Friday 18 August 2006

Call me daft after all my kids do all the time <g>


Am losing my marbles <ggg> Went outside then had a thought so phoned K...It's 3.40 her train gets in not 2.40 LOL...Doesn't matter really as it is going to be a nightmare down there anyways...Major roadworks causing huge tailbacks down at the harbour which is where the train station is near...Didn't help that a bus crashed into a shop down there either the other day too.

So it's been yet another one of those weeks...The DSS in their wisdom decided not to pay my income support into my bank account...Dunno if same will happen on mon or not...They did give me a giro for it though...On good side i had money paid into my account that was a refund and earlier than expected :o) ...Now i got a new mobile phone last month and dunno if i said or not but i was sad enuff to get the robbie williams one from T Mobile...There was 3 gifts to unlock on it...1 being an exclusive soundbite (which i thought that's what i'll get), one of 500 pairs of tickets to one of his UK gigs, or ONE meet the man himself...Well i sent the text and unlocked my gift...I've won a pair of tickets...Don't know which gig yet...M is not happy at all and can't understand why i didn't get the meet robbie gift...I have been trying for at least 8 years to get him to meet his hero...I don't use the word hero lightly there as he really is a hero to us...It's robbies music that helps to control M's autism, that helps to calm him down, that makes life a bit more bearable...Like i said earlier i've been trying for years and i refuse to give up hope that one day it will happen.

K has been down in edinburgh since tues and is off to shetland for the weekend...The latest SYP meeting is up there...She's got all the bumph stuff from Napier sat here waiting for her...The DSS still haven't got the form filled in that i need for SASS to get her student loan...Actually am sick fed up of the inside of the local DSS office over last few weeks...Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe what i feel about them just now.

My social worker was round again on mon and is back next thurs...Need to start on M's DLA form so she can read it over as it needs wording very specifically...She's also putting them forward for a different playscheme/respite thing...One where they do more things...The club they have been going to is going to carry on after the holidays :o) ...They still have a lot to do to this DVD they are making and both the boys are really enjoying it all...There is a junior (not sure what age that is) film making short course next summer at local college...I need to get more details like age, what it involves and then see if they want to enroll...M definitely wants to get into media like filming etc once he leaves school...It will be hard as he won't have the qualifications but somehow i will do my damndest to get it to happen as he can do the practical side.

Oh am very up and down with Stuarts quiz thingy...Deciding to answer it whilst my anti virus was scanning was bad idea LOL...I think a lot of my answers are sheer luck too...But it's fun and hey something is only easy if you know the answers...Or in my case most of the time a lucky guess

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Got fingers, toes and everything crossed your plea for a meet with Robbie happens Caff.  I love him too, M has good taste :)

Will call you daft!!! but you're not really just stressed :)  Rache

Anonymous said...

let's hope somehow you can work out the Robbie thing

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  it`s great you won the tickets but I know how much M wants to meet him.  I really hope he will get his wsh soon.  Is it possible to leave a message on his website?  :o)

Sandra xxxx