Tuesday 30 October 2007

Chuffed to bits

I'll write about the weekend later as i am over the moon today...This morning i had M's annual review meeting...The head teacher, class teacher, careers scotland woman, educational psychologist, autism outreach, speech therapist (shock), head of SN at the mainstream school and the deputy head teacher were all present...And me and M of course...As Mrs F from the mainstream school had to leave quickly she gave her report first...M is doing exceptionally well in his mainstream maths class...He is top of the particular class he is in :o) He would be capable of doing maths at a higher level but the classes for the grade she reckons he is capable of aren't suitable for him to be in...IF he had been staying on at school next year she would have had him back doing that stage...As it is because he will be leaving to go to college full time she has said to ask college for him to do intermediate level maths rather than the SEN level...They'll have to or there would be NO POINT as he's already beyond the SEN level anyways...I did mention that he'd refused to bother to get me an appointment at parents night with his maths teacher...They all laughed and said yeah lots of pupils are like that regardless of SEN or not <g> So she left and we went on to his class teachers report...Well she is as pleased with him as the mainstream school...She is also concerned that in some subjects he will already be beyond the level of the SEN course...At college they work on SQA access 3 level and he is doing that level for a lot of stuff at school this year...So they will be looking closely and asking college what they can actually provide...Apparently college is more flexible than it used to be...I didn't like to ask but i am wondering if their may be a possibility that he can mainly do mainstream stuff and then move on to a proper course...The SEN one is very very basic i have been told, which really isn't suitable but he needs qualifications to do a regular course...And as that's what the school seem to be after as well fingers crossed...The last thing i want is him to be bored and repeating stuff again...We had that in his first SEN school he went to and that is why he is where he is now...I always maintained he wasn't thick or stupid and that he was well capable of doing the national tests they do in Scotland for the 5-14 curriculum...But naaa they didn't do them unless pushed into it by bolshy parents like me LOL...Even then they dragged their heels so much it was yonks before he did any...Spending 2 years on the same maths book that is only like 30-40 pages long would bore anyone to tears...Spending months or years on same English books, same history stuff etc etc would bore anyone rigid...End result of that was he got so bored he tried to run away from that school more than once and hated getting up in the morning to go to school...I won't put up with the same from college...He's got a brain and he's being allowed to use it and i don't want that to stop...He's good at music, he's good at maths, he's good at other stuff as well...He's behind because he was drip fed for 3-4 years of his earlier education, he won't stand for that happening again and neither will I lol...He's in charge of taking the minutes at the Prefect meetings and the Student Forum meetings...He's also in charge of making sure they are typed up and handed out to everyone before the next meeting...The head teacher said he's quicker at doing that than she was LOL...He's matured a lot this last year :o) They said they believed it was because he was also going to the mainstream school...That may have played a part but i believe it is more to do with his being part of the Triple A Team group that both him and G are in now...Them making the DVD that they did to help to raise awareness of pupils and kids like them has given M a more grown up and different perspective on life...It's mainly because of that he has joined YAC and wants to become and MSYP like his sister...He WANTS to make everyone more AWARE of people like him, his brother and his friends...To EDUCATE people and to make people realise that they are not stupid or thick or retards ( i LOATHE that word)...To make people realise that kids and adults like him are intelligent and that they just see the world different to most other people...That seeing the world differently doesn't mean you are daft or stupid, just different...Besides to them we're the ones who're not normal <G> ...He told everyone at the review he is a member of YAC (youth action committee) and that he wants to be an MSYP when there is a vacancy for our area...They were very impressed...All in all it was an excellent review and one of the best he has had :o)  Just as well considering it will probably be his last one...On that note am going as i am full of the cold...Oh yes just after i recovered properly from my flu M, who never gets anything, saw fit to pass on the stinking rotten cold he had LOL...So i feel crappy again and worse than i did with the flu...My poor immune system has taken a battering LOL...And am also off to wish K a Happy Birthday on MSN...Am feeling old as she is now no longer a teenager
Toodle pip take care xx


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! M's on the up and up.........I imagine tears welled you're so chuffed :)  he's lovely.

My son always used to warn me, something like 'the French teacher hates me' lololol....by this I knew he'd not done well in that.  You can be very proud of all your kids and their sharing :) tlc for the cold Caff hope you leave it on a park bench somewhere. Rache

Anonymous said...

Well done M, you have made your mum very proud

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely brilliant, Caff - its great that M has so much ambition and belief in himself - its great when any kid is like that, but when they've had to come through so much adversity like M, and want to try to stop anyone else needing to go through the same, it says a lot about his character and maturity. Well done to him - and well done to you for giving him the support structure he needs to be able to do that.
L xxx

Anonymous said...

Caff hasn't M done well ~ I can imagine how proud you are of him ~ as you are of all your little Clan ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

what good news ;)

Anonymous said...

What great news Caff xXx Well done M !!! xXx

Anonymous said...

You must feel very proud ,so sorry you are feeling groggy from your cold ,wish Kerry a happy birthday from me ,,love Jan xx