Saturday 16 September 2006

Poorly sick

Well hahaha so much for being able to do more regular entires...Can't remember if i mentioned that G was sent home sick from school the other week but he was...Daft time to phone ask me to come get him as it was 2.15pm when they phoned...Got there at 3.05pm and they finish at 3.30pm...But he really wasn't well and had some horrid tummy bug...He got back to school on mon and kindly passed it on to me and K...I got the worst of it and have spent most of this week in my pj's throwing up, sweating buckets and passed out on the sofa :o( ...Am trying to see if some rice krispies i had earlier are going to stay in me...Sorry TMI but hey ho LOL...Haven't been able to take my meds either which doesn't help...Isn't it always the same they are fine all hols then go back to school and catch some bug and are off sick grrrrr...M of course didn't get the bug i so wish i had his constitution as he rarely gets anything.

K had recovered enuff to go back to edinburgh yesterday...I had to ask my best friend to take her to the train though as i was unfit to drive...Not happy about being poorly all week as best friend had weeks holiday from her work and we were gonna go out have nice coffee etc...K is having to kip at a pals for a couple of weeks as she can't move in to her accomodation until 28th due to a cock up by mortgage company...So she's off with a suitcase, laptop and papers she needs for uni and not a lot else...We'll go down in a couple of weeks and take her gear to her and go pick up all the stuff she's left at my friends...I really am quite chuffed with reactions i have had to my web thingy...Some people i know are passing the link on to other parents which is quite a compliment...I've added a news type page just to put things that are happening on it...Like just now it has about the Robbie gig LOL...I don't want to link this blog to it as i don't want my ex or his family reading this ROFL...But on that news page anything i write hear that is about the boys and important i will copy over...I pinched the quizzy thing below from sara's blog which she pinched from Jens and filled it in about myself just for a bit of fun.

Type the first 2 words that come into your can only type 2 less.  Apart from if you have to cheat once or twice as I did!

1. yourself:  bonkers mad 

2. your husband:  long divorced

3. your hair:  needs cutting

4. your mother:  up north

5. your father:  sadly dead :o(    

 6. your favorite items:  computer car

7. your dream last night:  i wish 

8. your favorite drink:  diet coke 

9. your car:  citreon xantia 

10. the room you are in:  needs decorating 

11. your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:  too clingy

12. your fear:  heights wasps

13. where you want to be in 10 years:  happy working

14. what you're not:  feeling well 

15. your best friends:  amazing people 

16. one of your wish list items:  happy children

17. the last thing you did:  tried eating

18. what are you wearing:  pyjamas  

19. your favorite weather:  snow sun 

20. your favorite zoo animals?  tigers

21. your thought for the day?  be happy

22. your favorite book:  anne mccaffrey (i can't chose one of hers) 

23. last thing you ate:  rice krispies

24. your life:  too complicated

26. your body:  too fat

27. what are you thinking about right now:  getting well 

28. your crush:  keanu reeves (drool)

29. what are you doing at the moment:  typing this 

30. your fall schedule:  see Muse

Can anyone see the mistake in the above LOL i can't be bothered changing it

Toodle pip tc xx


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon, I enjoyed reading your answers, might have a go at that myself.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you have been poorly ,I had a similar thing though wasnt sick just very shaky hot and cold and slept the day away,a couple of weeks ago ,hope you are on the mend now ,glad you enjoyed the Robbie concert ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

aw hopes you  soon feel well
not well enough to win the quiz though..............

Anonymous said...

Aww, feel better soon Caff :o(
Liked your answers... had to go back and look again for the mistake, lol, still didn't spot it!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

He he, thanks for pointing that out... no No.25!
I like to know these things, am wierd like that ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff,  I hope you feel much better soon, tummy bugs are horrible.  I had to go back and have a look and still couldn`t find anything until I read Sara`s comment!

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Nope I can't spot a mistake!!  Great answers though - your going to see Muse??  They're not bad - from down here y'know ;-) lol...........Hope your feelin' better ~ damn bugs

jen xx