Last week was a bit of a pain and busy...I have a card meter for my gas and my boiler is so old is should be condemned...My pilot light had gone out and it's a pain to relight and i need my plumber to do it for me...So he came out and relit it for me and 2 days later it went out again...He came back and decided the thermal coupling needed replacing so after a lot of hassle he managed to replace it...But my meter had gone off and needed switching back on...So i had to phone the gas supplier and get someone out to switch it back on....This was week past saturday...It worked fine 'till last tues evening when my meter died a death on me and i had no gas whatsoever at all...Couldn't cook or have hot water or heating...I phoned powergen on wed morning and they put in an order for transco to come round and see what was up...Well 8.25am transco were ordered and they should have been round within 4 hours...Called powergen back after 5 hours and they called transco who said they were running a bit late...Phoned powergen back at approx 5pm and got transco told them they were very busy that day and i was still on list to be seen...At what time they couldn't say...Hmmm bloke arrived at just after 6pm...The batteries needed replacing...HE said he'd relight the pilot light but it came on all by itself...HURRAH...Well i got a call today and am getting £20 compensation because transco were so late in coming round...They're going to send me a cheque :o) That wed the boys had club and i was in a panic on how to get them there...They'd fallen out so refused to go on bus together or in a taxi together...G went on the bus...For first time ever M walked into town on his own and arrived at club safe and sound...The toerag refused to take his mobile with him so need to work on that with him...G phoned to say they were both there safe and sound though :o) ...Had a huge arguement with M over him walking unaccompanied like but am glad he managed it...Fingers crossed he can manage it again.
Last tuesday i started a 6 week course on issues to do with teenagers who are aspergers/autistic...It's not every day but every tues for 6 weeks...Last week we all introduced ourselves and said a bit about our children and what we hoped to get from the course...Me of course having 2 went on forever LOL...The course is being run by the Scottish Society for Autism...We had to do a mind map about ourselves and i still need to finish mine...It should be interesting...Anything said about each other of course is confidential but i can speak on here about what i get from it personally and how it will help me with the boys...What i really want to get out of it is help with coping with the next big transition which is of course leaving school and going out into the adult world.
K was home briefly at the weekend...She came up on fri evening and left on sat evening...She was up campaigning with the Scottish Youth Parliament in city centre on sat...She took M down with her to help out as well...He really liked it which surprised me as town was crowded on sat...The others who came up from the SYP to campaign seemed to really like M and are keen for him to become an MSYP somehow...G really isn't interested in any of it at all...He just wants to sit and play on his Wii or X box or PS2 or be online...He starts his exam leave a week thurs and is off for a month he thinks...K took a friend back here whilst they were waiting on their respective trains on sat...So he set up my router for me :o) So the boys can use the Wii online now...G is moaning that the writing is too small on the screen though...No doubt he'll set up the X box to use online too
I've not set up the printer or the camera yet on the computer...I know am lazy <ggg> ...I still need to read how to delete pics off my camera as some of them are awful...The colours are all wrong on some of the pics of cards which is really annoying...Lilac/purple has come out blue...I may take them outside and take pics out there in the natural light see if they work better...That's providing the weather stays nice LOL...Anyways better go pick up G from footie training...M has stopped it for now but i hope he goes back...Hope you're all up early to wash your faces in the may dew tomorrow with it being 1st of May LOL
Toodle pip tc xx

Do you mean that you have two autistic children two? [newbie to your blog]
Best wishes
phew your life is one long drama - poor you
How annoying for you no gas ,but good for you to get the cheque ,you sound as though you have had a busy time with the boys well done M walking to town ,its a worry ,but hey he did it Jan xx
Hi Caff, That was a result getting £20 compensation, good for you. Well done to M walking in to town safely, now he`s done it once I`m sure he`ll do it again. I really hope the course is useful to you, it sounds as though it`s very interesting.
Love Sandra xxxx
Looks like we are going to have to crown you Compensation Queen lol. hope your course goes well, i have Jason's transition review next week and am dreading it. Hopefully someone there will actually listen to me this time, i live in hope.
Caff however did you manage with no gas ~ well done on getting £20 compensation ~ well done to M walking into town ~ Glad G phoned to let you know they had both arrived safely ~ The course sounds interesting and hope it really helps you with their transition coming out into the Adult world ~ glad you had some time with K ~ Ally
What a nightmare with your gas and boiler. At least your getting some compensation :-) Glad you got to see K at the weekend. Hope the course goes ok xx
Must of been nice to have K home, even for a brief time :o)
Sara x
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