Well what a difference M's review was to G's...Far more upbeat and positive :o) ...M got the praise he deserves :o) ...It was his Future Needs review today which is one where the careers advisor takes part and we discuss preparations for leaving school and the future...His report was brill...He's doing well in communication & language (english), well in maths, well in his class topic work...Well lets just say he's doing well in everything :o) ...PE teacher said he showed good skills in the canoeing they did recently...Music teacher is very pleased with him and he's making very good progress on the drums especially...The head teachers comments at end of his report were following:
This is an excellent report and M is demonstrating an increased maturity across all areas of the cirriculum. His performance in the Christmas Show was exceptional and it is good to see his increased confidence in school
The autism outreach teacher for the school was there and she is looking at working on certain skills with him...Like learning to cope with losing at things...Learning to adapt to different things that can happen...Learning to cope with *failure* ...Basically learning to cope with stuff that will happen in the big bad outside world we live in
Social worker was very positive about him :o) ...She will be deeming him 'disabled' under the terms of the Disabled Persons' (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986...G had the same done last year...As i said before this is to protect care etc he may need when he is an adult...she also mentioned that i wondered about the possibility of M being able to do any standard grades somehow...Now his class teacher, head teach and educationals psychologist were surprised i was thinking about music...They had been wondering about him doing maths at the mainstream high school they liaise and work with...So it is being looked into and we'll see what happens but i do think he will be doing same as one of his friends soon :o)
The careers advisor met M recently for an interview...As usual M didn't tell me about it LOL...She discussed his progress at school and what he would like to do in the future with him...He told her about his swimming, football and athletics and how he is aiming to get to the special olympics in 2009 <bless> ...He spoke to her a lot about working in media television...She was surprised how much technical stuff he knew about behind the scenes...We spoke about the link course to the local college and how he will probably do that...The access course at the college covers a wide variety of subjects and does include life skills too...He'd like at some point to do work experience at the local TV station LOL
As i said what a difference between the schools...M's head teacher, class teacher and everyone else there are so positive about him...They give praise where it is due but at same time they say he has to learn to cope with failure...Now see G's base are supposed to teach this but instead they have started to mollycoddle them instead...As a parent i do protect my kids as much as possible...I have probably protected the boys even more so but at same time i do not hide from them what life is like and about how you need to cope with outside world
Anyways as you can tell am really pleased with how today went and i am so hopeful for the future and how he may progress :o) Oh does anyone want scotch pancakes recipe as i will put it on here laters if you do
Toodle pip tc xx