I hadn't realised it was quite so long since i did an entry...We're still alive LOL...M didn't have athletics on saturday we had been sent the wrong info in the post <sigh> That put him in a bad mood for the whole weekend...Actually all the boys did was niggle at each other, argue, fight etc all day saturday and i was glad they were away to playscheme on sun...Apparently they had been fine all day there but as soon as i turned up to collect them it started again...On way home i told them if they didn't shut up and behave i was leaving home LOL...It worked they became quiet after that <ggg> Think they were a bit miffed as usually it's the child who says they're going to leave not the parent LOL
So this week what have we done...Well not a lot really...I had the GP on tues and he's now given me a 2 month suplly of these happy pills but i have to go back in a months time...They seem to be helping but i dunno really...Not sure if it's the pills or me just being back to my 'don't give a stuff, just get on with it' usual attitude...He's said to stay on them for a few months just now anyways but he is going to see me regularly...See that's what i like about our GP he doesn't just hand out meds and then not see you but likes to keep an eye on how you're getting on.
At club on sat and at playscheme they weren't impressed at G not going outside in the gorgeous weather...As i said to the bloke in charge of club and to playscheme there is no way you will get him outside in this weather...We could smell new mown grass near club which was enough of a deterrant...G suffers from extremely chronic hayfever and has done since he was a baby...He was first put on meds for it at only 5 weeks old :o( I dread to think what he would be like without the meds as he can get really ill on them...He doesn't just react to say grass pollen or tree pollen but them all :o( So spring and summer to be honest are a really miserable time for him...He tends to stay inside and not go out at all...Now i didn't know this before but i was reading some info and noticed that some trees start pollen in january and some others don't stop pollen until nov...I am now wondering what type of trees it is that are around his school...This could go a lot to explain why he has had rhinititis all year round just about at this school...Could be not something inside the school he's reacting to but the trees...He had his geography exam on wed and he said it was hard...He think he may have managed enough to get same as he did in the prelim though which would be brill...Would also be a kick in the bum for MrsP who claimed no-one with aspergers can do geog LOLOL...On sat i bumped into one of the teachers from the base in sainsburys...I told her what G had said about the maths exam...How he reckoned he has 100% correct answers for both the general and credit papers...And that he only thinks he may have dropped a couple of points for workings in the credit paper...She said she doesn't doubt he's correct in assumption of having all correct answers at all...It was her who was in with him for the exam so she should know LOL
K has appointment next fri for her EEG...She does have to wash her hair before it so it is clean...Told her yeah but don't bother straightening it or making it look pretty as it will just be covered with gloop...Her and her boyfriend went through a minor blip this week :o( Well he dumped her on tues as he couldn't handle it all anymore but they were back together by wed afternoon...Young love eh who'd wanna go through that again <ggg> Now her fella says i am officially insane as i understand him <ggg> See i said i didn't think he deserved a slap for putting her through tues nite...As i said to them both what is happening with K would put a lot of pressure on a relationship...Let alone one that is still only 6 months old and especially both so young...I know how worried i am and he's there with her day in day out seeing it all happening...The infuriating thing is she's not worried at all and i do believe her when she says that...Anyways they have had a good long talk and are back together and happy again :o) Two of their friends did slap him though LOL
It's been rainy and chilly here today after over a week of glorious weather :o( It is brightening up just now so hopefully will be nice over the weekend but am not holding out much hope...Have a nice weekend anyways wherever you happen to be :o)
Toodle pip tc xx