Thursday 28 April 2005


Eldest lad decided he'd been a wee bit sick just before his taxi was due...He did look a tad pale but he had to go down and tell them he wasn't well as i was indisposed when taxi arrived...He went back to bed and actually fell asleep LOL...Got text from best friend asking if i wanted to meet her in town so i said i would after all daughter was at home to look after eldest son...Wish i hadn't gone now LOL...Apparently we are going for a girls night out next weekend HURRAH!!! i don't get out often...So best friend made me buy some new clothes...More precisely best friend (hmmmm) made me buy 2 SKIRTS!!!!...I do NOT do skirts...You see best friend is girly, well not girly girly but more girly than me...Am more of a tomboy even at the age i am now...I love my trousers, jeans, scruffy tops, though i will confess to liking high heels...Love my footie, rugby, F1, motoGP and most blokey sports...So you see i can't possibly wear a SKIRT...Thought ok will just buy them to keep bet friend happy...Got home and grrrrrrrr at daughter...Told her best friend had made me buy not just 1 but 2 SKIRTS...Daughter was mega pleased and said good...So now am stuck with 2 skirts that i now need to buy tops to wear with them...

Youngest school had phoned whilst i was out but i wasn't back home in time to phone back...Asked youngest but he's refusing to say what happened <sigh>...Tomorrow is in service day...Now why do teachers need these now...They didn't happen when i was at school...I wouldn't mind if any of the schools my eldest had been at had taken the opportunity to get someone to go in on in service day to teach them about disabilities (specifically autism in his case) but they didn't...The good thing about tomorrow being in service day is youngest doesn't need to miss a day off school to go to hospital for dentist...Because of his autism he won't let dentist do any fillings or treatment...He will let dentist check his teeth but that is all...So when he needs any fillings he goes to hospital to get knocked out and get any treatment done whilst he is under...In february they tried to do it but he refused point blank to be knocked out :o( ...Luckily he didn't lash out physically just verbally...Tomorrow they will leave the pre med longer to take effect so that he is almost asleep by time he gets the injection, we daren't try the mask, and there will be less people in the theatre surrounding him...Lasttime there was the dentist, anaesthetist, and 5 nurses and me...I don't see why they had to have FIVE nurses there at the time!!!!...The dentist said there was too many people surrounding him as did i but we both got ignored <sigh>...Two of the nurses were trainees...So fingers crossed tomorrow they have the dentist, anaesthetist, ONE nurse and me until he is asleep then they can have as many as they want...That's if we manage to get that far...I have told him if he lets them do what they need to and he behaves then he can have a reward...I know it's bribery but sometimes i need to resort to it much though i don't want to and it doesn't always work...

I do like these colours even though the yellow isn't easy to read on the header...Anyways off to see what i can eat for tea and mutter some more about skirts <shudder> Toodle pip xx


Anonymous said...

Women + clothes = boring
Women + skirt = amazing creatures

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on skirt wearing, AND shopping!  
Hope all goes well tomorrow, with the dentist.
Sara   x