Tuesday 21 August 2007

Mini Rant

School went back today HURRAH...M came home from school with both his SEN school timetable and his mainstream maths timetable, no hurrah there...What school goes and totally and utterly changes the timetable on the first day of a new school year!!!!!!...Bearing in mind they actually start the next school year in June once all the 4th, 5th and 6th year exams are finished...So they were already on the 4th year timetable...And now it's been turned upside down...So i have been on the phone to M's SEN school, the mainstream school, the public transport unit and his taxi firm...Whats the betting i will still get mr doddery arriving tomorrow morning at 7.30am to pick up M ROFL...He's now at the mainstream school for 1 period on a tues afternoon, 1 period on a wed afternoon, 1 period on a thurs morning and a double period on a fri...Fridays are OUT after this fri coming as he will be at college...He needs transport from mainstream on a thurs morning and home on a wed afternoon...I can see me tomorrow afternoon getting a call from the mainstream school asking why he's not been picked up...Also i really need to buy another sweatshirt for the mainstream school...4 days a week with no break to wash it he will need 2 instead of 1...At least he has plenty black trousers and i got him black trainers yesterday and he still has black shoes...Must remember to take back one of the polo shirts i bought in Asda as i bought 1 in the wrong size...Am a bit miffed as well that his SEN school is now doing Caledonia Awards with the pupils...It's on a fri afternoon so the pupils who are at college won't get to do them...Which i think is very unfair...There are only 3 pupils going to college, they could have arranged it for a time when ALL the older pupils were in school...There isn't any info online about these awards...I get impression they are done through schools only...They are similar to Duke of Edinburgh awards but specifically for pupils with special needs...And designed around special needs and to cater for special needs...And things like that always look good on a CV when just leaving school...Mind you through the Triple A team then both the boys are going to be doing the Youth Achievment Awards...Again it is similar to Duke of Edinburgh awards...Except i think there is more community stuff involved in them...Am not too sure to be honest LOL...I know the Youth Achievment ones are UK wide...There's a bit on this link about them.

Welcome to Youth Scotland

Anyways mini rant over i have to go make sure the boys are ready for club...Oh and G spoke to his technological studies teacher and his teacher is appealing all exams he reckons should be appealed...So never know G may end up with 3 A passes instead of the 2 A passes and B pass he has just now...Fingers crossed

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for G ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

this year our secondary school pupils are beiing bussed 10 miles to school and also next year while the school is knocked down and rebuilt. Tough on them great for peace and quiet

Anonymous said...

I think I might have a Youth Achievement Award, I can't remember which one we all got last year.

Anonymous said...

well I hope it wasn't as complicated as you just made that sound and you sorted all the transport issues