Erm where to start as it's been a while...Sorry i haven't been around much but there's been too much going on to spend time writing in here or even reading everyones blogs...I have but not been leaving comments much but i have been trying to keep up with the reading...Am up and down like a yo-yo with stuarts quiz thingy LOL
So the MAIN thing for today is up here in Scotland it was exam results day...Now M was doing SQA access courses and we already knew he'd passed the 2 he was doing but he still got his certificate through today nevertheless...So he now has music SQA Acess 2 and erm something to do with Enviroment at Access1...Am not allowed to look at it so not entirely sure of the name of the 2nd one LOL...G got his Standard Grade results (gcse's)...I'll explain again how they work before i say his grades...There is Credit, General and Foundation levels and also graded 1-6...Credit is 1 or 2, General 3 or 4 and Foundation 5 or 6...Everyone sits General and then depending on how good you are you either do Credit or Foundation...Credit being the best...So here's G's grades:
Mathmatics ~ Credit Level 1
Technological Studies ~ Credit Level 1
Graphic Communication ~ Credit Level 2
Geography ~ Credit Level 2
English ~ General Level 3
PE ~ Intermediate 1 but no overall grade as this was various modules as part of short course
I am especially chuffed with his english grade as he has always so struggled with english and him being able to get a 3 is like some others obtaining a 1...Also his geography am well chuffed with because MrsP (you all know how much i love her LOL) has always been so dismissive of him doing geog...Claiming that no-one with aspergers/autism can manage to cope with it...I'd so love to go in there and stick 2 fingers up at her and say i told you so...But i won't because he's still got 2 years left there...Maybe when he's on his last day ever there <ggg> ...The PE was his short course and i really don't understand these intermediate grade things at all so please don't ask...Today was a day that i didn't dare dream that i would see when G was younger...I am so chuffed to bits i really could cry and maybe just maybe let myself think that he can go on to achieve a degree after school...But hey we have highers next year first.
My mum got home from hossy for 2nd time last fri and well she's still being cantankerous, forgetful and moody and we'll just leave it that she is back home as i'd rather not talk about it all.
K has packed in her course at Heriot Watt...She missed too much with being ill and with languages it is very hard to catch back up again...However she is going back to uni just a different one LOL...She phoned Napier uni (in edinburgh) to ask if they had places through clearing on one of their courses...The bloke on the phone took all her details and said he'd have to speak to the academics of that course and he'd phone back within 15 mins...Well 3 mins later he called back and she has a place :o) ...What he had done was he took her details for UCAS and went to phone them LOL...So she is starting 1st year again but at Napier doing Psychology & Sociology...Now although she is good at languages i do think this is more her thing and be right up her street...She'll be alright for student loan & bursary as you're allowed 1 mistake.
My bathroom ain't getting fixed until end sept :o( ...I still don't have a proper car and i still ain't had a break LOL...I saw my GP yesterday and he's now put me on anti depressants that make you lose weight LOLOL...Think mainly to coax my body back into not being so lethargic and kick start the weight i put on to naff off again...I refuse to buy new clothes even though i have nothing that fits just now as such...My social worker has been round again and coming back again next week...Think my putting on a face act is slipping a bit but maybe it should...I have a DLA renewal form to fill in for M and the category i am hoping to get high mobility for him is just so utter pants...To qualify for low mobiliy the child can walk but needs someonewith them to make sure they are safe. Or the child can walk but needs someone with them to help them find theur way around in places they don't know well...This is what M gets just now...Well yeah BOTH apply to him but like on a PERMANENT basis...The category that i am hoping for High rate is, the child is severely mentally impaired with severe behavioural problems...One snag here they must need help with personal care both day and night...It is UTTERLY ridiculous that for someone on with autism who has severe behavioural problems like M has to have to need care at night...It's not fair and it's WRONG...IF i let him out on his own the chances of him being arrested for lashing out at someone are extremely high through no fault of his own...You know i don't care if i have to semi fib on the dratted form to get what is right for him...Anyways help during the night hmmm might go into those questions another day...If i start just now then i will be ranting on for ages and am in a good mood and rather not spoil it...We're gonna work on wording it the right way so he can get what he really needs.
Am away the day after the Robbie concert to meet up with a group of friends from online and am really looking forward to it...Am also really looking forward very much to sharing a room with one amazing, mad, bonkers woman who i admire a heck of a lot for her bravery...And i know she reads this and she can shaddup and just take that how it is meant so there :o) I won't name you cos am nice <ggg> ...I just hope i don't keep falling out of bed all night this time like last time we shared a room LOL...Don't ask please!!!...Goodness knows what am gonna wear as i said nowt fits me cept scaggy old jeans and one pair of tracky bottoms...It's going to be fun and although i can only manage the one day due to the Robbie gig i am determined to enjoy myself and behave for once <ggg> Been loads more happened over last couple of weeks but some i won't put here and some well it's all a bit too much...Oh but WOOHOO to Jensen Button on sunday that grand prix was one of the most exciting i have watched for a very long time :o)
Toodle pip tc xx