Tuesday 26 June 2007

I don't exist LOL

Hmmmm not happy...I went to add on Sara as a friend on my MySpace only to find that my page was all wonky...My friends were there and not a lot else...I couldn't log in as i kept getting that my password was invalid...So i tried to email them...Oh joy they didn't recognise my email addy!!!!! So what a pilaver to go through to contact them and ask what on earth was going on....Then tonite when i try to click on the link to my MySpace i find that my account has been deleted...No informing from them that they have done so...Now who the hell that would want to hack into and mess up my MySpace i dunno...It's not like i had loads of people on it as friends or anything...What really annoys me is a very dear friend from high school and college found me again via it...He was one of my best friends and we lost contact after i married my ex...He didn't like my ex much LOL...Ok so he was right in the long run but that's all water under the bridge now...I was just so chuffed to bits to be back in contact again after so many eyars had passed...He's very happily married and living part in Scotland and part in Colorado...I have now contact MySpace again telling them precisely what i think <ggg> Politely of course LOL.

Am so so porud of M...It's going to sound really silly as to why like...He went to the small barbers round the corner yesterday and got his hair cut....First time he has been to a hairdresser since he was around 2...I have always cut his with clippers but he decided last oct to grow it longer...Well i can't cut with scissors so it was getting out of hand...So when he got up yesterday he asked to go to the barbers after school...I went with him of course as i was very wary as to what he would be like...But he sat there good as gold and let her cut his hair...With scissors and then with clippers to finish off and tidy up the back and around his ears...I said to the other woman it's a pity you can't go and train to cut mens hair only...She said you can...I said well everyone i've asked has always said you need to do full course...But no you can go to evening classes for a year at the local college to learn to do mens hair only...So i am going to look into doing that after the summer...If it's available then i will sign up...Yeah i could get a job being a mobile mens barber for boys with special needs....Am sure there is a big market for that here as i know loads who won't go near the hairdressers...See years ago when the boys were both little the hairdresser i used also went into one of the local SEN schools for severely disabled kids and did their hair...So he was brill as he didn't put pressure on either of my two and knew wot to expect...G let him do his hair but M wouldn't...It was after he left this area that i got the clippers and started doing theirs and their fathers myself...Also at teatime tonite me and M went to the information evening at the local college about his link course...It sounds great...Possibly a bit too easy for him but he will learn about coping with doing college or work instead of school...Good transition scheme IMO...Actually once the woman in charge was finished showing her slides and talking about the various sunjects they offer for the link course she answered questions...And M being M wasn't afraid to ask LOLOL...She was well impressed with that and said well at least he knows what he wants and isn't scared to ask stuff...One of his friends from school was there with his mum...Neither of the two of them wanted their mums with them ROFL...This course is treated as part of school so if we have any problems we contact the school...They also inform the school if they don't turn up <ggg> So no skiving off for no valid reason <ggg> The other lads mum i was asking how her business is going...She went to art school to down in England...Her hubby is from up this way and they moved back up here 4 years ago to get better and appropriate schooling for their son...She does caricatures and does them for weddings...I mentioned my wedding favours ideas to her and she said go for it...Last wedding exhibition she had a stall at the one next to her was favours and they did a roaring trade...And that was just the tiny boxes wrapped in ribbons etc...SO here's hoping by end of the week my womens problems have naffed off for another 6 months and i feel fit enough to do a big search of the flat to find my crochet stuff LOL...My GP is off this week so no chance of seeing him...Found that out yesterday when i phoned to get an appointment with him and for the practice nurse to see M immediately...We ended up in A&E instead grrrrr...Bleeding noses runs on my mums side of the family...Bearing in mind my mum had 8 brothers and 1 sister and some of them have big families too there isn't a single family who hasn't someone who gets them...Both K and M get them...K has had her nose cauterised umpteen times...M hasn't ever had his done...Well just after he got up yesterday and announced he wanted the barbers and he'd been and washed himself he started shouting from his room...What a sight, his white polo shirt had a huge red streak down it...I know they can look worse than they are though...But this time it just wouldn't stop...Like a fountain just pouring blood everywhere :o(  Can't phone surgery until 8.30am...Still pouring then 25 mins later...Before when that has happened with K she's just gone to the practice nurse...But no no take him to A&E...What a flaming pilaver...We got there at 8.45am...2 people in front of us waiting for triage nurse...She didn't see anyone until 9.15am...Whilst that woman was in his nose stopped gushing everywhere...Triage nurse did his BP and said she;d ask for minor injuries to see us even though technically he didn't fit the criteria...We had to wait quite a while to be seen by a doctor there...And the doctor asked why i hadn't taken him to the GP practice ARRGGHHH...Told her what they said so she wasn't impressed...By the time he was seen at A&E there wasn't anything they could do...His colour had started to come back...He'd lost a lot of blood and he should have been lying down not sitting in A&E FFS...That's 4th bleeding nose in 2 weeks but the worst he's had since he was little...When he was little they tended to happen in his sleep...He'd waken up to a pillow & duvet drenched in blood...So hmmm they break up for summer hols on 6th July...I will get him to see our GP ASAP after that and ask him to cauterise that nostril...He was making everyone else giggle as he was moaning about missing school....Bless most kids would be jumping for joy to be missing school...One of the women waiting was a teacher and she said she wished her pupils would be unhappy missing some time from school LOL...Going to see if i have had a reply from these MySpace people yet <sigh> Also i do pray that none of your are flooded out...If you are then i really can't express my sympathies enough for you...Yorkshire looks dreadful on the news :o(

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Nathan gets awful nose bleeds like that too, I used to when I was little so I guess it's my fault. Thats a bloomin nusiance about myspace. We are ok in our little bit of Yorkshire but quite a bit of flooding elsewhere in the county.

Anonymous said...

come cut my hair........................not been near a hairdresser since 1995.
My Space - pah,bah,humbug

Anonymous said...

What an excellent idea ,to go on a ,for cutting mens/boys hair ,Im sure you would do well ,...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I hope they can sort out "My Space" for you ~ hope you will be able to contact your friend from school and college or him still able to contact you ~ M did well to go to the hairdressers ~ hope you can take that course on cutting Men's hair that could be a nice little earner for you ~ thankfully Caff although there has been a lot of flooding this way we are OK at home ~ I do feel for those whose properties have been flooded though ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Have never used Myspace.  I have enough hassle with what I already used. Great about the haircut and what a good idea, training to cut mens hair. Go for it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cath :o)

love the idea of cutting hair.

One of our young ladies at work hates having hers done, insists on stripping off except for her pants before she will lat anyone near her lol Another of them will often go off happily to the hairdressers and then once there changes her mind! Could write a book on em and their antics with hair cuts alone lol

Luckily one of the other staff members used to be a hairdresser and she does a lot of the cutting for them all.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea about cutting mens hair. . .be so handy to be able to do that.Hope your son is ok now.Im in Yorkshire Caff and yes it was bad,thankfully I wasnt flooded but just five minutes down the road was and it looked horrendous ,theres skips outside every house with lovely furniture in. . its such a shame.