Monday 25 April 2005

hey ho

Spent sunday doing nowt lol...Had tummy ache back and just wanted to laze on sofa watching san marino grand prix...Friend phoned just before start to see if i would come downstairs see her new car...Nice car she has now via motability so she can take her mum out as well as her son...She ordered me back indoors to lie down LOL...So lazed on sofa watching the F1...Was so pleased when alonso held off schumacher :o) ...Later decided to take youngest out to try get CD he wanted...Guess what woolies didn't have it in stock and neither did small virgin shop...He said for me to try get it today as he didn't want to walk anywhere else to get it...We did get him much needed new suede trainers...Left old ones in bin at shop as not only way too small but falling apart...It's taken me 2 months to manage to get him near a shop to get new ones...Did try buying a pair without him being there but he didn't like them, said they hurt his feet even though he had plenty room, so had to take them back...It's damn hard getting non lace up shoes/trainers for males unless they happend to be toddlers...Neither of the boys can do laces and refuse point blank to wear anything that needs lacing up...Anyway he not only got new *cool* trainers but ended up with a new hoodie style jacket without hood LOL...

Today i managed to get the brian mcfadden CD he wanted so much HURRAH!!!...Thank goodness for headphones is all i will say <G> Was such a nice day here i even got washing hung out and dried...Bets it rains tomorrow LOL...Daughter said head of youngest school had phoned whilst i was out at asda and in town getting the CD...Head said that letter had now been sent...HAHAHAHA!!!! Bit LATE as own GP already done that...Not head of schools fault though so better not get angry with her...Not done anything today either so now have flat like a bombsite, ironing again like mini alpine range and i so can't be bothered...Really must get my act together again and do something about all the mess...Boys had footie training and were in different teams and both teams won so great no arguments etc on way home...Went to WW and only lost half a pound...Mind you i really couldn't be bothered much with diet last week so own fault...Will defo get back on track good & proper this week and behave...Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Was great race - but what no earth were ITV doing cutting to an ad break with 4 laps to go!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your tummy feels better!!
J can't do laces either, velcro is fantastic stuff!!
Half a pound is still good, at least it's half a pound off and not half a pound on ;o)
Sara   x