Friday 4 March 2005

daggers drawn now <G>

Guess what!!!!  Social work didn't phone me back.  When i tried to phone the line was engaged then i got a call and had to go out.  I do have an answering machine they could have left a message.  They also have my mobile number.  It's not just me getting frustrated with this fiasco now it also eldest lads special base.  Maybe i should send them a bill for my phone calls and the stress <ggg>  Had to go out as got a call from eldest lads base saying he'd forgotten his swimming gear.  Said i would try my best to get out in time.  Found the swimming gear and his wallet in the bathroom LOL.  Then got call from a friend who has been really down and depressed wondering if i could take her out to some of the shops.  Said yeah no probs will be there soon.  Oh how wrong i was found front passenger tyre flat as a pancake.  Took it round corner to garage and they said they'd put the spare on for me and get a new one later in day.  Went to phone school and friend and had left moby at home.  Ran back to flat got moby and phoned school explaining and apologising.  Tyre had either brushed against something sharp or some <expletive deleted> had cut it <sigh>  More expense and got MOT in 2 weeks time lol.  Decided i hate cars but it is a necessity.  But although i hate shopping it was nice having a good chinwag with friend and she's beginning to feel a lot better :o)  Daughter is away next weekend to scottish youth parliament meeting so more expense.  Think i will be living on beans on toast for next 2 weeks which could maybe be good for diet NOT lol.  Toodle pip for now as no more long lies on saturday.  Not even on sun this week even though mothers day as boys are in respite <woohoo> xx


Anonymous said...

so frustrating!!

Anonymous said...

Beans on toast ain't that need the extra energy all that running around you do.  Your always on the go.  Hope you can get something sorted with the social soon, very soon. xxR