Thursday 7 June 2007


Okies reason i've gone private, which i ended up doing at around 2am, are several....K had been talking to G on MSN and told him to ask me to talk to her later...See wed night i watch The Apprentice and G gets online...I don't get on until after 11pm...Well i forgot i was supposed to be speaking to K...Last week she had money appear in her bank account and she thought it might be her deposit money back FINALLY...She said couldn't be her travel expenses claim as it wasn't enough for that...Well it was the latter and that's what she wanted to speak about...SAAS (student awards peeps) have apparently calculated her travel from an area of Edinburgh itself that has same name as the wee village she is staying in...Which is around 10 miles outside Edinburgh...But the woman she spoke to said she;d sort it...She better put it that way <ggg> So K went off and her b/f came on...After a while he IM'd me...He's allowed as a reader on one of K's ex housemates blog...Well this little bitch has been reading this journal...Has been making some rather nasty comments...Is still trying to split K and her b/f up...Thick or what...Most peeps know the more you try to split a couple up the more they will stay together just to defy you...Besides K and her b/f are very happy together :o) ...This little bitch has also stated in her blog that they have been witholding K's mail...They have the forwarding address but they are witholding it out of pure MALICE...Now someone please correct me if am wrong but isn't witholding mail a CRIMINAL OFFENCE???? Hmmmm my bro's wife runs their local post office, trying to phone them just now but no answer...Shop must be busy will try in 5 mins or so...K has still had NO deposit money back off the landlady...The one who's son and g/f lived in the house...I am absolutely FUMING...I have no idea if she was just reading from the net but not via an AIM name or AOL name hence no comments left...If i could block her only then i would have, but as i can't i have had to make it Private...I really have no idea who all reads my journal except for those who leave comments and a few that don't but are on AOL or use AIM...I have added everyone i know who reads to the allow list...I am so damned angry with this lot i would love to take them to court somehow...Well the deposit can be dealt with through the civil court, which doesn't cost much...Hmmm ex housemate claims no forwarding address...Not true they got given one...Anyways rant over.

Just spent a very pleasant day at a friends but forgot to take her what i was going round with LOL...Tis her birthday on saturday and i left her card at home DOH...I'll drop it off later as M wants a lift to his meeting tonight...Which is fine by me as long as he gets the bus home...I have to go buy stuff for packed lunches for both the boys tomorrow anyways...G has 6th year induction day...All the 6th years from his school and the other school they combine with for 5th & 6th year at some park on the outskirts of the city...So acked lunch required...Also had a call from the base for him this morning when i was out at the shop...He was still in bed and didn't hear the landline obviously...So he wasn't a happy bunny when i woke him up and asked him to phone the base...The 6th year timetables came out today...Advanced Higher Technological Studies IS running...They thought it wouldn't be so those who wanted to take it opted for other subjects instead...So he now wants to drop Higher Geography and do tech studies instead...They're both in the same column...He's also considering changing the Standard Grade Administration for something else IF Higher Physics is in same column...Or if it's in a column he already has free...M had a footie tournament today but he won't tell me how they got on so am presuming the worst LOL...He's also had several nose bleeds today :o(  He used to get them a lot but hasn't had one for ages...K also used to get nose bleeds a lot and had her nose cauterised several times to try and fix them...It runs on my mums side of the family...Anyways better go and get some glue looked out before i take M to his meeting...My rear view mirror fell off for no reason the other day...Considering they're only held up by a sticky tab then am guessing the warm weather has finally made the sticky tab be unsticky...I know i can use the wing mirrors but i like having my rear view mirror...I constantly use all the mirrors in my car and am lost without it...And no it's not for putting lippy on LOL

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Not only that but they were told to pass on my mail through a mutual friend (who isn't quite such a mutual friend anymore) so had plenty ways to get it to me until they got the address.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and she's removed him from her friends list now lol

Anonymous said...

hm that's quite tough.
Isn't K paying for ger mail to diverted?

Anonymous said...

The addresses are all changed now anyway, they shouldn't be keeping the mail in the first place they have numerous ways to get it to me, even if they just gave it to Tet's flatmate.

Anonymous said...

Will never understand people like that, hateful spiteful people.
Have re-set my alerts for your journal m'dear, though alerts don't seem to be working at all today.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Am reading Caff, thank you for the invite. Rache

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the invitation to read you Caff.I do like to read about your life and your boys and K.I would be fuming over withheld mail too!Some people are the pits. .I hope it all works out fine.

Anonymous said...

Hey there..thanks for the add...sorry about the hassle with the IM's..grrrr
have a good weekend ...