Monday 17 March 2008

Wee rant

You know the other week i moaned on here about our council and their ridiculous cutbacks in services due to them having no dosh...Well today one of our local MP's has sent our council a lovely letter saying they are more than likely breaking disability laws by deciding to close down one of the respite day centres they wish to close in June...Our other MP i believe has become involved too and she should know as she happens to be disabled herself...Both our MP's are Labour and our council is SNP/Lib Dem...As it happens Alex Salmond (who i dislike rather a lot) was in the city today and has stated on the local news that this letter from the MP is political points scoring...Well i really hope that someone puts Mr Salmond right as any consituent has a right to ask their MP to get involved with something if they so wish...I did myself this time last year and although am no lover of New Labour my Frank Doran did get inlvoved for me and got my problem with the DLA eejits sorted out...The council have NOT consulted the users of the respite day centre or their carers on the impact the closure will have on their lives...I've been to two conferences about these cutbacks and the effect they will have on disabled and elderly in the city...The first of those conferences was organised at less than a weeks notice by the local carers centre back in dec...And all of us who went along came to the conclusion that all decisions were already cut and dried and going ahead regardless...Oh they made noises and such like and they took note of our opinions but they didn't count IMO and many others opinion...One of my friends is an accountant for the council and i know they are in deep finanical dog poo...BUT that is beside the point INSTEAD of cutting VITAL services they could cut their own wages and expenses at the TOP of the tree...They could stop spending money on jaunts abroad, on paying expensive consultation firms to come up with idiotic ideas for improving the city that are NEVER implemented...And there are plenty other areas of wastage as well they could cut back on....But no they have decided instead to cut leisure activities, to cut services to the elderly, cut services for children and young people and to cut services for the disabled and their carers...They WANT more people to be cared for in their own home by the FAMILY and provide no respite for those families...There were users of the day centre they have decided to close at both of those conferences i went to...And they were NOT consulted at all...All they got was a letter saying the place was being closed and no alternative provision was being put in it's place...It almost pains me with how rubbish NL have been to say that i do believe that Frank Doran is right and our council are breaking the law...Alex Salmond is WRONG with what he said on tv today and if he'd been at those conferences i was at he'd know he was bluddy well wrong with his statement today...This is something i pray gets resolved to the staisfaction of the USERS and FAMILIES of the day centre and SOD what the council want...Other SNP MSP's and Lib Dem MP's are also trying to say it is LAbour trying to score points...But hey if you have an issue and write to your MP then it doesn't matter what party that MP represents they should do something about it for you as a constituent and that is all that our MP is trying to do...Story in the link below...And my opinion of our council and these cuts is services for disabled i better not write here or i will get thrown off AOL for good LOL...Now am off to iron M's shirt and get him ready to go to the talent show.

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Anonymous said...

it is so easy to save mobey by targeting the vulnerable and weak

Anonymous said...

I think,Stuart meant money ,but yes I agree Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, I agree that the best way to save money is for the politicians and powers that be to take salary cuts. From where I`m standing local councils always make sure they are alright first and the people they are paid to represent and serve a lowly second. :o(

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Caff you are so right there is such a lot of money spend on stupid surveys  that serve no purpose ~ besides these people being overpaid for what they do ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you would get thrown of AOL for good for having an opinion.............completely agree with everything you said ~ what they are doing is ludicrous!!!
