Thursday 5 May 2005

Didn't do much yesterday went to the gym and then tidied up...Did have an evening meeting for support group was only me and one other member there then 2 new members turned up...We had a good chat though and these 2 new parents now know they are not on their own...Recently diagnosed but at high school and not coping with the vast change this brings...

Today i meant to go to gym but fell asleep after i had my brekkie DUH...Luckily i woke up in plenty time to go get my hair chopped :o)...Need to chuck some more red hair dye in it but will wait until tomorrow evening...Would have liked to do it tonight before meeting tomorrow morning but am going swimming tomorrow lunchtime so decided to wait...Would rather it didn't turn some obscure lurid colour from the chlorine <G>

Meeting tomorrow morning should be FUN she says with a good dose of sarcasm...It's eldest lads Future Needs review...Social worker will be there and she left a message on answer thingy this afternoon which was very positive :o) ...The head of the base is going to be the fun one NOT...She is still banging on and on and on about his hair...insert lots of cossable words here...His hair is TRENDY...It is cut so it is *messy* on top...She would like him to take a hairbrush to school with him!!!!...He does brush his hair every morning then puts his product stuff in it and messes up the top...He even uses his sisters hair straighteners on the back bits and to spike it up better...I really do wonder what century or planet this woman is living on...Okies picture in your head David Beckham (would prefer not myself lol) when his hair was longer at back, short over ears and messy spikey on top...That's eldest hair style...Hmmmm wonder if head of base watched the snooker final as Matthew Stevens hair is not disimilar apart from colour...I will tell her that if she continues to harass him about his hair and if she decides herself to use a hairbrush on it that i will take the matter to head of education dept...the whole point of the base which he attends is for them to mix in with the mainstream kids...Now him wanting to be trendy with his hair is surely a good thing...The way she wants him to have it is going to make him stand out like a sore thumb...As the school has no uniform policy or dress code then quite frankly she can get stuffed (scuse language)...My mum is 73 and although she doesprefer a more old fashioned hairstyle on a man she does think eldests is cool and trendy...Me and eldest have been ignoring any communication about this for a year now but now that she is demanding a hair brush, tried to get him have his hair cut IN school i will not tolerate this infringment on his choice...Can you tell am just a tad cheesed off with this all <G>...Shame i didn't still have named social worker that left last june as his hair was same LOL...I'm off to watch election now...toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Maybe they need updating on young styles.  Times have changed. He feels comfortable with his trendy hairstyle, confidence should be encouraged not the other way.  Hope you can sort it.~xxR

Anonymous said...

i cant wait to read your journal tommorow!!!!!! u go get em caffy!!!!!! so long as his hair is clean and neat i think they have a cheek!! all the kids where i live have that kind of haircut and all kids should b encouraged to be individuals ,,,,,,,when u consider that teachers are not allowed to tell parents when their children have head lice ,,,,,its a bit of a double standard @ best ,,,,because one of them is a health and safety issue <winks>

Anonymous said...

'twas ever thus - being told to get my haircut in the 60's - sigh.......

Anonymous said...

Am reading backwards, so I already know that you told her off!!  Good for you ;o)
It is ridiculous for her to be so obsessed with his hair.  I'm surprised that more of the kids don't have their hair like that!  Hopefully she'll stop mentioning it now, though what a cheek to ask him to bring a brush to school, or get his hair cut in school, that would have my blood boiling!!
Sara   x