Wednesday 1 October 2008


Okies must say am confused...Are all journals being moved by AOL to blogger or just american ones...Being technically THICK to say the least i can't fathom the intstructions for saving a) this journal and being able to re-read past entries b) saving stuff i have on the FTP space and c) how to save the websites i have that are hosted via AOL as am sure they go through hometown...I really need my whole journal saved as i don't have the time to go through all the back entries to save the stuff that is extremely important...Can we transfer these journals to blogger if AOL don't???? AOL have been gradually doing away with everything that made them and ISP that people were willing to pay a premium for...As far as am aware AOL are still one of the more expensive ISP's yet they have nothing to make them worth that premium...Ok AOL aren't technically an ISP anymore, not since CWP bought the membership but people still regard them as an ISP...Every single part of AOL that was community based be it groups, journals, message boards, chatrooms have all been run down or done away with over the last 2 years...This started before CWP bought the membership actually...Am expecting chatrooms and message boards to go next which means that there won't be any point in AOL existing anymore

Oh and does anyone know how to transfer fave places from AOL to the faves on internet explorer????


Anonymous said...

Bloody pita isn't it Cathy.  I'm sure Stuart will know how to shift stuff but a £ to a p it will take you absolutely ages and be very troublesome.
If Stuart can't help then I'm sure the guys on the Help boards will be able to sort you out  :O)

Anonymous said...

I don't think the instruction for moving to blogger are up yet and I suspect there is not going to be an easy way to move photos elsewhere. Sue them for the distress :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Caff I am as confused as you are :o) I just keep reading magicsmoke looking for details ~ don't give up trying would really miss you ~ Ally x