take her to A&E...So come hell or high water and even if have to fake it she is going there ASAP...Well soon's i have car back and am fit to drive...She recieved a letter today that her housekeeper had forwarded on...From neurosciences asking that she phone within TWO WEEKS of getting the letter and for her to make appointment herself...Well she will BUT i am determined we have got to the bottom of this before then.

Now on to the car...I phoned today and it's still not had MOT done...The garage my wee garage sends cars to for MOT only took one car yesterday :o( ...So no idea how badly it has failed and how much needs fixing and how much it will cost me...I need to go do a big food shop so am going to have to beg someone for a lift tonite in order to do that...As ALL council workers are on strike next tues then schools are probs going to be closed too <sigh> Had enuff of schools being closed but this is a UK wide strike...And this i think is enuff of a rant today by me so will bid you adieu

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

'I DON'T BELEEEVE IT' Ok Victor so she got a wireless alert for this ,its better than nothing at all !! which was what happened the day before yesterday ...........I'm so pleased you have a Dr who listens and ACTS on your problems ,lets hope now you can a few things sorted ,hope the car isnt going to be too expensive ,I love the picture I have printed it ! 'my chum' .............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

going to go read yesterday's
poor you
what did he put you on?
He's right of course the fact you enjoyed the weekend away (seen my shop on Ebay?) means you  don't have major depression for which I am thankful

Anonymous said...

<<didn't get an alert for this entry,and did for the testing one.. I think you've broken it :-D

Hopefully you'll be able to get K seen to, Caff.. and don't discount the counselling because you're able to talk to people normally - counselling can bring so much more out about your inner feelings, and helps you deal with those feelings professionally and efficiently

((you)) xxx

Anonymous said...

Nice pic Caff, I can see you're pleased with your nails.  Hope they can get K sorted.  He does sound a luvly doctor.  Depression has many faces so ask for the councelling if you feel it's needed, a chat to someone other than family and friends usually benefits. Rache

Anonymous said...

Caff I think if you can get K sorted it would ease your mind a lot ~ you have such a lot going on ~ I hope the pills help and you are not on them for too long ~ your Doctor does sound a luffly ~ and someone who listens to you ~ am glad you didn't ignore how you were feeling ~ and went for help ~
I think the picture is great ~ and just love those nails ~   Ally

Anonymous said...

Really glad you got to the quacks and that he listened to you, I hope you get K sorted out soon xxx Great nails lol

Anonymous said...

your nails are brill and the hair colour is cool. Glad you went to the Drs and he listened, I am here if you need me :)............Jules x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a really good doc and I hope they manage to sort out K :-)  Sorry to hear your on anti-depressants.........hope it gets better for you Caff (((((((hugs)))))))) I also hope you get your car back soon - I know what it's like to have to do the shopping without transport!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  Poor you, you must have been feeling awful for so long. I`m glad you went to the doc`s and got some meds for depression, that`s one thing you really don`t need, it only gets worse without help.  Lets hope you feel very much better soon. I do hope K gets seen soon, no wonder the doc said the worry  could have tipped you over the edge.  I do hope the car won`t cost you too much, what can`t they make a car that NEVER goes wrong eh?!!!! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Here bringing (((((hugs))))) and understanding m'dear.
Please feel free to email at any time.
You are a strong person Caff, to have coped so well for such a long time.  
Must be awful right now, but it will get better.  Hang in there.
Have to say, you look fabulous in that photo!  I love your nails and your hair, your whole style suits you so well :o)
Thinking of you.
Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

Your doc sounds like a really good doc who has sat and listenened to what you had to say.  As for K i don't blame you for being so upset, i hope you get the bottom of it soon.

Jo xxx