Wednesday 17 May 2006

Last exam and trips away

Well G has his last standard grade exam yesterday so just the big wait until august now to see how he's done...He had Graphic Communication yesterday and said it was alright...Said it was a bit easier than the prelim but doesn't want to say too much...Think he's scared he will jinx his results if he says too much on any of them...Except for the maths LOL...The school phoned me yesterday so i asked when does he chose his Highers (A levels)...Got told he'd already chosen them so i said he didn't tell me...He's adament that he did but he didn't...He may have told M but he didn't tell me LOL...So next year he is doing 3 Highers...Usually in 5th year they do 5 subjects so 3 is brill...I better do an explanation here for the readers who aren't in scotland...Up here we don't have 6th form college...You stay on at school for 5th and 6th year if you wish to...In 5th year usually you do Highers which are our equivalent of your A levels...One difference, our Highers are done over ONE year not two...If they then stay on to 6th year they can do a mix of types of exams or do advanced highers...That clear enough i hope :o)  So G is doing Higher Maths, Higher Technological Studies and Higher Graphic Communication...Doing only 3 will allow him time in the base to get help with homework and also continue the base cirriculum...The base teach them life skills and how to live with their aspergers/autism in the outside world...If he wishes to do more then he can in 6th year...Now his school work in conjunction for 5th and 6th year with another high school close to it...Both of the schools are smallish with only around 500 pupils total...So working together means those who are staying on have a better chance of a class running in subject they want to do :o)  The pupils get shuttled in a mini bus between the 2 schools for classes...Two that he is doing are in his school and the other one is in the other school...Don't ask which i can't remember cept it isn't maths LOL...He's now off until june 2nd as it's still study leave time...On fri he is away to Ardroy again for an adventure weekend with the base...They're back on mon tea time...Ardroy is the name of the outdoor centre and it is situated at Lochgoilhead...That's slightly north west of Loch Lomond...So other side of the coast from us...On the way down this year they are stopping off in perthshire to go white water rafting again...Am JEALOUS big time...I would love to try that out and this will be second time he's done it <sob> Do hope he's back in time and not too knackered to go to footie training on mon night.

The boys are in different teams for the footie tournament i spoke about the other week...G is in one of the 16+ teams as a defender...M is in one of the under 16 teams and he's being goalie...Forgot to ask if parents are allowed to go with them this time...I kinda need to go really as M may throw a strop like he did last time...Defo packing extra clothes in case it rains or hails like last time

K has appointment for her EEG tomorrow...No idea how long before she gets results from it but fingers crossed they find something...I know that sounds bad kinda but not knowing what is causing all this can be worse than knowing if you get my drift.

Anyways i have 20 zillion things to do and get ready for G's trip...Lucky i didn't throw out old trousers with hole in knees LOL...No jeans for watersports and a hole in knee won't matter for something that is going to get soaking wet and thrown in bin after using...Lucky he has old trainers that are about ready for the bin too...Must remember buy him disposable cameras and insect repellant tomorrow.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

hope all goes well for K tomorrow
bet you are glad the exams are over¬!

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, sorry I haven`t read your journal lately but it would have helped had AOL sent me an alert....grrr!  It`s great to hear how well G is doing at school, he`s such a credit to you.  I`ll bet he enjoys the adventure weekend, it sounds like great fun.  All the best to K for her appointment, I can understand how not knowing must make you feel.

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

seems awful to have to wait till August for results ~ really hope he does well he certainly works hard ~ thanks for explanation of 5th and 6th year ~ the white water rafting sounds like great fun ~ I would think after doing that he is going to be very tired ~ Hope K gets on OK with the EEG know what you mean about hoping they find something ~ I know you will keep us updated hope she dosn't have to wait too long for the results ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

So G's exams are all done apart from the wait grr ,I hope all goes well for K tomorrow ....the white water thing would petrify me ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping everything crossed for G, still don't understand the Highers doofer but I'm sure he'll be fine . Good luck to K tomorrow, hope it all goes well

Anonymous said...

G has got the same problem as me I don't like to think about results positively incase I jinx it too!  Sounds like he's got his head screwed on though and good luck to him for rest of exams!  Hope you do find out more about what's going on with K, I think most people who have something going on with their health would prefer some diagnosis, you can start to deal with it then.  One of mine has just come back from one of these activity hols with the school and ditto the old clothes and old trainers etc...lots of washing for you when he gets back then!

Anonymous said...

Hope G has a fab time on the adventure weekend :-)  Well done to him for getting through his exams - sounds like he had some good opportunities ahead of him and your explanation was great xx  Hope K is alright!!

Anonymous said...

Hole in the jeans is fashionable Caff.........£60 a time, he's going to look so cool.  Tis very clear on the structure of education up there..........not lolol, I never get it right after being told  a 100 times.......I just wish em all good luck in what they do.  Thoughts for K on her EEG too. Rache