Tuesday 5 June 2007

Not much of anything really

Well today was supposed to be the last day of my course...But everyone had got muddled up so they're doing an extra day next week....I don't know if i will manage next tues or not yet though...It has been very interesting and although i haven't really learnt anything new as such i have still learnt a little...I've learnt the proper psychology terms i guess for what i have been doing for the last 14 years LOLOL...Today we did about transitions which is main reason i was interested in the course...Mainly because i am coming up to major transition periods with both the boys...Leaving school and going out into the big bad wide world of adulthood....EEEKKKKSSSS...But i have done my usual and been doing my homework and been trying to prepare with G leaving school next year since 2 years ago LOL...

Am also trying to persuade G that at his age he really should have a part time job...Thing is i can't see him in asda on a checkout...Possibly in one the individual depts within a large supermarket like that but checkout hmmm nopes...He has big time sensory issues with textures...Certain foodstuffs he can't touch because he can't stand the feel of them...That's where his fussy eating stems from too...Not so much he doesn't like the taste of something but he can't abide the texture in his mouth...Possibly one of the clothing stores though...Or one of the games stores...Now there's an idea....I wonder if GAME take on saturday/sunday/late night shopping only staff....Hmmmmjust mentioned it to him again...He cringed until i said how about we try one of the games stores....Big smile on his face...Only one problem there...He'd get his wages and hey presto spend them all in the store LOLOL...But it's something more adult than a paper round and possibly something he could carry on with whilst at uni...Or one of the computer shops...If i can crack him then hopefully i can crack M next year...And hey get one meself too...

Oh BTW if anyone wants to buy a card then they can...Or if they want one specially made for a special event then i can try and make a suitable one...And yes i do do new baby ones Stuart LOL...And i need to come up with a really special one with Gramps on it <ggg>

Am not happy with M...Am really upset with him...Welli was chuffed he went back to footie training last night like but am still upset...He handed me a note late on sun night...From his school...He usually gives me them straight away but had forgotten...Well his school are going on a trip on the 25th august...And M doesn't want to go...S'not fair <stamps feet> cos i WANT to go on it...M won't go because the event doesn't start until 5pm at night and he will miss his sat night viewing...I've told him Dr Who will be finished by then but no deal...They are going to Murrayfield to watch Scotland V South Africa...The kids are £5 and any adults wishing to accompany them will be £10...So not fair as i LOVE rugby...I wanna go <sobs> He's being horrid and mean LOL...Perhaps i can manage to get him to change his mind...Fat chance i reckon <sigh> And on that note as am all upset again am offski

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

You can do me a nice wedding anniversary one please I need it for August 15th

Anonymous said...

Would be good if he could get a part time job, hopefully it would help teach him some responsibility, You're going to have to do the nagging mum bit with M lol