Sunday 27 February 2005

Smiling cos of dragons LOL

Well today got rudely awakened by eldest at 8am <shudder> needing in as door was locked.  She'd spent night with a friend and friends dad had woken them up at 7am!!!! so they could go swimming LOL.  So she was after swimming gear.  Unlocked door and went back to bed <ggg>  Youngest has been fine today except for not wanting to talk to girlfriend on phone.  He hates speaking on the phone but i keep telling him he has to try to when it's his girlfriend or she'll dump him LOL.  Decided to be brave and take boys into town in afternoon.  Eldest had probs with gamecube and turns out was him doing something wrong not the actual controller as he thought.  Am totally dense with these things so wouldn't have a clue.  So he also decided he'd have a look at everything whilst in shop so he could tell me the several games he'd like for birthday which is soon.   He's been told no way is he getting like £200 of games!!!!!   Daughter was a darling yesterday and cheered me up no end :o)   Shop in town was closing down and owner had told her 2 weeks ago and said come in day we are closing and i'll give you a good deal.  So taking my money i got for my birthday 3 weeks ago she wandered off to the shop.   Am now pround owner of 3 new biggish dragons.  I love dragons and have a few of varying sizes and types.  This 3 are the biggest i have yet though.  Now i need to clear a space so i can display them lol.  Ok was my dosh she used but it still put a smile on my face for first time this week :o)  Tomorrow will be busy so my mind should be taken off all my worries bout youngest.  Me (secretary LOL) and chairperson of local aspergers support group are having a meeting with someone who can do our leaflets we have come up with better than us.  But dozy here has forgotton what time and was me phoned to make it lol.  I swear i wrote it down but this past week has been so stressful i can't find it.  Brill secretary i am NOT.  Oh and chair has decided as she is computer illiterate she will leave me to make an appointment to get help with building a website!!!!!!!!   Poor woman is under impression that i AM computer litterate just because i can turn the thing on and send email <ggg>  On a good point i have forms to fill in for the NAS so we can be affiliated with them and appear in their information stuff about local groups.  Shame although we have resonably sized membership we have few come to meetings.  Maybe we will get more in 3 weeks time and a better turnout after we have a stall at a local information fare for families of children with special needs.  Hopefully one day i may even manage to use all my knowledge about coping and dealing with the boys to help others as an actual job.  Would be nice am not much qualified for much else.  Anyways offski to admire my gorgeous new dragons. Toodlepip till next time :o)

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