Oh joy of joys...G got up yesterday morning to go to school and promptly threw up...So phone escort to say he's off sick, phone school later to inform them and try to make sure he is well enuff to go out in the evening...Catch K online and she's not right either...The steroid pills have not reacted well with her...She's hyper, jittery, can't concentrate, hungry and having mood swings...She had an assignment due to be handed in tomorrow but couldn't concentrate enough or get anything vaguely intelligble written down...She emailed and told the lecturer and got told she could have excemption until fri as long as she got a note from her GP...Thank you to Stuart for all the info when i pounced on him to ask about steroid side effects :o) ...We did make the gig which will speak about in a mo...K texted today to ask about any other side effects as the tutor was asking...That tutor saw her in class today and noticed how wired up she is and said assignment can be handed in on mon as it's obviously side effect of the meds..Tomorrow is last day she has to take them so she should be settled again by weekend :o)
The gig well i had been hyper and all wound up about it since i bought the tickets...I absolutely love Muse...They are a fantastic group and i have wanted to see them for ages...We had disabled tickets...The AECC call it special needs on their website :o) So the disabled platform was right at the back of the hall although still not far from the stage...It's raised up high enough so those in wheelchairs can see right above the crowds heads :o) It's usually all standing for gigs there but disabled is seated :o) So we had an excellent view but the support caused some hassle...M doesn't like certain noises and at robbie he covered ears when support were on but once robbie came on he was fine...Well last nite he wanted to leave cos it was too much...Even with my hands and his covering his ears he was still screaming with pain :o( ...So we left G and i took M outside to the foyer to calm down...We bought irn bru on way back to our seats but he was still agitated...He didn't have his headphones with him which he wears at times to muffle sound...The security guard at the ramp to disabled section asked if he would like earplugs...By this point we had st andrews ambulance lot hovering behind us...So he tried the earplugs and wahay happy chappy :o) ...But then i had another unahppy chappy...G was rocking continuously (aspie trait) and was uptight...He didn't like the crowds even though we were not IN the crowd...Now he's been fine at both Robbie gigs but they were outdoors this was his first indoor gig...He was okies once Muse came on as he does really like them...On way out he was panick attacking again and one of the security lot came over to ask if there was a problem...Explained the situation and he got his supervisor who let us out a side door emergency exit :o) ...Once out and in the car he was fine...Muse are a rock group from the west country and are amazing...They are fantastic musicians especially the lead singer...He is an amazing guitarist and pianist...Think the last time they played up here was years ago when they were starting out and playing small pubs and clubs...All 3 of them said last nite they were so amazed by the crowd that they want to put us on their regular venues for touring WOOHOO!!!!...They all went to school together and formed the band at school and have just worked their way up the ladder...From actually seeing them last nite am not surprised they keep winning awards for best tour and best gig because they are amazing...I've been to so many gigs over the last 25 years of people i like and been hugely disappointed with them live but i can safely say yesterday was not one of those times...For definite we will be going back to see them again...Mind you by then the boys may not want their old mother accompanying them ROFL
G was fine this morning and went off to school...Got phone call at 1pm asking me to come collect him as he was sick again <sigh> What is really annoying is he was at a safe driving conference for all 5th years and he ended up being out to first aid room to lie down...Wish someone had contacted me from there as it was down the beach and close to here...But no he got kept in first aid bit and taken back to school who then phoned me to come collect him and the school is 6 miles away DUH!!!! He is now in the huff as he had a birthday party tonight and he's not going...So he's stamping around, grumping and generally being a pain...Hmmm got M having a go at me for not letting G go to the party LOL...G is burning up and he's going nowhere bets me and M get it too...Well probs not M as he seems to have iron consitution and never gets anything
Just before i go did mention Muse were AWESOME <ggg> Think i sickned the boys of saying that on way home last nite LOLOL...Oh and i've lost my voice through shouting, singing and generally being mad woman at the gig <ggg>
Toodle pip tc xx