Wednesday 14 June 2006

Thank you's and other bits


Didn't realise time had flown past so quickly since i did entry last week...Thank you everyone for the lovely comments left about K...There's a lot of people read this that don't leave comments but have told me lovely things too :o) ...She reads this now though so i have to be careful what i say LOL

Hasn't the weather been just glorious :o)

On saturday M decided he wasn't going to club but G did and he actually went outside LOL...Normally when it's weather like this he doesn't as it makes his hayfever worse...On sunday me and M went into town shopping...He took some of his birthday money as he wanted to buy a sonic screwdriver...For anyone that doesn't know then it's from Dr Who...This toy one is actually quite cool and doubles up as a pen :o) ...I was shopping for clothes for M for going away with on mon...I had bought trousers but they didn't fit him so need to take them back to asda...Managed to get 2 new lots of tracky bottoms half price in JJB's, got 2 vest top T shirts in primark for only £2 each, got loose summer trousers in primark cheap, got another set of shorts in primark too...They did have a specific clothing list but because of the hot weather i decided to pack shorts and t shirts on top of everything else...Here's where he's off to  The Bendrigg Trust - activity holidays for disabled people ...It looks brill :o) ...Sunday was so so so hot that me and M were puggled with the heat LOL...Later after cooling down inside i went to asda to do weekly shop, packed lunch for him on mon shop and to get more el cheapo trainers...He still can't tie laces but once they're tied for him he manages to slip then on and off LOL...Oh and i had to buy him a camera so hopefully he will have managed to take some pics.

On monday morning his taxi was late...So here we were sat at 8.40 M ina panic and no taxi yet...Just as i was about to phone the school i got a call from the escort saying the taxi had been delayed and hadn't even picked her up yet...Their taxi dirver lives about 13 miles out of the city and had been delayed in traffic on way in DUH!!!!...As there was 3 on his taxi going on the trip i managed to assure him they wouldn't leave without him...When they eventually picked him up the escort asked if i would phone to say they were on their way...Monday early was a bit dull here but he dressed in 3/4 trousers and a t shirt and hoodie anyways as i said would be hot on the bus...He phoned at about 8pm to say they had arrived at 4pm...They'd had treats and a special cake, he was sharing with a lad i don't know and they had to make up their own beds...Now in school newsletter last week it said what they were going to be doing...Last nite he decided to phone again <bless> ...He's enjoying himself but is missing me and is missing his brother...Rather funny as G is missing him too...The two of them are missing arguing and fighting with each other ROFL...Anyways yesterday he said they had been on a wonderful walk and say a beautiful waterfall...They also went CAVING!!! yesterday...He enjoyed it ARGGHHHHH...I know G likes that kind of thing too but no way am i ever ever going caving full stop...Hmmmm wonder if a carer could take them or maybe health & safety would say nopes LOL...No doubt he will probably phone again tonite <bless> The other activities they have planned are canoeing, rock climbing and abseiling...If you look on the website you will see they do wheelchair abseiling :o) Oh and last nite they were having a BBQ  Now M likes to cook at a BBQ (typical male) but he won't eat at one...Well he was having sausage in a bun last nite so he can do same at home <fingers crossed>

Jules should be back out of hospital tomorrow as she had operation yesterday and nasty painful bit has now been vamooshed :o)

Toodle pip tc xx



Anonymous said...

Sounds like he is having a wonderful time bless him.  Yes, brothers they are always fighting and making up but miss each other when one is not there.  The weather has been far too hot for me, I like it around 70, 72, no higher. Just can't take it any more poor old dear that I am

Anonymous said...

Aww boys always miss their mums

Anonymous said...

Iam so pleased M is enjoying all the activitys and sausage in a bun!,bless him missing his Mum and brother ,K's compliments were all well deserved,and earnt bless her ......Pleased to hear Jules is on the mend ,,....with love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sonic screwdrivers are infamous...........didn't know you could get one to double as a pen Glad Jules is doing ok. Rache

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  M sounds like he`s having a great time, it sounds like a great place for youngsters,  You really get your monies worth in Primark, I`m always buying bits and pieces for Roman, you can`t go wrong with those prices.  :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Caff ~ Sounds like he is having a wonderful Time ~  Yes, it is amazing how brothers always fight and then miss each other when they are apart ~ K did deserve the praise it was well earned ~ never heard of a Zonic screwdriver lol  ~ thanks for the link to the Bendrigg Trust ~ looks really interesting ~ Ally