Saturday, 20 September 2008

not much of anything

Garath started uni this week...Well he starts properly on tues 23rd but he had induction and freshers week this week...Not that he did much of the freshers stuff...He went to the freshers fayre but left after signing up for 2 clubs because it was getting crowded and noisy <sigh> He went to a gaming day yesterday in the student union...His student ID card has a right doozy of a pic on it lol...You know like the passport pic or the driving licence one...Really awful doesn't look like you much pic <G> Rather strangely his bank has changed his account into a student one without being asked to or being given permission...Both him and Mikey got info through from the bank asking if they wished to convert their accounts to student ones but neither of them gave the go ahead...Hmm weird...He's joined the snowsports club and the gaming club...The gaming one is console/computer games not role playing ones like warhammer etc...He did speak about looking at the football club, basketball club and swimming club...But he didn't sign up for them at the fayre so am trying to encourage him to look into it through the union instead.

It has been an eventful few weeks hence i haven't been posting anything...Can't say much except that i've been supporting and been there for my best friend recently...Mikey appears to be enjoying college although i still have reservations about the course...Am not the only one either so at least i know am not alone on that score...Not that we can do anything anyways <sigh> Kerry is up for a few days as she was speaking at a 'training' evening thing about autism on thurs...Well it was her and Mikey who were actually doing it and no-one else...It had been organised by the guy who is in charge of local council youth committee as he had heard Kerry before...Apparently Mikey spoke really well and wasn't nervous whereas Kerry was shaking like a leaf...But he's autistic of course he wasn't nervous lol...Actually could be a good thing if he is willing to talk in public about how life has been for him and how he feels being autistic...See Garath would never stand up and do anything like that as Garath is shy as well as aspergers...But there are a couple of young people here who have done talks and well Mikey could be another added to list of any of the organisations IF HE wants to do it.

I really need to get some decent pics done and start creating a website...I keep chopping and changing name i would like so often i think when i go to buy a domain name i will just write the names on a bit of paper, close my eyes and stick a pin in and choose that way ROFL...Need to go for now but will try not to leave too long before next time i write here

Toodle pip tc xx