Wednesday 1 August 2007

what a div lol

Car was supposed to go back in today to get wing mirror replaced...I woke up with a stinking migraine and was barely able to phone them let alone drive it round...So i've spent most of today asleep trying to shake dratted migraine off...Am blaming the heat...Yesterday the temp gauge thingy in my car was up at 36 degrees at one point...When not being driven it sat at around 33 degrees even in the shade...When being driven it was mainly at 27 degrees...That was with ALL the windows right down...I finally set up my printer...Feel a right div like...It wasn't printing pics properly on the photo paper...So i took it back to where i bought it and they did a straight exchange...Pics still weren't printing right hmmmm...Now on the printer you set a button for photo paper and yes i had that set there...I scoured the instructions in the book and the ones that are on the computer from the installation disc...And the only instruction LISTED is to set that button...Hmmm not quite enough as it happens...You also have to make sure that when you go to print that in the print instruction properties window it is set for whatever type of paper you have in the printer...So set it to glossy photo paper and hey presto pics print right...I don't actually like glossy photo paper but it was a packet i picked up cheap...All gone now and most of it wasted on trying to get the thing to work like...I've always prefered matt or satin finish photographs...But hey it's all working now so i just need to try and use the scanner on the printer LOL...I also want to take a decent photo of each of the boys...Then i will print them as large as i can...Am going to print off the posh pic of K done in studio last year....Then find frames and get them to ex mother in laws...So either she or my ex's wife can take them to america for him...Belated 40th birthday pressie...His wife is over for august i just hope she doesn't decide to come up here to visit...Sleeping combined with painkillers has got rid of the migraine...But as ever i feel washed out and knackered from one...Better go and try and do some tea...Enjoy the nice weather whilst we have it

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

So pleased you managed to suss out the printer ,hope the migraine has gone away for a long long time now ,,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Lol, I always do stuff like that :)

Anonymous said...

an oooooops moment - never mind ;)

Anonymous said...

Caff so glad you got the printer to work OK ~ I wish I was tech minded normally end up getting someone else to sort it for me ~ hope that migraine has gone ~ and you get the wing mirror on the car replaced Ally x