Monday 23 May 2005

Happy Bunny

Well youngest didn't go to the footie yesterday which is probably just as well...I'd have been lynched jumping up and down like a loony celebrating MY team winning the league...Dons fans really really hate gers fans and am well, lets say i have taste <G> Mind you was a very close finish to the title which made for more exciting season...I felt awful for oh all of 2 seconds driving down to the gym through the crowds coming out of the dons game with radio scotland on full blast with rangers being presented with the trophy LOL...Daughter and youngest wanted me out of the flat as i was jumping around the place so much...Daughters called me demented LOL...Booked lane for bowling for youngest birthday party next sun whilst down near bowling alley at beach...Did shopping and forgot invites so had to go back down to asda again DUH...Went to deliver one of his invites and had a good chinwag with my pal whilst he played with his friend :o)

No gym today as woke up with a stinking headache so went back to sleep for a wee bit after youngest went off to school...Went to fill in my bit of daughters student load & bursary application form and got confused <surprise>...Phoned up the people who do them and asked if there was an easier way to do it if on income support...As daughter was doing it online and didn't have the notes then we were missing the bit to take to DSS for them to fill in for you DUH!!!...Nice woman on phone emailed the form to me...So printed it off and took it down to DSS...Now have an appointment for tomorrow morning to get it filled in there and then...

Eldest lad came back from Ardroy at tea time and he thoroughly enjoyed it...He did kayaking, absailing, splosh (gorge walking/jumping into water), archery, a scavanger hunt, squeeze (going through narrow rock space), a quest which involved problem solving and group work, jacobs ladder (group work)...They also went to Blair Drummond safari park on the way down there...Now have tons of washing to do of smelly, wet clothes UGH!!!...He did bring back his big sis a gorgeous cuddly tiger with baby tiger as a pressie so she's happy LOL...

Plans for this week

Tues ~ Be at DSS for 9.30am get form filled in...Go to gym...Do housework...Send reminder text to carer he's going to rugby with eldest in evening <huff>...Go to youngest parents night in evening...

Wed ~ Go to gym...Go get weighed at lunchtime...Do shopping whilst in town <LOATHE shopping>...Shopping is for gig tickets and youngest birthday pressies

Thurs ~ Maybe go to gym...Rest to be filled up LOL

Fri ~ Gym???? Housework erm not sure what all yet

Sat ~ Happy Birthday youngest...Take eldest to skiing...Take both boys to club...Must remember birthday cake for youngest to take with him...

Sun ~ Boys at respite...Youngest birthday party

So there we go that is the week for just now although some is subject to change LOL

::::::Wanders off for now singing We are the Champions <WEG> :::::::Toodle pip xx 


Anonymous said...

aww for the cuddly tiger, that's sweet.  Seems he had a wonderful time.  You've so much energy, wish I could bottle it.~xxR

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay The Gers!!
Sounds like your eldest had a fantastic time at Ardroy, nice that he got his sister a pressie, awww :o)
You have a busy schedule this week, is it always like that?  With three kids, I imagine it must be!!
Sara   x