Wednesday 20 April 2005

quickie LOL

When i signed on just now one of the new items on the welcome page caught my eye...I know that Jordan is laughed and derided by the majority of people in this country and yes i laugh at some of her antics too...I do however have a lot of compassion for her regarding her son...Now a lot of people will think she shouldn't say what she does about him and possibly think she is courting more self publicity through him...I don't...Why shouldn't she talk about him in interviews...As a parent of 3 children 2 of whom have disabilities i am never afraid to say what i feel and think about them...If it transpires that her wee lad also has autism on top of the other disabilities he has then then i feel very deeply for her as a fellow parent...I don't feel sorry for her that is the wrong word...I HATE people feeling sorry for me...And it doesn't matter who you are, famous or not, being told your child has some kind of special needs is a devestating blow...If i could in any way even just write a letter of support i would, same as i would to anyone in a similar position....And for a rather selfish point of view because she is in the media spotlight then maybe, if her lad does also have autism, it will raise more awareness to the condition...I do hope she is getting all the support she needs because believe me she will need it...She does come across as a very strong person and you have to be...Most look at any child throwing a tantrum out in public as a badly behaved brat who needs a good clip round the ear...I did myself in the past when i was younger and so did my family...Now we think twice and often give benefit of the doubt...We don't know if they are or if they have some condition that makes them this way...I have taught all my children wrong from right...With the autism the frustration gets so much they can lose the plot...Every parent wants to hear their child say mummy or daddy...What i would tell Jordan is don't lose hope that her lad won't...I had to come to terms at age 3 my eldest lad maybe would never say those words...Now he never shuts up :o) ...I have also known some who suddenly gained some speech when they were in their teens or older...Maybe i will go and look for somewhere i can write a short note to her saying so...After all there are several thousand of us out here who are in the same boat and whatever we may think of her as a person we can't not feel for her...Right i have got to go to Asda for food whilst i can without having to drag youngest in tow with me as he hates any crowded places...Toodle pip xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt exactly the same when I read that story about Jordan.  
I'm sure you're right about Jordan being a strong person, but as you say, she will need alot of support.  If I can find somewhere, I will write her a short note too.
Crowded places...with you on that ;o)
Sara   x