Saturday 9 June 2007

The big launch

Well it was the big day today...The launch of the DVD at one of the local cinemas...G was sick so unable to go :o(  M had a speech to do introducing the DVD to everyone in the screening room...He did really well standing up and talking in front of everyone :o) The DVD itself is fantastic...It was funded by the local council education dept and a copy is being put out to every education establishment in the city...Am not sure about the shire but i hope it is as a couple of the lads involved are from the shire...There will be a few feathers ruffled and noses put out of joint at some of the schools by what some of the boys have said...But who cares as it is how they felt about how they had been treated in certain schools...Ok the schools aren't named but the ones involved will know exactly who they are when they see the boys...They all spoke a bit about bullying, their ASD, difficulty in making friends etc...It is so professional looking and really is a credit to all the boys and the one girl in the Triple A team, to the volunteers who give up their free time to run the group and to the arts people who helped them to make the DVD...It was really good to see one of the blokes from Peacock visual arts along to watch it...He did so much with them...Him and one of the other workers from Peacocks showed them how to film and not just with a small camcorder but proper video camera with mikes etc...They also worked with them on showing them how to edit film on the computer, how to add in special effects and how to add in sounds...They all learnt a heck of a lot about the film making process and also made friends whilst doing so...A couple of the lads in the group are now home educated so more isolated and the group has helped them a lot...One of them went to the same base as G for a while and was on G's taxi and G missed him a lot so was chuffed when he started at the group.

Now Stuart did an entry today calling us women and alien race LOL...It's so funny but all the boys in the club act totally different when the only girl is there...They apparently become more gentlemanly, curb their language and treat her with more respect than they do the other boys...Regardless of the surge in 'feminism' and equal opportunities since the 1960's there must be some inate inbuilt trigger in males to treat women with some kind of deference...Am all for equal opportunities but at times it can be ok to be treated like a lady...Not that i am a lady by any a very long stretch and i don't mean having door opened or some bloke giving up a seat...Those 2 examples are plain good manners irrespective of whether someone is male or female...I dunno it's just sometimes nice to be cared for i guess.

K's boyfriend has been voted in as an MSYP today so they're both chuffed to bits about that...So big congrats to him :o) Am absolutely shattered as after we watched the launch me and a friend took M to spend his b/d money in HMV...He now just needs one boxed set of Quantum Leap DVD's...We then had lunch and then we put him on a bus home and went wandering around town LOL...John Lewis don't have any swarovski crystals left that i like and goodness knows when they will get more back in...To be honest am better buying online and i can get more shapes, colours and sizes that way...But for samples it was easier going to John Lewis and no-where else here sells them...Anyways hope you all have a good weekend

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

I like women.............:)

Anonymous said...

Well done to all those involved!  I do all of my shopping online except for food, so much more convenient and nice to have things delivered to your door.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to everyone, I do a lot of my shopping online too, is loads more convenient

Anonymous said...

Good idea the DVD, it's right they should circulate that amongst all schools.

Quantum Leap :) always knew he had taste.  In everything else Scott did he never lost that Quantum Leap label of a mild mannered person. Rache

Anonymous said...

Very good luck to them all ,I have never shopped on line ! I like shopping in John Lewis ,its not often they cant supply what we are looking for Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Caff wouldn't it be lovely if they showed their Vidio on TV so we could all see it ~ Congratulations to all concerned in making it and the volunteers who helped ~ nice to know they learnt a lot from the experience ~ Ally x