Sunday 13 April 2008

Britains Got Talent!!!!! hmmm

K moved yesterday as her lease finished then although the keys don't have to be handed in until monday...She's got a room not far from the flat...I can't remember if i said already but that came about weirdly...This woman had rescued her from some obnoxious git on the bus and they got chatting...The woman and her husband were looking to rent out another room as they already had a lodger...So K went to see it last mon or tues and took it...It sounds nice and when the woman cooks she cooks for everyone if they want what she is cooking...The furniture that K has collected over the last year is now at my ex mother in laws...That includes her telly as there was already a telly in the room...Oh i'll have to remind K to get a refund on the TV licence...She has no internet access just now as they don't have the internet but are going to be getting it installed...Also this couple reckon they can get K a job for the summer quite easily :o)  And that possibly can continue part time when she is back at uni after summer...She can stay with the same GP as it is the same area...I think she's actually a wee bit closer to the GP now...I phoned my ex mother in law last night and she said they're a nice couple in their 50's she'd say and i feel happier knowing she has seen the place.

Well last night we did watch Britains Got Talent and OMG...K texted me gobsmacked that M didn't get through and they put through that bloke on the electric organ murdering the star wars theme tune...I must say i can't understand it myself...It's not sour grapes M really was a lot better than some last night...I do think he made a massive mistake though...If you remember i said that once he had been buzzed 3 times M spoke out...Then Simon said it was nice to meet him though...And then M walked off the stage...3 buzzers from watching last night didn't mean you were out <sigh> Now i reckon M should have let all the judges speak and then voted...Oh well he wants to put me through it all again next year ARGHHHH...BTW those buzzers are LOUD...MEGA LOUD...Scarily loud to be honest...Am not so sure that the change in format is a good idea...Last year they had the pre-recorded auditions, then the live semi finals and then the final...All over the space of about 9 consecutive evenings as i recall...This year they have 6 saturday night shows of auditions, then the live semi finals onconsecutive evenings culminating in live final...People will get fed up of seeing it for so long...At the time i was a bit miffed as well when M was on stage...All he was asked by Simon was his name and what did he do...He wasn't asked his age or what he did for a living...Everyone else we saw and those we saw last night were...But as M is no longer in the competition i would like to see an act that is NOT a singing act winning...A bit of variety rather than just having another singer but we'll see.

I really had better not phone social work as M's contract agreement with Jigsaw is 4 years out of date LOL...It shouldn't be as what he was assessed for money wise for support and respite was redone last year and the year before...Social work probably have a copy but have never sent it to Jigsaw...I only found that out because i had to ask for transport for him in 2 weeks time as i won't be here...K is coming up on the 23rd or might be 24th...It's the thursday LOL and she's coming up to be with M at the YAC agm...Apparently there may be some ructions and bad feeling and she's been advised by some on YAC to be there for M as he doesn't like any nastiness...It's not really that people are going to be nasty but they want rid of the current chairperson and possibly dep chairperson...M doesn't respond well to stuff like that...So K said she would come up and when i asked when she was going back she said the sat or maybe the sun...So my darling angel of a daughter is going to look after the boys so i can go to the weekend away for single parent carers our carers centre has organised for that weekend :o) Ok we have workshops to go to but we can also get pampered if we want...Am really looking forward to it.

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Caff, it really sounds as though K has found the ideal place to live, it sounds really nice. I watched Britains Got Talent and I cringed as I watched the old fella on the keyboard, he was worse than dreadful. I think all they care about is making good television and talent comes a poor second, although it was obvious that Simon Cowell is really looking for a singer ( no surprise there!)  It will be interesting to see how this series pans out though it does seem a bit drawn out.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

font font font >>>>>>>please

Anonymous said...

Good luck to K in her new home, I'll be routing for M next year. Rache

Anonymous said...

Caff how Lucky K was in chatting to that Lady on the bus ~ sounds like she has got some good accomodation ~ and meals if she wants them ~ enjoy your weekend away knowing that your boys are in K's capable hands ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

You must be so relieved Kerry has found such a nice place to stay , Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you shall make the most of your weekend away and good on ya ~ why not indeed :o)  I was thinking the exact same thing when I watched them put that organist through.  What a pile of crap he was!!!!!  I told my mate about M trying out.  I do agree with you though that it should be a non singer who wins aka britain's got talent ~ not just in singing, what the hell do we have x-factor for if they just want another programme to highlight singers???!!!  Sorry I'm ranting in your comments section lol


Anonymous said...

The problem with these shows is they want to either put people down and laugh at them or the opposite end of the scale. Ah well